
Take my hand!!

Midoriya izuku kidnapped at a young age and forced into villainy at the hands of the LOV. Taken advantage of for the quirk he had gotten. Trapped in darkness in hopes someone will reach out a hand and bring him to the light. Bakugo Katsuki has been a hero for a year and has been barreling through life full force since the disappearance of his childhood friend.

Rory_Belladonna · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

side story 2/2

She walks around through the back of the school to not get caught by other students. But that dream is short-lived when a group of guys and girls surround her. The looks on their faces mixed with rage and excitement.

"What do you think you're doing tanaka?" One of the girls sneered.

"Ww-what do you mean?" She asked, trying to calm her shaking voice, her hand still throbbed from the lamberfeeti assault she had taken.

Another girl with rainbow hair approached her and suddenly she felt a hard stinging sensation across her cheek. "Don't play dumb Tanaka! Nakamura senpai told us all about what you said to her this morning."

"But I don't know what you are talking about. I-i never said anything bad i-i just talked a-about my mo-'' She doesn't get to finish as one of the male students punches her in the stomach.

They all closed in around her punching and kicking her at any part that was in their line of sight. The only thing she could do was curl into a tight ball hoping no one would cause any internal bleeding. Wrapping her hands around her head to avoid any serious head injuries. One of the guys got one last kick to her stomach and with that she started to taste blood.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Someone yelled. The tall figure stood face shadowed from her view. Whoever they were they radiated an immense power. All of the hitting and kicking came to an abrupt stop. Giving her a chance to spit the blood out of her mouth.

"Back away from her right now." The mystery figure said.

"Who the hell ar-"

"Right now!" They bellowed.

Everyone slowly dispersed mumbling and grumbling as they left the scene. He didn't even attempt to move from the position she was in on the ground. Slowly she pulls herself up and turns her face to her savior.

A very tall, wide-set man of a bulky, muscular build, with lightly tanned skin stood looking down at her. She could see a few visible scars showing on his left cheek and the left side of his neck. He has short pale gray hair which is spiked upwards, away from his face, the only exception to this being the small clump of hair which hangs down over the left of his forehead. His eyes are very small and thin, and he has a wide mouth with two prominent lower canines, which appear even when his mouth is closed.

She stumbles out "T-thank you for helping me."

He grunts out "I didn't do it for you. Just annoyingly loud."

As he turns to leave she grabs the sleeve of his shirt. "W-would you like to be friends with me?"

He rips his arm away from her and sneers "I'm already labeled as a Villainous freak because of my quirk I don't need the extra shit from hanging with a quirkless freak."

With that she's left in silence. Dangerous thoughts creeping in. She walks to the bathroom and cleans herself up glancing in the mirror.

"Why do I have to deal with this? What did I ever do wrong? Maybe I should just die.." She whispers to herself like a small prayer.

Her phone rings and she sees it's her mom, her mind and heart calm and relaxed at this.

'Hey mom, what's up?'

'Sweetheart, your class is still coming to the museum right?'

'Yeah we're supposed to head out at 9.'

'Awesome ok sweetheart see you later. Love you. '


The kids are rambunctious and rowdy walking down the sidewalk towards the museum. Crowds of people buzzing with excitement as they neared their destination. Now most kids wouldn't like field trips to museums but this one is a hero museum with the new endeavor exhibit. Kayla isn't much of a fan of Endeavor, sure he is a hero who took out a lot of villains but his death rate was outrageously high.

Swarms of people are outside ready for the opening ceremony. Reporters and civilians shuffling about with anticipation.

The curator himself is stepping to the top steps preparing for his speech Endeavor himself off to the side. Students and reporters closest the entrance.

"Thank you all for coming here today. For our grand reopening for the Japan's #2 hero endeavors exhibit. It's our greatest honor To have hero endeavor here with us today. Would you like to say any words?" The curator looks at the hero.

