
Takizawa The Spacial Magic User

This book fallows a boy named takizawa and his mother dies so he looks for the guy who killed her to get revenge.

prowoestories · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The beggining

Takizawa Thought he was an ordinary kid in an ordinary and boring school, But then it happened.

Go back 3years when Takizawa was just 12, He met this kid named Deku and no matter what deku smiled.

No matter how much pain or suffering deku has had he always smile. One day Takizawas mom had passed away and Takizawa was very deppressed, He even stopped showing up to school.

Until Deku went to his house and showed Takizawa his quirk of super strength and positivity.

Takizawa And Deku became bestfreinds and Deku wanted to see Takizawas quirk but Takizawa didn't think he had one. Until now....

Takizawa was 15 in the 10th grade when he saw the man known as Barakoman and he thought something was off about him but he couldn't figure it out.

Barakoman always ran away after seeing Takizawa and Takizawa decided to fallow him and to Takizawas surprise he discovered that Barakoman knew his mother.

He discovered this when he saw Barakoman Visiting his mothers grave and apologizing.