
Sword shadow monarch(Rewrite)

Follow the story of a man who has awakened in the body of Sung Jin-Woo after solo leveling in a world full of monsters and beasts, but there are also many intelligent beings with their own kingdoms. But some don't and are treated as outsiders. He wanted to change that. He wanted to build a kingdom for all of the creatures that could speak. ----------------------------------------- AN: I accidently click comple and not pause, I will be rewriting this on another account. Disclaimer: I don't own anything, Mc, and cover. Warning!! I'm just making this for fun again, like the others; this is just an idea I have and wanted to write about, so don't expect anything from me. English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry for my grammar.

M2skMan · Others
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18 Chs

ch 3 Revenge or is it?

As Jin-Woo left where he was a wolf a pack appeared seemingly because of the howl Fenrir let out. They are smaller than Fenrir.

The leader or alpha of the pack was in front a little smaller than Fenrir but was still huge for a normal wolf.

They walk around the place searching for something until one of them found something. Growling at the rest he started to run in one direction followed by the others as they sniff the scent and the broken twigs and other things left by Jin-Woo.

There are currently five wolves coming along two with black fur blue eyes at the back of the group also knows as the Omegas. While in front of the two brown coloreds wolfs having at least a few cm taller and larger than them they have yellow eyes also known as the beta.

In front of the rest of them, the new alpha of the wolves is at least one and a half their size he has black fur like the night sky having a light tingle of blue in them, scarlet red eyes, and looks the strongest of them having a horn on its chin.


It howled in the sky as they got faster chasing after Jin-Woo. The pack leader looks to his right before looking to his left as he eyed his pack members he growled in anger knowing his old pack leader died.






Jin-Woo and his new buddy are now taking a short break near a lake they found while running along towards the west. Right now he is cooking some boar meat he killed a few days of traveling. "right almost done cooking I guess" He said as he looks at his first shadow soldier who is eating a creature he killed while the thing was drinking in the lake.

Looking at the happy wagging tail of his buddy Jin-Woo smiled before going back to his now cook food. He took it out before taking a bite on it.

It tastes like a cross between pork and beef, with a unique juicy succulence also a small sweetness to them. *Gulp* Swallowing his food he thought of something. "The food tastes great even without any seasoning what if there one? Maybe it would get better?" He asks himself before looking in one direction.

Getting off the ground he took out his sword from his inventory while his buddy was growling in the direction they came from as five shadowy figures came out from it.

As they appeared in front of Jin-Woo he can't help but raise his eyebrows. They were wolves like his buddy but different they are way smaller except for one of them having red eyes. Looking at them before looking at his buddy he can't help but sigh to himself.

They were all looking at the shadow of his buddy with wide eyes. Looking at them Jin-Woo only sighs to himself as the four battle him while the strongest with red eyes battled his buddy.

Blocking the claws coming his way using the side of his sword he was sent a few meters away from them as he isn't as strong right now. "Look like I have to use some of my stats to my agility then," He said as he opened his status and use his Sp.

When everything was done he uses his dash skill appearing behind one of the omegas before he slashes his sword downwards as he cut off its head as its body fell to the ground along with its head Jin-Woo turned to the rest as he disappeared in place.

Appearing again in the last omega wolf he slashes down to its neck to only be lounge to the side of it with a claw as he blocks using the side of his sword he again dashes towards the remaining three as he uses stealth.

Before they could know what happened the omega wolf lost its head as it fell to the ground lifeless body. Jin-Woo uses stealth as he appeared behind one of the beta wolves as he slashes downwards only for the wolf to dodge to the left but it was still wounded.

Looking at them as he jumps back so he won't get attack by them he saw the last unhurt wolf protecting its friends. "A fast one and a protective one I see," He said as he breathed in fresh air before charging again.

As he appeared above them he uses a sword lashes towards them as he killed the one protecting the wolf behind him as its dead body fell to the ground lifeless soon the wounded followed along with him as Jin-Woo appeared behind it again lashing forward.

