
System of a Game

A guy suddenly had a system in his head. Lived in a world mixed of magic, martial arts, cultivation, and others. The system will either help him with good news or bad news. With little understanding of the system, he explore the uses and learn how to benefit from the system. Impending war makes him busy to be stronger while love is making him go crazy. Joined Vasco in a world of adventures, war, a little bit of romance and insanity.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 14 - Forbidden Garden

The next day arrived as promised, Ava and Mia anxiously waited for Peter and Vasco at the designated lunch spot. Peter, with his nonchalant attitude, arrived first, followed shortly by Vasco, who looked slightly worn out from his missions but still maintained his composure.

Ava and Mia greeted them with enthusiasm, and after exchanging pleasantries, Ava got straight to the point. "We want to train with you guys. We've realized there's much we can learn from each other."

Peter and Vasco was shocked because of their plea. They didn't expect to hear from the top rank students in their batch asking them for help in training.

Peter, still carrying an air of arrogance, raised an eyebrow. "And why would we want to train with you?"

Mia stepped forward, her determination shining through. "Because we respect your strength. We want to get stronger too, and we believe training together will benefit us all."

Vasco, who had been mostly silent, observed the exchange. He then spoke up, "Fine, we can spar together, but don't expect us to hold back."

Ava nodded, "That's all we ask for—fair challenges to help each other grow."

With an agreement in place, they scheduled their first training session for the next day. As they parted ways, Ava and Mia couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The opportunity to train with stronger peers was both daunting and thrilling.

Meanwhile, Peter and Vasco walked together towards the academy grounds. Peter, breaking the silence, asked Vasco, "You're okay with this training thing?"

Vasco replied, "Why not? It's a chance to improve. Besides, it might be interesting."

As they strolled through the academy, they noticed a buzz of activity. News of their recent exploits had spread, and students were curious, some even approaching them for autographs. Peter reveled in the attention, while Vasco, more reserved, simply acknowledged the requests.

Amidst the crowd, a mysterious figure observed them from a distance. A cloaked person, hidden in the shadows, seemed to take a keen interest in the group. Their motives remained unclear.


In a secluded area of the academy library, Ava and Mia delved into research. They were determined to find information about the mysterious technique that had defeated them in the arena. Hours passed as they poured over books and scrolls.

Mia finally exclaimed, "Aha! I found something. A rare technique called 'Shadow Blade Arts.' It seems to be an ancient and nearly forgotten style that enhances physical and magical abilities. Only a few individuals are rumored to possess its knowledge."

Ava frowned, "Shadow Blade Arts? That's what he used against us?"

Mia nodded, "I guess so, it's known for its versatility. The user can manipulate shadows not only for offense but also for defense and stealth. No wonder we had a hard time predicting his moves. But it might be a different kind of martial arts because this technique is considered as forbidden because it consumes blood to use it."

The discovery fueled their determination. Ava said, "If he can learn something like that, then so can we. We'll ask him about it during our training."


Meanwhile, Vasco spent his afternoon in the academy's training grounds, honing his skills. His mind was focused on the recent encounters, both in the missions and the unexpected confrontation with the rapists. The Ring of Crash he acquired had proven useful, providing him with an added edge.

As the day turned into night, he received a message on his academy communicator. It was a request from the mysterious figure in the shadows. The message read, "Meet me at the Forbidden Garden after midnight. I have information you might find intriguing."

Vasco hesitated but ultimately decided to investigate. The Forbidden Garden was an off-limits area rumored to hold ancient secrets. It was a place where students rarely ventured due to its mysterious and potentially dangerous nature.


At the appointed time, Vasco cautiously entered the Forbidden Garden. The moon cast an eerie glow on the ancient statues and overgrown foliage. The mysterious figure emerged from the shadows.

"Vasco, isn't it?" the cloaked person spoke with a disguised voice.

Vasco nodded, "Who are you, and what information do you have?"

The figure chuckled, "Call me the Seeker. I know about your father, your lineage, and the dormant power within you. I can help you awaken it."

Intrigued but cautious, Vasco listened as the Seeker unveiled a path of ancient knowledge and forbidden arts that could unlock his true potential.


The Forbidden Garden remained cloaked in shadows as the Seeker continued to weave a tale of ancient power and forgotten arts. Vasco, though intrigued, sensed an unease. The information provided by the Seeker contradicted his understanding of his own abilities.

"You have a dormant power within, Vasco, one that could elevate you to unimaginable heights. The Shadow Blade Arts you witnessed in the arena is just a fraction of what you can truly achieve," the Seeker claimed.

Vasco's brow furrowed. "I appreciate the offer, but I've trained under my father's guidance. What you're describing doesn't align with what I've learned."

The Seeker, hidden in the shadows, chuckled. "Your father might not have shared the complete truth with you. The arts I speak of have been lost to most, but a chosen few still carry the knowledge."

Vasco shook his head, his instincts urging caution. "I cannot trust information that contradicts my experiences. What you're proposing seems too different from the skills I've honed so far."

The Seeker's eyes gleamed from within the hood. "You deny an opportunity to unlock your true potential? The power I offer surpasses any conventional training."

Vasco took a step back. "I appreciate your interest, but I won't stray from the path my father set for me. If there's anything else you want, speak plainly, or I must take my leave."

The Seeker, frustration evident, replied, "You're denying yourself greatness, but so be it. There is another matter. Beware of the shadows; they hold secrets beyond your comprehension."

With those cryptic words, the Seeker throws a scroll towards Vasco before melted back into the darkness, leaving Vasco alone in the Forbidden Garden. The air seemed charged with an otherworldly energy as Vasco pondered the encounter.