
Take On The Night

A kid walking home on a sunset decides to take a shortcut home, while at it, he finds a girl sucking blood off of someone, scared because he looked dead, he runs, how will all turn out?

Rose_EX · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Another Bite.

Shiro and Mayu wake up... its 5PM...

Take On The Night, Chapter 5, Another Bite.

At 5PM, they wake up, Shiro decides to stay in bed a little longer, while Mayu goes to the kitchen to grab something to eat while watching TV, she makes a mistake tho, she got the icecream that Shiro bought, and well... After he woke up, he wasnt friendly...


Mayu: What?


Mayu: Yeah, big problem isnt it? I gotta say that mint icecream is refreshing tho, i've never tried it until now.

Shiro: I swear to god, im going to rip your head off.

Mayu: Try to, im like 50 times stronger than you...

Shiro: ... Thats why i hate you...

Mayu, being the lazy vampire she is, was playing videogames, and when Shiro told her to go to the store with him, she replied with: "I need to beat this boss, hold on..."

Shiro then proceeds to get the controller off her hands and make her character run off a cliff...


Shiro: Put your shoes on, lets go...


Shiro: You zesty monster.


Mayu puts her shoes on to leave with Shiro, and they do just that, going outside, unlike a certain videogame's fanbase...

Instead of going to their regular store, Shiro wants to go to a supermarket to buy ingredients, when Mayu starts complaining, Shiro just tells her he's gonna buy her candy, so she doesnt complain anymore.

Shiro not surprisingly succeeds at that, and Mayu remained silent until they got to the supermarket...

Shiro: Aight, you go grab stuff that you want, dont take too much stuff please, i dont want to be broke.

Mayu: Dont worry about it, well, OFF WE GO!

She screams as she disappears into the distance...

"God, this girl is gonna make me poor..."

Shiro goes on to buy vegetables, meat, and just basic stuff, since Mayu just emptied his supplies...

After a while, Mayu and Shiro meet again, and to no one's surprise, Mayu has a whole lot of candy in her hands.

Shiro: What did i tell you?

Mayu: Its on sale.

Shiro: Fair enough, lets go...


They do their thing, they pay and they leave, now its time to go home, and after walking for a bit (again) they arrive, once they open the door, lil Yoru was there waiting for them, and just as he sees that Shiro and Mayu arrived, he jumps to them and starts meowing...

Mayu: Who's mommy's little kitty? You!

Mayu plays with Yoru for a bit as Shiro gets the groceries out of the bag and prepares Yoru's food.

Yoru eventually gets tired of Mayu and decides that he wants to eat, so he goes to Shiro and starts meowing at him, which does work!

After giving Yoru his food, Shiro tells Mayu that he's gonna work, so she doesnt annoy him, to what Mayu lies and says "Ok, ill be here playing with Yoru".

Now is the time to see how Shiro works, he logs into his computer, opens a weird program, and starts writing, he writes so fast that it almost sounds like a minigun, however, Shiro's room is soundproof, so Mayu doesnt hear anything.

We can now see that he works for Neutralic Corp, a multimillionare company, as a web developer.

The time is now 9PM, its time to eat.

Shiro gets out of his room and asks Mayu:

Shiro: Yo, do you want a lasagna or should i make something else?

Mayu: I feel like eating steak tonight...

Shiro: Well, steak it is, also been a while since i had one...

Mayu gets up to "help" Shiro cook, he tells her to peel the potatoes to make french fries, but she ends up completely destroying the potato, Shiro teaches her how to peel it and cut it properly, and so Mayu starts actually helping Shiro now.

He continues to cook the steak, he seasons it with salt and pepper, like always, and then puts a bit of butter in a pan, once the butter melts, he adds some rosemary, and then the steak.

He cooks it for 2 minutes per side, then puts it in a plate.

He cooks another one for Mayu, and now he can finally start with the fries, adding cooking oil to a pan and putting the potatoes in.

After a while, they are finally done, so Shiro and Mayu finally sit down and begin eating while watching anime, again...

Yoru gets curious about the food that they cooked, so he jumps on top of Shiro to get some, but Shiro doesnt let him get anything.

Mayu and Shiro finish their food, and while Mayu showers, its up to Shiro to wash the dishes (i've said Shiro like 7 times in this 2 lines lol)

When Mayu gets out of the shower, Shiro goes in too, and after getting in, he starts getting his shower thoughts:

"What was that last night?" "Does she like me?" "Do I LIKE her?" "Should i go for another one?"

This made Shiro stressed once again, he does not know how to deal with this type of situations.

Finally, he gets out of the shower, and goes to his room to sleep, and of course, Mayu was waiting there for him...

He lays down next to Mayu, she then gets closer to Shiro, and whispers to his ear: Can i suck it now?

Shiro: WHAT?

Mayu: Your blood, dummy, did you think about something else? hehe

Shiro: Whatever... Go ahead.

Mayu: Thanks for the food...

Mayu bites Shiro for the third time, but this time, it tastes different, basically, a vampire can sort of taste feelings, depending on how the person they're sucking blood off feels, their blood has a slightly different flavour...

She finishes sucking his blood.

Mayu: ... You perv... -she blushes and turns away to sleep-

Shiro: What?

The time was 2AM.

Take On The Night, Chapter 5, Another Bite.

Hey! Just wanted to tell you that i wont upload tomorrow, sorry! :3

My boy Yoru is so smart ;-;

Rose_EXcreators' thoughts