
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Mizu no Kuni

While Take was working on seals Haku pulled Zabuza aside

"You noticed it to right... He's changing he-

"Becoming more human... yea I noticed it too hopefully his morals stay the same 'Kill my enemies while they are enemies, Help my comrades until they are enemies' words I still think on to date..."

"Yea this worlds full of backstabbing, he still is slightly on guard about us even after all this time... I just want him to-"

"Fuck you? Cmon it's obvious just take it easy on the kid he probably doesn't even know what to do with his piece... wait does he have one... or is he a she... I'm done this is giving me a headache"

Walking away as he finished leaving a madly blushing Haku behind as she sat on the grass and watched Take's back as his hair fluttered in the wind

"How is his hair so much longer then mine... it's not fair"

Puffing her cheeks slightly as she adopted a pout resting her elbows on her knees and her head on her palms


After a week at sea (Yea they 'found' a boat) one of the islands making up Mizu no Kuni came into view seeing this Take did hand seals 'Holy Wind: Divine Blow' expelling a great pressure towards the bottom of the boat causing the hull to shatter as the boat sank they ran across the water to what Zabuza said was the heart of the rebellion Sky Island during their trip Zabuza and Haku filled Take in on what was occurring in Mizu no Kuni in hopes of gaining his help to snuff out the remains of the opposing faction

Before they could even reach land a group of shinobi surrounded the now masked trio Zabuza was the first to speak as he removed his mask

"I have returned with help and funds to fight against the tyranny, Haku go ahead"

Removing her mask as she caused the water under her feet to freeze seeing this a grey haired man with the right side of his face covered spoke out

"Yuki?! We thought that they were completely wiped out... you in the back remove your mask"

Shaking his head Take spoke as a red light shined through the eye holes of the mask for a brief second

"That won't be happening both of my comrades can vouch for me and my skills... you can see it can't you... the black abyss that does nothing but stare at you yet you don't dare look back"

Hearing this the surrounding Kiri Nin got confused while the grey haired man went on guard seeing the sharingan even if it was for a second earning a laugh from Zabuza

"Kid stop with that weird ass 'Shady Bounty Hunter' bullshit just take off your mask it's not like your known through out the shinobi villages"

Sighing as he removed his mask to reveal a rather thin feminine face, pale skin, Heterochromic eyes, and traces of white hair showing from under his hood one of the Kiri Nin spoke out

"Damn what a baddie you are how about we let them go on ahead and we get to know each other... if you know what I mean"

Zabuza snickered while Haku spoke

"Ummm, the 'baddie' your talking to is a gu-"

Before she could even finish Take was already behind the Kiri Nin with his short sword resting against his neck giving off a black mist whispering in his ear loud enough for everyone to hear as his bloodlust slowly climbed into killing intent

"Say that again and I'll be pulling your tounge out your ass... don't fuck with me..."

Withholding a gulp in fear that the blade would dig in deeper as Take removed the blade revealing a patch of rotten skin

"You will die in few hours hope it was worth it"

Hearing this Haku shunshin'd next to him and dropped a fist on his head sending him a glare which he returned causing Haku to flair her chakra

"Fine... it doesn't matter any ways (Hand Seals) 'Holy Water: Cleansing Slap'"

As a small film of water with a golden hue wrapped around his hand he back handed the kiri nin causing him to fall on his back as the previously rotten skin shedded revealing fresh pink skin while Haku softly smiled

"Next time I won't be talked down nor will they keep their head"


The moment they arrived on land the grey haired man who Take found out was named Ao led them to a through the war camp seeing the medic nin struggling to keep up with the injured shinobi as well as the civilians Take stopped as he went through hand seals

"Haku I will need to rest for a while you know where the storage scrolls are...Zabuza don't let me eat dirt...'Combination Jutsu*Holy Earth+Holy Water*: Blessed Land During A Gentle Rain'"

Like a pulse a golden ring shot of his body as the ground they were standing on took a slight golden hue and the rain that was falling did the same as the rain came in contact with the wounds they slowly started to close while the ground dried up releasing a slight heat making the surroundings comfortable... if there was a sage here they would be shitting themselves at the nature chakra rolling off the ground and spreading into the surroundings while Ao was wide eyed looking at the surroundings a soft thud was heard as Zabuza heaved Take's body onto his shoulder

"Could you really not spend the energy to catch him before he hit the ground he did ask you after all"

With a shrug of his shoulders Zabuza replied

"It's what he gets for making me carry him... He always goes above and beyond when he is in his moods"

With a slight chuckle Haku spoke

"You can say that again"

When Take woke up he saw a ice dome around him seeing this a bad feeling hit him as he unconsciously released his killing intent fueling it with chakra causing it to take a visible manifestation as the immediate area reeked of death the pressure from this caused the ice dome to shatter as he saw Zabuza and Haku standing in between him and a group of masked shinobi

"Take, Take... TAKE!!! Take calm down... Are you listening TAKE PLEASE STOP"

It took Take a minute before he heard Haku's voice looking around he saw a dead man not so far infront of him looking up he meet everyone with blood red eyes


His voice projecting raw killing intent purely directed at the masked shinobi as one of them were stuttering trying to find his words Haku interjected

"Take, it's fine they helped deal with a spy that decided to blow his cover after your jutsu most likely in an attempt to kill or capture you"

As he processed Haku's words while still staring down the masked shinobi his eyes returned to their normal heterochromic colors as he place two fingers against his forehead while drawing in a deep breath holding it for a second before releasing it

"I apologize I let my emotions get the best of me, I thank you for your help... How long was I out, no that doesn't matter... if you could lead me to your leader or boss or whatever you call the leading figure here I'd like to speak to them"

"No need she's right here"

A sultry voice sounded out from behind Take as he turned around his eyes lingered on the rather mature looking beauty, she was tall, slender women despite her rather noticeable curves, green eyes, auburn ankle length hair with 4 bangs 2 shorter then the rest covering her right eye up in a top knot wearing a long sleeved dark tight knee length blue dress that accents both her curves leaving the front right side open and hair the dress only covered the underside of her breasts while also leaving her shoulder bare underneath was a mesh like armor and a dark skirt to tie it all together

This didn't go unnoticed by both Haku and the women, while Haku's shoulders slightly slumped the women brought her hand infront of her mouth as she playfully giggling slightly turned giving Take a better angle to 'study' her seeing this Take's eyes instantly meet the floor as a red hue threatened to climb his ever stoic face earning him self another round of giggles from the auburn haired women

"Ara Ara~ no need to be ashamed...(placing her finger to her chin slightly tilting her head) Take was it? Well it's a natural thing if by going off you height and childish features means anything then you shouldn't be any older then 10, It's natural for boys your age to be interested in the opposite gender... some even the same... While I am flattered how about we get to what you wanted to talk about, cmon now don't be shy"

Gesturing for them to follow Take let Haku and Zabuza pass him before he looked up taking a breath to calm his nerves as he caught up to the to attempting to not let his gaze wander downwards towards the tempting sway of the women's hips


Take - 8 almost 9

Haku - 14 almost 15

Zabuza - 27

If we reach 1000 Power stones I will release every chapter I have stockpiled (Currently: 12 Chapters)

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