
Take On The Night

A kid walking home on a sunset decides to take a shortcut home, while at it, he finds a girl sucking blood off of someone, scared because he looked dead, he runs, how will all turn out?

Rose_EX · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Sky is at your will.

Tonight will be a great night.

Take On The Night, Chapter 6, Sky is at your will.

It is 4PM, Shiro wakes up, he also wakes up Mayu to tell her that he's going to the gym and then shopping, he will be back at around 9PM.

"Mmhmm... Sure... Have fun..." says Mayu while still half asleep.

Shiro gets ready to go to the gym, he grabs his bag, water, a towel and spare clothes, and as he's going outside, he puts on his earbuds, and starts blasting "Queen Of The Night by The Vanished People" on his phone.

He goes on his usual route, past the park, around the store, through the tunnel, and boom, he's there at the gym, after 30 minutes of walking.

An hour and a half later, it is now 6PM, Mayu wakes up to Yoru licking her face, she immediately starts playing with lil Yoru, after playing for a bit, she gets up and goes to the kitchen to get something to eat, she gets some cookies and a glass of milk, she then starts eating it.

"So... its 6PM, Shiro comes back at 9PM... That's two hours... Gonna be pretty boring." thinks Mayu.

She turns on the console, and starts playing games, she gets bored pretty quickly tho, so she starts looking for other ways to have fun.

The sun is setting as it is 6:45PM, which is pretty weird considering that they are currently in summer, so Mayu decides to go out for a while.

She puts her shoes on and leaves, jumping to the top of the building with her vampire powers.

"Hm, what if i visit Shiro at the gym?"

With a boom, she jumps forward at a really fast speed, looking for Shiro.

Shiro is still at the gym, he's with 2 of his gym friends, and they're kinda the only people that he wants to socialize with, he's gonna be there for an hour and a bit more, so Mayu still has plenty of time to search for him...

An hour passed, Mayu is still looking for Shiro, and she's getting desperate.

"WHERE THE HELL IS THIS KID?" she screams, you can clearly see she's mad.

But, coincidentally, she looks down, and there's the gym that Shiro goes too.

Mayu goes down to where Shiro is, but to not look suspicious, she lands where she cant be seen and she then walks her way to Shiro, and when she arrives, Shiro was with his friends...

"Yeah, i got a cat too now, his name is Yoru" said Shiro to his friends.

Mayu appears out of nowhere and cling on to Shiro.

"Here you are... I got tired of waiting at home so i came here..." said Mayu while hugging Shiro.

Shiro's friends were shocked, they didnt expect Shiro to have a "girlfriend", they told him that.

"No no, she's not my gi- MAYU STOP THAT" mad, Shiro tried to explain to his friends, but Mayu was still clinging to him...

"What do you mean im not your girlfriend? We sleep together, remember?" said Mayu, obviously to annoy Shiro.

Shiro's friends were laughing their asses off, they knew that Mayu was joking just to make Shiro embarrased, so they decided to hop in that too.

"Dont leave your girl waiting man, leave already." said one of Shiro's friends...

Mayu, together with Shiro, left to go home, and of course, Mayu was still clinging on to Shiro, but she stopped once they got out of their sight.

Shiro asked Mayu, "By the way, how did you find me?", to which Mayu replied.

"Well, you know i sucked your blood, right? So, now we have some sort of link, and if you're close, i can kind of smell you, weird thing honestly."

But Shiro is still mad as always so he hits her with the "That doesnt excuse you from being a creep."

They continued walking home while Shiro was telling how mad he was and that she shouldnt do that again, to which she lied and replied with a yes, knowing that it really is a no.

Once they got home, Shiro hopped immediately into the shower, but asking Mayu to give Yoru his food before going in, and after Mayu did what Shiro asked her, it was fun time, she wanted to sneak into the bathroom and scare Shiro, and so, the plan started.

Mayu opened the door quietly, and since they have a non-transparent shower courtain, Shiro couldnt see her, Mayu continued to get closer and closer...

"WAAAH!" screams Mayu trying to scare Shiro, all while opening the shower courtain.

Shiro screams and looks at Mayu, meanwhile, Mayu was taking a good look at him, although his "lower part" was not visible, she still got to see his abs (bro lowkey has a 6 pack).

"Well leave already..." embarrased, Shiro asked her to leave, but Mayu was still looking and couldnt move, she was waiting to see more...

But then Shiro pushed her and she ran away.

Take On The Night, Chapter 6, Sky is at your will.


Sorry for not uploading these 2 days lol, i was tryna come up with some more stuff, and well, here we are!

I hope you liked this chapter, and i wish that you will stay here to read the next ones :D

Anyway, thanks for reading, and see you next time!

We all hate Mayu, but deep inside, we all would smash.

Rose_EXcreators' thoughts