
Chapter Thirty Nine

Ten pov

I woke up around 5 am. It was just becoming light outside and Mrs Lee was still awake.

Me - you should have woken me up Mrs Lee.

Mrs lee- I should be leaving ten good luck. I'll visit when I can.

She left and the days passed just like every other. The boys came and visited today. Lucas was keeping me updated on the mafia and Mr huang was helping me out whilst I was here with tae.

2 weeks later.

Today we were going to try and take tae off the ventilator again. His parents came and his grandparents.so did the boys.

Kun- tough crowd hey ten?

Me - no jokes please.

Kun began to turn different parts kf the ventilator off but when he disconnected the tube his hear rate slowed down. His blood pressure was going low as well. I held his hand.

Me - come on tae. You've got this.

The machine started beeping and kun took the tube and reattached it.

Kun- I'm sorry everybody. He's not ready. But I do have an alternate idea for you all. We have been creating an injection that triggers the brain movement. Our ultimate goal is that it can help wake coma patients up. Would you like to try it?

Me - has it worked on any patients?

Kun- taeyong would be the first person to have this injection in the entire world.

Me - how do you even know if its safe?

Kun - that's why I'm offering it to you whilst his family is here as well.

Me - I'm not deciding on this. Ask his family.

Kun spoke with them and they agreed to try it.

I moved out of the way whilst kun injected it through his cannula in his hand.

We waited for a while whilst the injection would have got around his body.

Kun- it seems the injection doesn't work.

I put my head down and that's when I felt his hand tighten around mine.

Me - tae?

His grip got tighter and his eyes began to move.

His eyes opened slightly and he looked at me.

Me - tae.

I hugged him tightly and his hand gently patted my back.

Mrs Lee- son...

She was crying and everyone was visibly happy.

He looked tired and I hugged kun.

Me - thankyou.

He patted my back and he walked over to taeyong. He handed a whiteboard to taeyong and he took them slowly. 

He wrote something and turned the board to me

I love you ten

I smiled

Me- I love you too.

When do I get my kiss?

Me - when your off the ventilator.

Take it off. Please.

He pointed the board towards kun and kun nodded.

He unattached the tubes and tae closed his eyes. His chest rose up and down quickly before calming down.

He looked at me again smiling.

Me - right now ?

He nodded and I leant over to him. I pressed our lips together. Everyone clapped and taeyongs hand landed on the back of my neck.

His grandma came over hugging him.

Grandma- oh taeyong. You do make us all worried.

Taeyong- can I have some water ?

His voice was scratchy and quiet and I poured him some.

He Drank it and q few people began to leave.

Winwin- we will come back later you two...

Me- bye everyone.

Taeyong - bye win.

His parents babied him for a little while

Mr lee - son i have to get to work but I am happy you've woken up.

Mrs lee- I'll leave with your dad. Ill bring some home cooked food for your tea.

Taeyong- thankyou mom.

They left with his grandma and kun came in.

Kun- let me take that tube out so you can eat some normal food.

Kun pulled it out and held a tissue up to taeyongs nose.

Me - thats gross.

Kun- would you rather him of died kf starvation

Me - not at all.

Kun- some other doctors will come and see you in a few hours and for now maybe have a bath or a shower whichever. Try moving about. Talk. All those things you couldn't whilst having your long nap.

Taeyong nodded and kun left.

Me-want to wash up?

Taeyong - yeh I feel dirty.

I lowered the bed and he moved his legs so they were hanging over the bed.

He put them down on the floor and I helped him stand up.

Taeyong- wait.

Kun suddenly rushed

Kun- wait i need to remove it.

I realised and started laughing.

Kun- lay down for me tae.

I looked away as kun removed the catheter and left quickly.

Taeyong- I've never felt so violated in my life.

Me - come on let's get you up.