The flame hero steps forward to give his speech but unexpectedly a loud explosion rings from behind them. The force has thrown everything and everyone away. Then another explosion to the right blows within seconds after debris crashing while screams and panic could be heard.

Kayla had been thrown into a pile of rubble that were once stairs. Blood flowing from her head, hands, and leg. With her ears ringing and her mind in disarray she looked around and could describe things as extremely loud and incredibly silent all at the same time. Her vision swam as she glanced around in search of her mother as panic and adrenaline fueled her body to move.

She caught sight of the flame hero engaging in combat with a group of villains not caring for his surroundings. There seemed to be 15 but she couldn't really tell with the way everything was shaking. Endeavor throwing his flames all around with reckless abandon.

Kayla hears whimpers and crying a few feet away and turns to see a group of some of her classmates and other civilians huddled trying to find escape. When she steps towards them to help one of the women screams loudly as she points towards 2 villains advancing on the party.

"JETTTTTBUUUUURRN!" yelled in a booming voice.

Fire balls fly toward the villains and people and a voice inside her says to move. As she sprints towards the Group. Her mind is reeling 'what am i doing? What can I do to stop this? I'm just a kid!' Skidding to a stop in front of them she prays and hopes she can do something. Blood swirls from her injuries sparkling like jewels as it danced around her body. Black writing etched itself in her skin; she holds her hand up to create a shield, her blood surrounds the people she wanted to help, encasing them in a sphere of sparkling red.

The look of shock was on all of their faces even, she couldn't believe what she had just done. As the shield went down her blood returned to her body and regenerated her wounds. All that was left was dirt and grime. When Kayla turned around the two villains that had been there bodies burnt badly.

The whimpers and sobs beside Kayla as they rejoiced in their survival brought a smile to her face.


The look in his eyes scrutinizing her, she could sense the danger she was in.

" I'm not with them I was tryin-" Kayla spoke timidly trying to assure that she was helping but a fist came flying towards her. Narrowly dodging the onset attack that endeavor was putting forth.

Adrenaline and fear pulse through her veins as she flung herself forward, racing to get away.

'What did I do wrong?'

'This isn't right, isn't he a hero, why is he attacking me?'

Tripping on some rubble she rolls into a wall a fierce Crack is heard.

"AHHHHHHH.." She screams loudly, her ribs are broken and she's having a hard time concentrating while her vision swims.

sobs were wracking her body and seemed to echo through the chaos around, they would break off, dissolving into a wet sniffling.

Crying is all she could do. Kayla can faintly hear people telling the hero to stop, their voices and cries going unanswered. Something flashed in front of her. A demon encased in flames he leaned above her. "Now speak villain? Can't get away from me. " he growled out.

Kayla thrashed, kicking at the ground, trying to pull away from the hero in front of her. He only held her tighter. Endeavor pushed his face into hers and it changed to a sneer.

"Answer me trash!"

She bit down on her tongue so she wouldn't scream. Blood filling her mouth. The more she fought, the harder he restrained her, twisting her arms, pain stabbing through her.

"Won't talk? Fine I'll make you talk or you'll die in silence" he says with a malicious smile.

Wrenching her up by her arm and throwing her through more wreckage.

Kayla's body is shaking from being battered. It's hard to speak from the pain and fear.

"Your will is strong for a villain but not as strong as my flames. JETTTTTBUUUUURRN!!" He yells. She closes her eyes tightly.

'Ah I see so this is how I died

'I'm sorry mom'

Instead of pain she feels a strong force push her out of the way. But dread fills her when she opens her eyes.

There she was black ponytail swaying all over her arms outstretched and a smile placed on her face. Flames engulf half of her body as she's blown back into debris and a pole impaled her chest pouring blood to the ground. With a turn of Kayla's head she can see crimson spilling through clenched teeth. Her eyes reflected a sense of relief that she was there just in time. Not showing an ounce of pain or fear.

"MOMMMMMMAAAAAAAAA!!" Kayla screams. Rushing toward her mother she could hear her gasps.

