
Take That Dear Ex

Laila goes into after being pushed by her husband the man she loved while she was trying to confront him about dropping his affair .She wakes up after three years .

BayVee6 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter two

We were all created with different taste different choices different views even though the goal might be the same we all have different methods to attain it .Some people unknowingly make bad choices , others make bad choices because they have no option while others make bad choices to see the consequence.

I new marrying Steven was not the best choice but I wanted to see what will happen . I of all people knew what Steven was after .....money. They say love is blind and it's true ,love blindly kept us together for five years ; two people from different family backgrounds and social status. When I was a second year in university I fell in love with this hot senior of mine . He was nice to me he treated me well no ,he treated me like a princess. I was madly in love with him but I wasn't blinded by love. I knew he cheated I guess I was his number 14 or more but I still wanted to keep him close. Maybe because he was the only one who could come to me running when I called while crying, maybe he was the only one who did his best to attract my attention or maybe because I wanted to hear more of his lies. I saw him change many girls but he always stayed with me no matter how cold or boring I could be .

My parents always brought me up to be that perfect figure . It was always never a big deal for Elsie to mess up. Like when she could hide in the boot of the car so that she could go out with her friends while she was still a highschool student or when she could get cheap grades in school . It was never a big deal but when it came to me ,this was a case on a different level . I sometimes felt like I was an asset , a property under the Mwangis ownership .

So when Steven proposed to me I wanted to see if my father will let me be with the one I love but he disowned me , which also gave me the urge to find out how Steven would treat me now that I was just a poor ,broke , jobless girl .

So after I left my father's house I went at Steven's apartment and told him the situation . Interestingly he didn't seemed to be bothered instead he cheered me up and insisted we begin our wedding preparations.

Steven and his family took care of the wedding since he was a bank accountant. On my wedding I felt sad ,I felt like an orphan since my parents had disowned me but surprisingly Fred came along with my mom ; that was the best moment in my life. Life after the wedding was smooth and good my in-laws treated me well . Steven had his wines and spirits store which he made good profits .I was useless financially since my father had drained my bank accounts .

After eleven months Steven's nice treatment started fading. He could come home late ,raise his voice at me or would argue with me over stupid stuff like why his food was warm not hot.....then would apologize later .Until I came to find out that wines and spirits store had gone bankrupt and he had been talking loans.

Steven got into a fight at the bank and was fired.He stayed home for about two months and landed himself another job which had low pays .My friend Lucy advised me to get myself a job and so I tried but it was a big failure until ran into Fred who offered me a job as his secretary.

I begun working at Levita by Steven's approval . Fred is one professional guy who knows how to keep his personal issues away from business but the way he was hard on me was so unprofessional . I fond myself loving the bus more since going home meant I had to deal with Steven's anger issues and at work I had to deal with my nagging ,pushy , jealous boss .

Steven had begun getting physical and I would end up showing up at work with bruises covered poorly in make up. I embarrassed at the thought of father rubbing it on my face saying " I warned you" and so I prayed to God that Fred never noticed and he didn't . This went on until I fond myself in this life and death situation whic......." Bang! " I wake up from the loud noise and I see Fred dressed like he was in the morning , I look at my body not believing , I even touch my head and bite my arm then realize it was not a lie ....am alive.