
System of a Game

A guy suddenly had a system in his head. Lived in a world mixed of magic, martial arts, cultivation, and others. The system will either help him with good news or bad news. With little understanding of the system, he explore the uses and learn how to benefit from the system. Impending war makes him busy to be stronger while love is making him go crazy. Joined Vasco in a world of adventures, war, a little bit of romance and insanity.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 16 - Senior

Chapter 16

The academy grounds buzzed with activity as the quartet continued their intense training. Vasco, infused with newfound confidence and refined techniques, led the group through a series of drills. Ava and Mia eagerly absorbed the teachings, while Peter, always competitive, tried to match Vasco's every move.

As the quartet focused on their training, a senior student named Leon, known for his arrogant demeanor, approached them. He had been eyeing Peter with disdain ever since a chance encounter yesterday where Peter accidentally bumped into him.

"You!" Leon sneered, pointing at Peter. "You think you can just bump into people without consequences?! Yesterday you didn't even apologize properly to me!"

Peter, unfazed, replied, "It was an accident. No need to make a big deal out of it."

Leon, however, wasn't satisfied. "You've disrespected me, and I won't let it slide. I challenge you to a duel."

A hush fell over the training area as students nearby took notice. Ava and Mia exchanged worried glances, while Vasco raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the sudden turn of events.

"Fine," Peter accepted the challenge, "but we'll do it later. We're in the middle of training."

Leon smirked, "Very well. Sunset, at the Dueling Grounds."

With that, Leon turned on his heel and walked away, leaving an air of tension behind. The quartet resumed their training, but the looming duel added an extra layer of intensity to the atmosphere.

"What happened?" asked Vasco

Peter replied while looking towards the leaving senior. "Remember yesterday after training I left you to do something? I bumped into him yesterday when I ran. I did apologize but I was in a hurry so I just yelled 'sorry'."

"You sure do have a knack of inviting problems." Vasco massage his temple.

"Let's just continue our training." said Ava.

As the day progressed, the quartet continued to refine their skills. Vasco, despite the upcoming duel, remained focused on the training session. Ava and Mia showed remarkable progress, incorporating Vasco's teachings seamlessly into their combat styles.

Evening approached, and the quartet headed towards the Dueling Grounds. The area was dimly lit, with an elevated platform serving as the stage for duels. A small crowd had gathered, eager to witness the confrontation between Peter and Leon.

Leon stood confidently on the platform, his aura radiating arrogance. Peter climbed up to meet him, a determined look on his face. The referee, a neutral senior student, stood ready to officiate the duel.

"Remember, no lethal strikes. First one to yield or be incapacitated loses," the referee declared.

The duel commenced, and the clash of martial arts echoed through the Dueling Grounds. The senior drew a pair of gleaming swords, his aura pulsating with the confidence of a seasoned fighter. Peter, relying on his magic, conjured ethereal flames around his hands, preparing for the clash.

The senior lunged forward with remarkable speed, slashing his swords with precision. Peter, nimble and agile, dodged the attacks while countering with bursts of magical flames. The clash of blades and the dance of fire created a spectacle that captivated the onlookers.

Ava, Mia, and Vasco watched from the sidelines, their expressions a mix of anticipation and concern. The crowd observed in silence, witnessing the clash between the two students.

As the duel unfolded, it became evident that Peter, though skilled, was struggling against Leon's relentless attacks. Leon, fueled by his desire for revenge, pressed the advantage, landing blows with precision.

Vasco, observing Peter's predicament, felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Part of him wanted to intervene, but he knew the importance of individual growth through challenges. He exchanged glances with Ava and Mia, silently communicating their shared concern. They see that Peter was getting pushed by Leon's martial arts.

In a moment of inspiration, Vasco whispered to Ava, "Tell Peter to focus on his footing and use the redirection technique we practiced."

Ava relayed the message, and Peter, hearing the advice, adjusted his strategy. The tide of the duel began to shift as Peter, with newfound determination, countered Leon's attacks. The crowd erupted into murmurs, surprised by the sudden turnaround.

However, the senior, skilled in martial arts and aura manipulation, closed the distance. With a swift move, he disarmed Peter, leaving him defenseless. A triumphant grin crossed the senior's face as he raised his swords for a finishing blow to cut Peter hands.

"Next time, don't be so arrogant in front of me. Remember me and do apologize properly when you see me every time." Leon grinned.

Just as the blades were about to descend, Vasco stepped in, intercepting the attack with his own martial prowess. The clash of energies reverberated through the air as Vasco and the senior locked in a fierce struggle.

Ava and Mia rushed to Peter's side, helping him back on his feet. The quartet, now united, faced the senior who seemed undeterred by Vasco's intervention.

"You should've stayed out of this," the senior sneered at Vasco.

Vasco, calm and collected, replied, "This is not a fight to the death. There's no need for unnecessary harm."

Vasco looks at the referee and said. "My friend lost so the duel ended right? "

The senior look between Leon and Vasco and nodded.

The senior, angered by Vasco's interference, unleashed a flurry of attacks, combining his swordsmanship with aura manipulation. Vasco, adapting to the onslaught, weaved through the strikes with grace and precision.

Their duel intensified, drawing the attention of the academy faculty. The headmaster, a wise and experienced figure, observed the conflict from a distance, intrigued by the skills displayed.

"To think that there is a new students that can fight with his seniors. Interesting." said the headmaster as he smiled.


Ava and Mia exchanged concerned glances. Peter, recovering from the earlier duel, looked at Vasco with gratitude.

"Well fought," Vasco commended Peter, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Thanks for stepping in," Peter admitted, a rare moment of vulnerability.

Vasco nodded, "We're friends. We watch each other's backs."

As they walked through the academy grounds, Ava looked at Vasco and said, "You never cease to surprise us, Vasco. What was that advice about?"

Vasco grinned, "Just a little trick I picked up from my family's martial arts. It's all about adapting in the heat of the moment."

"But you managed to draw with the senior." said Mia.

Vasco shrugged his shoulders and replied. "It's a fluke. My luck was great because a teacher managed to intervened before us. If not I might lost at that time."

"Yeah right." Ava rolled her eyes as she did not believe him.

The next day, the quartet resumed their training, the encounter with the senior serving as a reminder of the challenges they might face. Each member pushed their limits, learning not only from their successes but also from their setbacks.

As the day unfolded, whispers circulated through the academy about the quartet's encounter with the senior. Some admired their resilience, while others questioned their stupidity in opposing a senior. A mysterious figure smiled in the shadows as he continued to observe, his presence lingering like a shadow cast upon their journey.