"Everythings going to be ok.. I can save you." She says as more tears slide down her cheeks.

Her hands hover above her mother unsure of what to do. Her mother looking at her with a gentle face

"Momma, why did you do that?" Kayla says through sobs. She tries to wipe the water from her face only to be flicked in the forehead. Shaky hands wont stop trembling as she takes hold of her daughter's hands. 'Oh god her injuries are so bad.. This is bad.. shit what am i gonna do? What can I do? Momma's blood is everywhere.'

"This is all my fault! What should I do? You can't die here!! You can't leave me ok?"

Kayla yells while squeezing her eyes shut. She feels a hand lightly press against her cheek. She looks down and sees her mothers ebony hair matted down with sweat and dirt. Once sparkling viridian eyes begin to dull locking on kayla as if to reassure her that everything is going to be ok. The color drained from her face.

Lyla smiles at her sweet daughter, never faltering.

" It's not your fault my sweet girl.. I-I just couldn't watch you die. No parent could watch their children die. " she says weakly

" I have never felt prouder than I do at this moment.. Because you did something that anyone would have been afraid to do.. I've been watching you all this time seeing you growing into a beautiful young woman with a strong heart. You have always shined the brightest. So I couldn't let your story end here because you are the light of my life. No way I- *cough* *cough* could ever let such a bright light be extinguished. I love you sweet girl." She says through shallow breaths. Blood escaping her mouth dribbling down her chin.

"Well see eachother again." Lyla says, tears pouring down her face. Her chest rises and falls slower till it stops.

"MOMMMMMMAAAAAAAAA!!!" The cry that rips itself from Kayla's throat jolts through the people around. Her anguish and devastation is evident through her screams and cries.

'This can't be happening!




"SHE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO DIE! I NEVER EVEN GOT THE CHANCE TO TELL HER HOW MUCH I LOVE HER THAT SHE'S MY HERO" She screams letting out strangled sobs while holding her close.

(Billie eilish you should see me in a crown flashed in my mind for this part)

Kayla could hear laughter away from her as she turns to see endeavor still hit villains with glee. Not even fazed by the atrocity he had just committed. Her devastation soon turns to pure rage, her blood boiling beneath her skin. The ground rumbling her eyes turn as red as crimson and the black writing covers her body in runes. She picks up a piece of glass and slices both of her forearms. Blood spilling around begins to dance to a tune of doom.


Shooting her hand toward the hero her blood hardens and slices through his side. Endeavor turns quickly to see who would dare to attack him from behind. He raises an eyebrow at the little girl he just had gotten rid of.

"I knew you were a villain, you've really pissed me off," He said. He readys himself for a fight.

"AHHHHHHH" a blood curdling cry escapes her lips. Outstretched her hand again she pools her blood into a whip sword in her palm shooting it out to the hero's face, endeavor goes to dodge only for the sword to transform into a razor whip at full strength. The man screams, grabbing his ear as it flies off.

"I'll kill you" She seethes but other heroes show up and aid endeavor and right as she's about to make a run for it she glances at her mother's body and prepares to give up. Until a purple mist vortex appears in front of her. She quickly moves towards her mother but a voice comes that stops her.

"My master is impressed by you little one. He extends his hand to you to help aid in your revenge. If you agree, we will also bring and bury your mother."

Kayla looks around and sees all the people terrified of her.

"I never belonged with these people anyway, just keep your promise. That flaming garbage can is mine and i'll do what I can for your master too" She says in a strong tone.

One last glance to the crowd she sees the other blood user and his gaze looks like he wants to stop her from going but she gives him a small smirk vanishing through the mist.

At the other end of The mist she's in a big room looking at a man hooked up to machines with no eyes smiling at her.

"What do I call you child?" The man asks.

She didn't want anyone else calling her the name her mother had given her it was precious. So she lifts her eyes staring straight at him and says "Blood Maiden. You can call me Blood Maiden master."