
Take my hand!!

Midoriya izuku kidnapped at a young age and forced into villainy at the hands of the LOV. Taken advantage of for the quirk he had gotten. Trapped in darkness in hopes someone will reach out a hand and bring him to the light. Bakugo Katsuki has been a hero for a year and has been barreling through life full force since the disappearance of his childhood friend.

Rory_Belladonna · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Side story (1of 2)

As a young girl, Tanaka Kayla had learned that no matter how nice you are, how kind you are or how good your heart is, people will still turn you into a villain. You see, most children since the beginning of quirks thrive to be heroes but Tanaka Kayla had a different dream. She wanted to be just like her mom. Her mother had a quirk not suited for heroics and led her to being One of Tokyo's most beloved news reporters. She had a baby face and could change her hair and eye color. Most would call her a beauty queen. The woman was someone her daughter looked up to . She would always say while patting her back "Growing up I always dreamed of being a reporter and having the ability to tell people's stories in a way that educates others. No discrimination no judgments. Everyone has a story and a lot of those people have a hard time finding the voice to tell others. So I became that very voice. Not all heroes wear capes, my sweet girl." So when it was time to watch her mother on the screen, Kayla's heart would swell with pride knowing her mother was the voice of the people.

"This has been Tanaka Lyla with an evening report back to you Oikawa and Have a good night everyone."

As she said her signature sign off she looked directly into the camera and did her usual million dollar smile and half bow concluding the nearly 2 hour broadcast from the villain fight. And though her mother was always working she always felt that the sign off was for her personally. That night she laid her head on her pillow and dreamed of a future where she'd be side by side with her mother announcing the news.

Typical mornings were usually spent alone as her mother was out on the hunt for news. Life of an on the scene reporter could be quite chaotic especially with trying to be the first on scene. But she was never lonely or forgotten she would receive calls throughout the day asking how she was doing or if she needed anything.

Today was the day that she would be going on an outing with her class. They were touring the newly renovated hero museum. Each hero in the top ten gets their own exhibit. She wasn't particularly excited for the museum but for the fact that her mother would be there as well reporting the grand reopening. So with that she grabbed her piece of toast, held it in her mouth as she threw her backpack over her shoulder and slipped on her shoes. As she exits the house she slips her headphones on humming and singing along.

I walked across an empty land

I knew the pathway like the back of my hand

I felt the earth beneath my feet

Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?

I'm gettin' old, and I need something to rely on

So, tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm gettin' tired, and I need somewhere to begin

Everything always seems brighter when she gets to see her mother. The streets are alive with people as they dance around each other getting to where they need to be.

I came across a fallen tree

I felt the branches of it looking at me

Is this the place we used to love?

Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?

I'm gettin' old, and I need something to rely on

So, tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm gettin' tired, and I need somewhere to begin

As she drew near her school she paused to examine the posters up on the wall of a building. It was an ordinary bust shot of her mother paired with another shot of her in the midst of a villain attack reporting the news. The logo for the channel paired with their slogan "Bringing you a better future with Lyla Tanaka."

And if you have a minute, why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything

So, why don't we go

Somewhere only we know?

Somewhere only we know

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?

I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on

So, tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin

The poster was proof of how incredible her mother was with No typical over the top designs suggesting unwavering confidence in its claims. All raw and real. You can see the dirt and grime from being around fallen debris, the dangers depicted vividly almost like you can touch the chaos. Beside it was a poster for the whole news cast for the morning,evening, and late night. In contrast with the dignified design of the first, the other ones were much more casual, a reflection of the show's overarching theme of family news. Photos of the anchors were all smiles, not a single flaw visible to the naked eye. Her mother's picture was included in these photos that were taken to welcome the new year and her smile was flawless. Yes, she was easily the most photogenic of the bunch, not even the other female co-stars could hold a candle to her perfection. Her onyx hair in a sleek ponytail showing off her high cheekbones and green eyes. Her spring green button up shirt enhances the color making her that much more beautiful.

And if you have a minute, why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything

So, why don't we go?

So, why don't we go?

Ooh, hey, hey


This could be the end of everything

So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?

Somewhere only we know

Somewhere only—

The music interrupted by a hand grabbing her shoulder with a jerk. Her balance being thrown off and she falls backwards onto her tailbone. She glances up to see who grabbed her so hard and her body freezes.

" What are you looking at Tanaka?"

A female student two years her senior caught her admiring her mother's picture.

"hello senpai." She replied quietly, ducking her face down to avoid the other girl's eyes. This particular senpai was one of her many tormentors. Having a hidden quirk is just as bad as being quirkless according to the older children at school. Resulting in her being a target for constant bullying.

" It's just my first time seeing these posters."

"They are great photos aren't they? Funny but is that really your mom? Or are you adopted because you look nothing alike." She said with a dark chuckle, her cracked lip curving into a malicious smile. "Good thing she's not as worthless as her pathetic kid. If I were her I'd have thrown you out a long time ago."

Laughing as she steps on her hand and walks towards the school.

"Ah shit that hurts." Kayla says flexing her hand to make sure it wasn't broken.

You see things had been hard for Kayla since her quirk had yet to fully manifest. So to everyone in her school she was as good as quirkless. There were days where the weight of the words and abuse took hold of her mentally. Trying to hold onto faith in her heart but the pain in this world has been shaking it loose. Before quirk assessments were important teachers would say she had a bright future. She used to think she had so much to gain but now she has too much to lose. Like the people around her, good or bad, causing her vision to blur. The people labeled good, destructive and judgemental but the people labeled bad served injustice since birth. No one is born evil. That's why whenever heroes or Villains backstories are finally mentioned they call them origin stories.

TBC ❤️