
Chapter Forty

It took us a few attempts to get up and when he did he could barely stand by himself. I sat him down on the ledge in the bathroom and began running the bath.

Taeyong- this doesn't look like a hospital bathroom.

Me - this is my family's vvip room.

Taeyong- should I feel honoured ?

Me - very.

I helped him take his hospital tshirt off and I looked at him for a second before he began taking his trousers off.

I turned around grabbing some towels for him

I heard the water moving around and I turned back around.

I looked at his chest seeing the 3 scars from the gun wounds.

Taeyong- get in.

Me - no. I'm fine.

Taeyong- get in. Please

I stood up hesitantly taking my tshirt off.

He watched me and I turned around taking my trousers off.

Taeyong pov

Ten turned around and quickly stepped into the bath.

He sat facing me and took the body wash.

He put it onto a sponge and wet it.

Ten- turn around.

I turned around and he started washing my back.

Ten- I felt so bad after what happened tae.

Me - its fine. You Don't need to. I was able to sleep a full night.

Ten- your not funny. 

Me - I am a little bit. Now turn around.

Ten turned around and I faced his back. I scrubbed it for him and pulled him back.

Ten- what are you do-

Me - just relax. I'm not trying to be sexual with you

He relaxed after I said that and leant back onto me.

Ten- I'm not hurting you am I?

Me - im tired...

Ten- we should get out then.

Me - no I'm tired because of moving too much.

Ten- okay. 5 minutes. That's it.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and i closed my eyes.

Winwin pov

We arrived back at the hospital and we stood in taeyongs room.

Renjun- where are they?

We looked around and asked a nurse when I opened the bathroom door.

I peeked in when I noticed them both sat in the bath ten laid on taeyongs chest.

Me- how sweet

The others looked in and they looked as if they were sleeping.

I shut the door knocking.

Ten- hello?

Me - me and the boys are here.

Ten- 2 minutes.

He came out in shorts and a tshirt.

Ten- you guys came early...

Me - we didn't you must have just lost track of time. Its fine. Is taeyong okay?

Ten - going to the bathroom really tired him out.

Me - what do you mean?

Ten- he fell asleep because walking to the bathroom made him that tired.

Me - thats not normal ten you should tell kun.

Ten- I will but he hasn't been by in a while.

Me  - okay.

He opened taeyongs bag and took some clothes out and walked back to the bathroom. About 10 minutes later taeyong came out half asleep and ten was holding his arm.

Tae laid down whilst ten covered him up going back to sleep.

Ten- I'm gonna go find kun.


Ten pov

I walked through the hospital finding kuns office and knocking

Kun- come in

I walked in and sat down.

Me - is it normal for him to be so tired. Its like he's forgotten how to use his legs half of the time.

Kun- ill come and see him now.

Me - okay thankyou.

We walked back to the room and taeyong was now laid on his side holding his back.

Kun- what happened ?

Winwin- he woke up with a  pain in his back which is going down his leg.

Kun- taeyong do you have a history of a herniated disk or slipped disks ?

Taeyong - yeah a few times.

Kun- what I'll do is I'll order an mri, ct and an emg.

Me - thankyou kun.

He bowed his head and left writing some things down.

A man came to take taeyong for the scans and tests.

About 20 minutes later kun came back in and shut the door.

Kun- so I've got the scans from two of the tests and what's happened is his herniated disk is pressing against his  sciatic nerve. If he's already been treated for a herniated disk then there isn't many option left other than steroid injections and surgery.

The only thing is he's already had 2 steroid injections for his disk so it does become more risky as you continue getting them. I would recommend surgery but it is down to him.

Me - so your going to make me persusde him to do surgery

Kun- was it obvious ?

Me - extremely.

I sighed and taeyong was brought back in the wheelchair.

Taeyong - those people were so rude. The only nice dude is the one that took me and brought me back.

Me - tae they want to do surgery on your back.

Tae- what for ?

Me - your experiencing something call sciatica. Yoir herniated disk is pressing on your nerve in your back causing weakness in your legs.

Taeyong - ill do whatever as long as I can get back to normal. How quick can you do it ?

Kun- it take some time to prepare but we can have it done today. After you wake up you might have to stay or you can go home same day. It depends on how much its affected your or if there's any complications.

Taeyong- let's do it then.

I sighed unpacking some of our things.

Taeyong - I want to be home by tonight.

Kun- we can try taeyong.

Taeyong- hurry and get it sorted then.

He left and I helped taeyong back onto his bed.