It didn't get to dodge as it was wounded from the last hit he goes from Jin-Woo. Looking at them he sighs to himself before looking at his buddy who was still battling the wolf.

He sat down on a rock near him as he watches his wolf howl in the sky before a notification appeared in front of him that surprise him a little but also brought a small to his face.

[Your shadow has inflicted fear in a wolf]

[Enemy would deal 20% less damage]

"Looks like buddy here is going to be one of my best support shadows," He said with a small to his face before his buddy killed the last wolf as he bites its neck shattering it. "Good job buddy! Finish your food now I'll handle the rest" he said before making all the wolves arise.

"Arise" As his eyes shine in purple light and another five shadows emerge from the dead wolves. They howled in the sky before turning to the wolf eating his lunch. They all bowed their head before coming to me as they lay in the ground along with their heads.


[Player has receive 3000 exp by killing a pack of wolves]

[Player has leveled up]

Looking at the sound of notification as he loved up he smiled checking his status again. "Status" He muttered as a blue transparent screen appeared in front of him.



Name: Jin-woo

Race: half-human/half-shadow

Title: Sword shadow monarch

Class: Shadow monarch/Ruler of the dead


Ex: 2890/10,000

Hp: 2700/700 Mana: 4400/4400

Strength: 5-> 25

Health: 5->22

Agility: 5->25


Perception (Sense):5->22

Sp: 0->5


Sprint/Dash: 1 mana per min. Movement speed will increase by 30%.

Vital Strike/ Vital Points Targetting: 70 mana. Dealing critical damage if you attack a foe's vital areas.

Swords only

Stealth: 200 mana. Your appearance and all traces of you will be hidden instantly. ==> 10 mana will be consumed every second.

Sword Slash: 30 mana. Deal damage by slashing your sword. As the skill's level increases, damage and accuracy will increase.

dagger only

Bloodlust/Killing Intent 100 mana. Using strong energy, the selected target is put in a state of fear for 1 minute. Several targets can be selected. Effect 'fear': All stats -50%.

Reanimation: Using the word *Arise*

Can reanimate souls from dead bodies, and store them. The chances of being able to reanimate a body depend on the time gap between reanimating and the death of an individual and the gap between his strength and the individual he is trying to reanimate. He can only attempt to reanimate the body only 3 times. As long as he has mana, his shadow is basically immortal as they can regenerate endlessly. Shadows able to be Reanimated: Infinite.

Shadow Exchange: No mana needed. Can switch positions with any previously summoned shadow. It does not appear to have a distance limit. It has a cooldown of 3 hours at the base level of 1. At level 2, it's reduced to 2 hours.

Ruler's Authority: No mana needed. A form of telekinesis with his hands. It is later revealed that it's actually being able to freely control mana.

Domain of the Monarch: No mana needed. Shadows within the area of influence gained enhance stats. It also replaces the colors of above Knight Grade Shadows from Blue-Black to Purple-Black.

Passive skills

Perseverance/Unyielding Spirit: No mana required

As his health is below 30%, [Perseverance] will active. Damage taken is reduced by 50%.

Will to Rehabilitate: Temporary ability. Any dismembered body parts are restored.


Permanent effect. All diseases, poisons, and status effects are healed, and sleeping will explosively increase regeneration ability.

Advanced Sword Arts

High-Grade Sword Technique Because he used Swords for an extended period, he can now use Swords more proficiently. When a dagger is used, the attack with it gains 33% additional damage.



Nodding to himself he looks at the other wolves. "Go back to my shadows before I need you again," He said as they abid his command going back to his shadow before he looks to his buddy. "Let's hurry up buddy we need to move before anything came here"

He said as they ate their food before putting out the fire Jin-Woo rides his buddy continued their journey towards the west.

Hope you enjoy the chapter so far and can you guys give me power stones and a review if you're not busy.

Hope everyone is doing fine and see you guys later.

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