
Take That Dear Ex

Laila goes into after being pushed by her husband the man she loved while she was trying to confront him about dropping his affair .She wakes up after three years .

BayVee6 · Urban
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


Laila has been married for two years she works at a beauty products company called Levita as an assistant manager.Her manager is called Fredrick Menya who unfortunately is her ex- fiance . Fred and Laila are supposed to go for a business meeting in their Kisumu branch by plane at 13:00 and that's why she woke up early today and left her sick husband and by 6:00 am she was already in the office . She organized the files and packed the meeting plans and after delivering documents to the recipients in their respective offices she went back to her desk and took a nap while she waited for Fred to come in the office.

At 10: 00 Fred reached the office and finds her sleeping beautifully " She's asleep .....what an angel she is ..." he said looking at her then suddenly he remembers she refused to marry him and that made him jealous so he bangs the table and she wakes up . " What the fuck dude !" She wakes up and shouts at him forgetting he was her boss which got Fred off guard.

" What the fuck...? " he questions her " Am sorry." she says but he assumes her " Dude ,huh!" she stands and slightly bows her head " I'm sorry Mr.Menya ."

" You should be- seems like you have plenty of time to sleep during work hours Mrs.Steven . Tell me ,did you prepare for my absence?" " Yes I even delivered the files to everyone and also prepared the plans for the meeting." she answers and he is impressed ." Wow! " he whispers and she gives him a questioning look " I am amazed how marriage made you responsible.....now that everything is ready shall we leave, are our tickets ready? " he asks the obvious with a smirk but her expression changes " what is it?"

Fred drives the car angrily while Laila sat quietly given she was the one who made a mistake. Fred is scolding her since she forgot to carry their tickets now they have to drive up to her apartment then to the airport. " I'm sorry !" She whispers. " Is that the only word you know , cause I would prefer it in Spanish .... I'm waiting." " Perdona!" "At least your Spanish is still good which makes me feel better but next time prepare a fucking parking, list you were taught that in highschool right, yeah you will prepare it two days before the trip day and give it to me to check,ok! " " Yes sir- You can park there." she says pointing at a black gate . He parks the car and tells her to be quick as she opens the door.She opens the small gate and goes in leaving Fred in the car since her apartment was in the third floor she takes off her heels and begins running up the stairs.

Fred in the car is bored so he takes a chocolate and begins eating it " Marrying me was hitting a jackpot but she refused now she is leaving this nightmare with that cheater! Should I just show her this? No I told her she will regret not marrying me so I want her to catch him in the act." He says looking at a picture of Laila's husband kissing a dark skin girl then smirks.

Laila is at her door she takes out her key to unlock the padlock but it was open so she opens the door and the first thing she sees are heels " These are not mine.... what's that noise!. Babe!...." she calls for her husband while walking to their bedroom since the noise is coming from there." ....are you ok ,babe! Ba..... what the fuck is going on?" She shouts " Honey it's not what you are thinking." Steven defends himself spreading his arms to protect the girl." Oh forget about my brain - who is that whore behind you? " She asks walking towards him then shoves him aside and sees her friend her mouth drops a jar " Lucy!"

'" What is taking her so long its already 11:35 !" takes out his phone and calls Laila.

Laila drags Lucy to the sitting room and Steven follows . Laila manages to give Lucy two hard blessings then Steven grabs her as Lucy hides behind him " Stop it ...." he says but she continues to throw her arms and legs to beat the crap out off this Judas' descendant . Steven makes her stand then shouts" Stop it Laila!"

Fred noticed Laila left her phone in his car in her coat suddenly he hears noises then neighbors begin opening their windows to eavesdrop.

" ...what is wrong with me ? You fuck my friend then ask me what the fuck is wrong me .... I'm going to kill that bitch! " She declares throws a vase towards Lucy which she dodges and screams then Steven shoves Laila who looses balance falls hitting her head then blood begins to flow making Lucy to scream even louder.

Lucy's scream makes people to get out of their apartments men break into their house and find Laila lying unconscious on her own blood women who saw her screamed one of the men rushed to Laila and checked her pulse " She's still alive call the ambulance ! He said and that's when Fred arrived .

" Fred! " Steven whispers with fear while confused Fred looks around then sees Laila on the floor " Laila ...Laila can you hear me ! " The man who had checked her pulse tells him that she was still alive so Fred carries Laila to his car as the man follows .The man drives them to the nearest hospital , the emergency team were waiting for them so when they arrived she was rushed to the emergency ward and doctors were putting their efforts.

Fred had called Laila's parents and they were on their way .It seemed hopeless but Fred still prayed for Laila's survival.

Laila regains her conscious though she is weak she sees doctors and nurses struggle to make her live and she wished it was a movie .She grew even weaker but in that moment the only thing in her mind was living she never wanted to die .She wished if heavens could grant her a wish then it should be a chance to live but it was pointless the pulses on the screen turned to a straight line.