
System of a Game

A guy suddenly had a system in his head. Lived in a world mixed of magic, martial arts, cultivation, and others. The system will either help him with good news or bad news. With little understanding of the system, he explore the uses and learn how to benefit from the system. Impending war makes him busy to be stronger while love is making him go crazy. Joined Vasco in a world of adventures, war, a little bit of romance and insanity.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 15 - Training

Chapter 16

Vasco, holding the scroll the Seeker had thrown, cautiously unrolled it. The ancient parchment revealed intricate diagrams and symbols, hinting at the forbidden arts the Seeker spoke of. Skepticism lingered in Vasco's eyes as he studied the contents.

The Forbidden Garden remained silent, the statues watching as Vasco grappled with the decision before him. The moon's glow intensified, casting an ethereal light on the mysterious surroundings.


The next morning, Ava and Mia were eager to begin their training with Peter and Vasco. They had prepared a designated area on the academy grounds for their sparring sessions. As the quartet gathered, Ava noticed Vasco's thoughtful expression.

"Everything alright, Vasco?" she inquired.

Vasco hesitated before answering, "Nothing. I'm just tired."

Peter scoffed, "That's what I told you. You should slack off a little bit on the missions."

Vasco ignored him.

Ava, however, was concerned. "Do you want to postponed this training session?"

Vasco shook his head, "Nah. It's okay. We can do this everyday actually."

Mia asked. "Should we?"

Before Vasco could respond, Peter voiced from the beside him. "Sure! Why not! But do not underestimate us."

A book emerged from Mia hands. Peter questioned while crossed his arms. "What's that?."

"This is our findings on yesterday research about the martial arts that Vasco used." Mia answered while looking at Vasco.

Peter interjected, "We're here for training, not for delving into forbidden arts. If Vasco wants to improve, it will be through hard work and dedication."

Ava addressed Vasco directly. "Teach us everything you know. We will share with you what we know."

Vasco nodded "Sure. I will teach you the basics but not my family martial arts."

Ava and Mia looked at each other and nodded. Ava started explaining about their findings to the two boys. After the explanation, Vasco said.

"It's different. Me and my family did not use that type of martial arts. If we do then by that fight between us before. Both of you would already have been dead." He shrugged.

Peter interjected "Yeah! and its impossible for Vasco because it says in the book that the aura from the user will be easier to be noticed as the aura cannot be conceal. We can feel the aura of darkness and blood mixed."

"Well it is what we find. We just thought that is what you used as we were being trashed by you so easily. Sorry" Mia said.

"It's fine. It's not a big of a deal anyways." said Vasco.

Ava look at the boys and said "Let's just continue with the training."


Vasco's schedule everyday is going by classes at the morning, training at evening followed by missions at night. 

Days turned into weeks as the quartet continued their intense training. Ava and Mia sought to improve their combat skills, while Peter and Vasco refined their techniques.

Vasco, after the training sessions and missions, found a quiet moment to delve into the mysterious scroll given by the Seeker. The moon hung high in the night sky, casting its silvery glow through the windows as Vasco carefully examined the ancient symbols and diagrams.

As he began to decipher the contents, an unexpected revelation unfolded. The martial arts described in the scroll were indeed powerful, but they carried a dark and malevolent energy. The system embedded within Vasco's body, a legacy from his father, reacted to the dangerous aspects of the arts and swiftly neutralized them.

Intrigued by this unforeseen turn of events, Vasco continued reading, allowing the system to analyze and adapt the martial arts into a safer and more potent form. The merging of Humphrey martial arts, passed down through generations, and the Shadow Blade martial arts resulted in a unique synthesis.

The system, functioning as a guide and enhancer, refined the techniques, eliminating the negative aspects while enhancing the positive attributes. Vasco could feel the transformation within him as the martial arts evolved into a harmonious blend of power and control.

His levels and stats, displayed by the system, showed significant improvement. Strength, agility, and proficiency in martial arts all witnessed a considerable boost. The melding of the two martial arts had unlocked latent potential within Vasco, pushing him beyond his previous limits.

(User Stats - Vasco)

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Level: 20 (Energy Collector)

Aura Body Attribute - 18 (Strength and Constitution)

Magic Mind Attribute - 18 (Intelligence and Wisdom)

Qi Soul Attribute - 18 (Charm and Dexterity)


Aura - Level 4

Magic - Level 4

Qi - Level 4

Shadow Blade Arts Fusion - Level 3

Pure Energy - Level 2

(Stats and Level Increase Summary)

- +3 levels gained

- +3 points added to each attribute (Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charm, Dexterity)

- +2 levels gained in Aura, Magic, and Qi skills

- Shadow Blade Arts Fusion skill introduced and leveled to 3


Humphrey's Martial Arts - Max Level (Mixed)

Beginner Magic Circle - Level 4/10

Beginner Chakra Channels - Level 4/10

Beginner Qi Pathways - Level 4/10

Pure Energy Orb - Level 2

Self-Absorb Energy Circle - Level 2

Adaptive System - Level 1

Enhanced Perception - Level 1

Aura Control - Level 1

Power Surge - Level 1

(Stats and Passive Increase Summary)

- +4 passive points unallocated

- Introduction of Adaptive System, Enhanced Perception, Aura Control, and Power Surge passives


The following day, as the quartet gathered for their training session, Vasco felt a newfound confidence coursing through him. The scroll, now devoid of its dark influences, had become a valuable source of knowledge.

Ava noticed the change and inquired, "You seem different today, Vasco. Did something happen?"

Vasco, a subtle smile on his face, replied, "I had a good dream last night. It makes my body feels better."

Mia, intrigued, asked, "Better how?"

Vasco, without revealing the specifics, demonstrated some of the refined techniques. His movements were fluid, and the aura surrounding him exuded a sense of controlled power. Peter, known for his skepticism, couldn't help but acknowledge the improvement.

"Alright, show us what you've got," Peter challenged.

Vasco agreed, and the training session began. The quartet engaged in rigorous sparring, each member pushing their limits. Ava and Mia, incorporating the newfound knowledge from the training, showcased improved techniques. Peter, competitive as always, sought to match Vasco's refined movements.

The academy grounds echoed with the sounds of clashes and the hum of martial arts. As the training progressed, Vasco found himself not only instructing but also learning from the others. The exchange of knowledge became a two-way street, strengthening the bonds within the quartet.