
Take That Dear Ex

Laila goes into after being pushed by her husband the man she loved while she was trying to confront him about dropping his affair .She wakes up after three years .

BayVee6 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter one

Fred stood outside Laila's room angry, confused and miserable his phone was on the bench ringing continuously his body was present but his mind was far away .He was experiencing a moment he never ever thought of ,it was his worst moment. His soul was moaning he had lost his childhood friend , his crush , his love. As he was waiting for Laila's parents to come he regretted what he had told Laila when she was leaving her father's house to go marry Steven ," Hey Choco you will regret not marrying me ! " he told her that evening and she answered him with a smile " I can't wait! " then she released her wrist from his grab and dragged her suitcase away . Memories memories memories the good and bad old memories stormed in his head giving him migraines.

The memories of how they met 19 years ago when Laila was 4 years old and he was 7 . His family's company was facing a financial crisis so the Mwangis decided to help and they became business partners.Their parents were talking business so he left the living room and went for a stroll when he saw a small cute girl trying to wear shoes . He walked to her helped her wear them " Thank you! " she said and he was amazed how a baby could talk like that " Wow a cute baby who can speak!" he said excitedly which for a reason it made her frown making her look even more cute." I'm not a baby , am sister Laila! Mommy said Elsie is the baby." she said and he chuckled ." Then you must be a good sister, though you should take it easy Choco...." he said tapping her head ."

He remembered playing with Laila and Elsie . Memories of Laila joining the same primary school as him and being the top student in class until he finished primary.

He remembered her coming for December holiday while she was in form 2 and she was beautiful .He remember them parting ways as he was going to study abroad while she was still in highschool.The next time they saw each other again was when he showed up in her university. He remembered how she had introduce Steven to him as her boyfriend and him to Steven as her best friend.He remembered feeling bad even though he had a hot girlfriend . Having in mind that she was someones girlfriend made him realize how much he wanted her to be his . When she came to him crying and saying she hated Steven and all men he could forget his gender and feel the urge to celebrate his mind memorizing the same song " Hate them baby, hate all men cause you are only mine !" then his face will fake pity and he would comfort her . He knew that by the time she would finish her degree course she would be single and his but it wasn't the case.

He remembered a week after her graduation where his family and her's were having a private party in the Mwangi' s mansion to celebrate her graduation .

That morning when they arrived at the Mwangi's he looked around for her but she was not there. " Auntie where is Laila ? " he asked and she told Elsie to go fetch her lazy sister but Fred volunteered to get her . He went to her bed room and knocked . When he entered she was facing the wall trying to zip her dress . He could not help it but enjoy the view . Her unzipped dress revealed her hourglass shaped back which was in a shade of brown glowing due to oiling. He just wanted to caress her without any limits . " What the fuck dude! " she exclaimed bringing him back to reality " Sorry!" he snapped " Si lo sientes, entonces ayúdame a cerrar mi vestido ." she told him to zip her dress if he was sorry and he walked to her as she turned her back to him . " Where did you learn Espanol? " he asked while trying to zip her dress. " Highschool,I thought it was a romantic language - don't you think? " she said turning to face him after he was done and he nodded .

Since she was done they went to the dining room and she greeted everyone. The two families had a nice time together having chitchat laughing until it was time for dinner . Their fathers were discussing something she could not hear since she was far from them . She stood looking at them nervously then Fred approached her with a glass of juice " Here... What are you looking at ? " he asked her after she took the glass from him ." Not really looking but calculating how to approach dad . "she said . He remembered asking her what she wanted to tell her father but she had refused to tell him.

He remembered when they were having dinner when her father proposed a marriage between him and Laila which was the best moment for everyone except Laila whose smile faded . " Are you fine ? " he had asked her but instead of answering him she looked at her father and suggested they have a private talk. " What ever you want to say you can say it here!" Mr. Mwangi had said leaving Laila no choice but to spill the shocking news .

" Steven proposed to marry me and I said yes. " she had said almost running out of breath " So what? " he asked her nonchalantly. She was tensed but managed to speak " So I want to marry him, I love him father." ". Who is Steven? " Mrs. Mwangi questioned her daughter " He is a nice guy mom ." " So is Fred and as much as you are under my roof you will marry Fred and Fred alone got it ! " Mr. Mwangi had said and banged the table to symbolize end of discussion and that's when Laila stood from her chair " Very well dad if that is what it takes to be with the one I love then I shall leave your house." she said walking away. " The moment you marry him I will disown you Laila! " but she didn't stop.

He remembered her father shouting angrily " Janet what is wrong with your daughter ?" " Our daughter , and if she is talking about love you should at least listen .....Fred where are you going? " " I'll go talk to Laila ...."

He went to her room and fond her packing " Are you going to leave like this! " he asked her " Yes !" " Don't you love me? " he asked her and she stopped parking ." Fred you are the most important person in my life but I love Steven and I will marry him." its what she said and continued parking .Fred tried to explain to her about how the inheritance was to be hers only if she married him but she did not care about wealth .He followed her until outside where he grabbed her wrist " Are you going to cut ties with your family because of him? " " Yes if possible! " she answered coldly and he had one card left " What about me , don't you care about me Choco ?" " No Fred , what about me don't you care about me too, my feelings? .... You've always said you'd do anything for your Choco' s happiness so how about you begin now bestie! " she shouts at his volume which weakened him " Will you be happy? " he asked her and she nodded he thought for a minute" Hey Choco you will regret not marrying me! " he had threatened but she told him she couldn't wait with a smile then removed her hand from his and dragged her suitcase away.