
Takizawa The Spacial Magic User

This book fallows a boy named takizawa and his mother dies so he looks for the guy who killed her to get revenge.

prowoestories · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Special ability unlocked

Takizawa Asked around and couldn't find anthing on Aroshi until an old man walked up to him and said " your looking for Aroshi right?'

Takizawa quickly said "yes do u know where he is".

The old man said something very unexpected "Yes but he changed his name his new name is..DEKU"

Takizawa stood there shocked. Takizawa decided to persue Deku and Takizawa felt so strong about this that he unlocked his secret ability SPACIAL MAGIC(creating rifts in space and time to transport anywhere).

He used this ability to locate Deku and once he found him he transported him to a solitary confinement room and now Takizawa can rest easy knowing his mothers death was avanged.

(*Note* Sorry fo this short novel, this is my first ever one so if you kinda liked this lemme know so i can continue to create more and maybe longer novels for yall)



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