
Takizawa The Spacial Magic User

This book fallows a boy named takizawa and his mother dies so he looks for the guy who killed her to get revenge.

prowoestories · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Takizawa was so curious to why he would run away and why he was apologizing at his mothers grave so Takizawa decided to spy and fallow Barakoman.

At first nothing seemed off until Barakoman started saying

"i wish I was there....i wish I was there when u passed im sorry he did this too you"

Takizawa jumped out and yelled

"what do you mean? You know who did this" all Barakoman did was run.

The next day Takizawa was walking and saw Barakoman but this time Barakoman didn't run he hugged Takizawa.

Barakoman said that the cause of his mothers death was actually becouse of a villian named Aroshi.

Takizawa decide to go on a hunt for Aroshi and once he finds him he wants Revenge for his mother.