
Take On The Night

A kid walking home on a sunset decides to take a shortcut home, while at it, he finds a girl sucking blood off of someone, scared because he looked dead, he runs, how will all turn out?

Rose_EX · Fantasy
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14 Chs

As stars bow down before the moon.

Shiro looked as Mayu ran away and slammed the door closed...

"This girl is crazy man..." thought Shiro.

Take On The Night, Chapter 7, As stars bow down before the moon.

After a few minutes, Shiro finishes showering, Mayu was still shocked, sitting on the couch, as Yoru scratched and meowed at her...

Shiro comes out of the bathroom, looks at Mayu and asks her what she wants to eat.

"You- I MEAN PIZZA, Pizza is good..." Mayu said, still shocked.

Shiro goes on to make the pizza, while Mayu rethinks her whole life.

He puts the usual on it, just plain cheese, he puts it in the oven, and sits next to Mayu in the couch...

"Wanna play while it bakes?" asks Shiro.

Mayu then stops rethinking everything for a moment, to say yes to Shiro, she grabs her controller, and they start playing racing games.

Inside of her, she's still thinking about what just happened, and starts asking herself stuff...

"What should i do now? I've seen him naked." "Should i do the same?"

They spend a while playing, when the oven stops, meaning that the pizza is ready, they eat it while watching anime, as always, so when they finish it, they start getting ready for bed...

Once in the bed, Shiro turns away, and Mayu then starts talking...


Shiro turns around to see Mayu, and asks her...

"Why? Is it 'cause of what happened earlier?"

Mayu looks away, embarrased, and tells Shiro that, yes, it is because of that.

Shiro then explains to Mayu that it doesnt matter, she didnt see that much anyway, so he doesnt care...

"So, you won't leave me alone, right?" asks Mayu.

Shiro looks at her in the eye...

"Never, we're friends, right?"

Mayu's expression turns from an embarrased one to a happy one, he gets up from the bed, puts her hoodie on, and tells Shiro to do the same, after which they go to the top of the building, Mayu takes Shiro to the edge...

"Do you trust me?" asks Mayu again.

Shiro starts doubting everything he had said and done before, he steps back, but then remembers what he told Mayu, and steps forward again.

"I guess..."

Mayu then grabs Shiro's hand, and jumps, pretty high.

Shiro screams, they're going up at an amazing speed, but they then stop going up, all thanks to Mayu that's keeping them in the air.

"So, what do you think? You can see the stars better from here." says Mayu.

What she didn't realize is that Shiro doesn't do that every day like her, so he's kinda afraid right now, but Mayu pulls Shiro up a bit, so he's next to her, and they continue going forward...

Flying, they go over a lot of places, the shopping centre, the park, the gym, and they finally land on the tallest building in the city...

"So, did you like that?" says Mayu.

Shiro is still catching his breath, he got a heavy dose of adrenaline...

"Yeah, i guess..."

Mayu smiles... She's starting to feel stuff for Shiro...

They finally head back home, it is almost 4 AM, so they go to bed as soon as they get there...

"Hey... So... Can i suck you now?"

Shiro looks at Mayu.

"Excuse me, what?"

Mayu starts laughing, since its the same as the day that they met...

"Your blood dummy, what else?"

Shiro gives her the green flag, and she proceeds to feed off Shiro...

The time was, once again, 4 AM.

Take On The Night, Chapter 7, As Stars Bow Down Before The Moon. The End.


Sorry for shorter chapter, i really got addicted to a game lol, but dont worry, the next one will be longer!

I hope you guys are liking the story so far ;)

Anyway, bye, thank you for reading!

We all know that Mayu liked what she saw.

Rose_EXcreators' thoughts