
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


When Take woke up the next day he found Haku hovering over him seeing that he woke up she manipulated some chakra and flicked a ice pellet at his face he saw it coming but couldn't move out of its way seeing this Haku slightly giggled

"Your body can't keep up with your mind...Kakashi said something about that while you were asleep we were thinking some of the seals were limiting your body, If I'm being honest I would like to join you in your mindscape every once and a while to train with you..."

Getting a nod in return she realized he was back to his normal sense although a little frustrated this is the Take she got to know so it calmed her knowing he wasn't changing to fast

As they went downstairs they found Naruto talking loudly

"I know, I got it I'll just send a bunch of clones and the bridge will get done in no time ~ttebayo"

Then Sasuke quipped

"Then you can actually train us Kakashi"

Looking around Take saw Zabuza leaning against the wall in the corner with Kubikiribōchō resting infront of him as he rested his head on the pummel releasing a sigh he spoke

"If you want to train I will be willing to train you for the remaining time of your mission in exchange for where I can find Minato Namikaze"

Kakashi was the first to speak while Zabuza looked up

"You do know that the 4th Hokage passed a few years ago right?"

"Oh I'm sorry about that, (Looking towards Naruto) your an Uzumaki aren't you?"

"Sure am ~ttebayo

"I'm willing to train you if Zabuza or Haku wish to train the rest of you I don't mind but I will only train my fellow kin"

Hearing this everyone looked towards Take, Zabuza was the first to speak

"Wait I thought you were some former slave for the underground pits not no Uzumaki"

Take just shook his head

"You don't know a lot about me but not like the rest of you...I'm different..."

Haku cocked her head

"How you grew up doesn't matte-"

"No like I'm physically, mentally, emotionally, fundamentally different from all of you...I wasn't born... I was made...3 bloodlines 3 People you can probably guess them at this point..."

This shocked everyone this has never been heard before as Zabuza spoke

"I know kid Gatō filled me in on your whole life... How you went from a incomplete sword to a finished and polished one... don't down play yourself kid you got the stuff don't worry about how you came to be work on becoming the best you can"

Haku went wide eyed at this this isn't Zabuza he never talks more then 10 words let alone compliment someone after he was finished Zabuza walked out of the house while Haku turned towards Sakura

"I'll help you out a bit with chakra control but that's about it after that you can depend on your team leader"

Sasuke looked towards Take expectingly because he saw his Sharingan only to find Take already looking at him

"Are you going to be able to handle it you seem to carrying around some emotional baggage yourself"

Seeing Sasuke send a determined nod along side a "Hn"

"The best training is experience, hours will be spent 2v1 against me I can heal you afterwards so injuries don't matter if you two aren't up for it let me know"


Team 7 for the most part survived the 3 weeks of training other then some combat they didn't learn anything aside from Naruto who is currently being pulled aside by Take

"Do you want to learn your inheritance..."

"What do you mean inheritance ~ttebayo"

"Fuinjutsu, Uzumaki's have an uncanny affinity towards Fuinjutsu and that would include you... I could impart you with some knowledge to get you started and the rest you could get from your village"

"Will it help me become the Hokage ~ttebayo"

"It very well could, Fuinjutsu is only limited by the mental capacity of the one using it the more creative a person is the more destructive Fuinjutsu could be...watch"

As Take threw a reworked storage seal towards a near by tree the space around the slip of paper seemed to implode as everything within a few feet got forcibly sucked in

"Fuinjutsu is the art of sealing, whether that's items, people, chakra at the basics it's sealing remember that"

Grabbing Naruto by the wrist a small fingers point sized seal appeared as Take pumped in 5 years of Hikomori Uzumaki's notes

"That seal is very similar to the ones marking my body but of a much lower grade although it would still take a sealmaster to forcibly open it I'll give you a key so you can open it as you please, don't impart this knowledge onto any other unless they are an Uzumaki... don't throw away my trust, I will hunt you down"

Before Naruto could even respond Take Shunshin'd seeing this Zabuza and Haku quickly followed after a few minutes they stopped in an opening

"Zabuza it's about time you return... I will use some of my funds for the effort"


While Team 7 arrived back in Konoha an anbu suddenly appeared infront of Kakashi

"Report immediately Hokage is interested in the happenings during your mission"

The anbu didn't wait for Kakashi to answer despite the slight sultry voice attempting to get a rise out of him waving at his genin they headed directly for the Hokage's office as soon as they entered they felt the slight pressure Hizuren was excluding

"Kakashi explain everything from the beginning... leave out nothing"

Letting an almost depressed sigh leave his lips Kakashi went on to explain everything that happened during their mission

"So you mean to tell me that one of Gato's guards attacked you critically wounding two of you genins only to run him self dry on chakra to heal them all the while using jutsu that couldn't be copied from various elements(More Mission Report) Multiple bloodline limits, What... what was his name"

"All we got from him was Take, a shorter kid around Naruto's height long white hair and heterochromic eyes that are split between white and light blue"

Hearing this one of the Anbu with golden blonde hair present revealed himself

"If I may Hokage"

"Go on"

"I looked into this boy a few months ago due to reports from the spymaster and I delved into his mindscape to try an peek into his memories only to find my self looking over a battlefield that would put a 3 shinobi wars to shame, and I saw him that kid running through everyone without a single thought that kid isn't human... I don't believe it he is simply a monster if that's what his mind looks like the kid has to be anything but san-"

Before he could even finish Naruto yelled out with a sliver of bubbling red chakra coating his body

"A monster huh... just like how all of you treat me you simply don't understand what your looking at so you become scared... You don't know any thing about my kin... About Take UZUMAKI"

Hizuren was pretty much floored as he heard Uzumaki but seeing the kyuubi's chakra leak and feeling the dense killing intent rolling off Naruto caused the anbu to flood the room before Hizuren could wave them off Naruto absorbed the chakra back into him

"Exactly... scared of a little kid with a rabid cat sealed with in... remember the kunai sealed with no matter how sharp can't hurt you through the seal... those were the last words Take told me before he left and now I completely understand...IM IN CONTROL...not the other way around"

Leaving the room leaving everyone except the rest of team 7 shocked Sakura and Sasuke also followed as Kakashi continued on with his report

"Take offered to train his 'kin' to which both Naruto and Sasuke learned under him although Take has a sharingan he doesn't reveal it all to often, his fighting prowess could rival Jounins if there wasn't seals limiting both his body and mind... shit he probably has as much of not more experience then any jonin currently residing in Konoha, he revealed that when ever he goes to sleep he gets dragged to his mindscape by one of the seals networking his body... in total I counted 400 visible seals but knowing an Uzumaki did it himself it's hard to tell how many are layered or hidden"

Rubbing his temples as he spoke

"So your telling me there is a 7 year old boy that is part Uchiha part Uzumaki with enough experience to make a jonin pale and multiple bloodlines that have never been seen"

"I believe he may have a bit of Yuki in him to due to him being able to use 'Hyoton' both in its base form and 2 others"