Taeyong - sorry ten

Me - its fine. I just want you fixed.

The surgical team came in with kun and they explained what was going to happen during the procedure. Complications. Risks.

Kun-if the entire disk is required to be removed we take bone out of your pelvis or a dead donor

Taeyong - yeah whatever. Give me the paper to sign and let's get it done.

Kun- you haven't eaten yet right ?

Taeyong- as if I've had the time.

Kun - let's go then.

We all sat together in the room for a few hours when Mrs Lee showed up.

Mrs Lee- wheres taeyong?

Me - In surgery. His herniated disk was pressing on a nerve and it needs to be removed.

Mrs lee- he can't give you a break can he love. Here all of you have some food.

She put the bags on the table and unwrapped them all in the lunch boxes.

Mrs lee- fill up. Especially you four. It's your weddings soon right ? Gosh are you excited

Doyoung - it's not really exciting when all your friends are in and put of hospital

Taeil- we are definitely excited but we wonder if taeyongs going to be healthy enough for it. Its just less than a month away and he's still so ill.

Mrs lee- I understand what you are saying but your futures depend on this. Focus on yourselves not my son.

Well ten you can worry about him but thats it.

We all laughed when a theatre bed came in.

Kun- everything was fine. It didn't need completely removing and the surgery had no complications.

Me- thankyou kun. God knows what I would do without you.

Kun- it's my job. It was my pleasure.

Tae had already started coming around mumbling things.

Taeyong- is that my mother's chicken fried rice I smell?

I got up with the lunch box and he opened his eyes at me.

Tae- thankyou mom!

He tried taking the box off me and I slapped his hand away.

Kun sat the bed up and he was slipped onto the normal bed. He was sat up and attempted taking the box from me again.

Me - ill feed you dont worry.

Taeyong smiled and I kept feeding him spoonfuls of rice.

Me - your so messy.

Taeyong- it's because you won't let me feed myself

Me - im caring for you. Did you forget I have to show off my wifey skills infront of you family. I need to protect your health at all costs.

Jaehyun- why aren't you like this taeil?

Taeil - eat your food before i choke you with those chopsticks.

Jaehyun- don't know why I asked.

Mrs lee- you two are so sweet.

Winwin- them two? Mrs Lee you should see then at home. Taeil has him in headlocks all the time hitting him.

Mrs Lee- it wouldn't be a relationship if you didn't hit each other.

Everyone stopped and looked at her.

Taeyong- dad hits you ?

Mrs lee- ah i see. Its not the same when it's a female and male relationship.

Taeyong - mom!? Has dad hit you?

Mrs lee - well... he's a mafia leader he gets out of control sometimes.

Taeyong- does he still do it!?

Mrs lee- taeyong leave it. Don't get yourself worked up.

Taeyong- mom I'm being serious. Does he still do it to you?

Mrs Lee- taeyong leave it son... I'm fine.

He got up and walked out the room. everyone shouted him back. I got my shoes on chasing after him to see him getting into a taxi.

Me - wait up!

I crawled into the taxi and they set off.

Me- taeyong you need to come back to the hospital. This isn't safe.

He changed his clothes quickly into jeans and a tshirt. We pulled up outside  their family house and taeyong paid the driver and got out.

Me - thankyou.

He was halfway down the drive when I got to the gate. He opened the door and his dad was clearly having a meeting.

Mr lee- ah son. Perfect timing I was just annou-

Mr lee landed on the floor holding his face. I gasped going inbetween the two of them.

Taeyong - you hit mom!?

The men around the room started mumbling and I pushed taeyong away from Mr lee.

Me - thats enough tae.

Mr lee- keep your nose out of my family business ten.

Me - what-

Taeyong - don't even talk to him. What sort of  sick bastard hits his own wife that has been nothing but devoted to him their entire marriage.

Mr lee- son.

He grabbed taes arm tightly

Me - touch him one more time and I'm going to rip your heart from your chest.

Mr lee let go of ten whislt the men in the room sat in shock.

Mr lee - who do you think you are ? Involving yourself with mine and My sons affairs.

Me - his fiancee thats whom. Now I see or hear one more event of you hitting my mother i will kIll you myself. Do you understand!?

The men began to leave the meeting and Mr lee stood shocked.

Me - Goodbye Mr lee !

I waved goodbye smiling dragging taeyong with me.

Mr lee- if you think your ever taking over my mafia your wrong !

Me - then I guess this marriage didn't solve a war Mr lee...