
Sword shadow monarch(Rewrite)

Follow the story of a man who has awakened in the body of Sung Jin-Woo after solo leveling in a world full of monsters and beasts, but there are also many intelligent beings with their own kingdoms. But some don't and are treated as outsiders. He wanted to change that. He wanted to build a kingdom for all of the creatures that could speak. ----------------------------------------- AN: I accidently click comple and not pause, I will be rewriting this on another account. Disclaimer: I don't own anything, Mc, and cover. Warning!! I'm just making this for fun again, like the others; this is just an idea I have and wanted to write about, so don't expect anything from me. English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry for my grammar.

M2skMan · Others
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18 Chs

Ch 4 Wall!

It's been a week since Jin-Woo has gained an extra 5 shadows to his arsenal. He was currently riding his buddy as they spotted the first structure they came across with. It was a giant marble wall with thick vines all over it making it look beautiful.

Looking around he didn't saw anyone near it so he let his buddy go back to his shadow as Jin-Woo continue towards the gate of the kingdom. By how far it was he would take 30 minutes of walking to get there. He could only see that far because of his heightened vision.

"Finally after so long I could talk with some people now," He said as he speeds up a little. From his journey from the forest to here near the wall of marble he respected to find humans or closely related to them after all this isn't his original world.

When he made it near the marble wall he saw humans for the very first time since he has reincarnated but they were different they have pointed ears much taller than what he knows of and a bow on their back.

He stops a few meters away from them not letting them see him as he looks at them. "Elves I see," He said as he also saw some humans mix with them also. Looking at them all he could say that for every 75 elves there would always be 1 human.

He started t run at a normal speed towards the kingdom or what it looks like. When he was a few meters away from the gate of the kingdom of elves came towards him.

"Stop right there sir we would like to ask some questions before you could move forward' The elve said with a kind smile on their faces.

"Ask away," Jin-Woo said to them as he nodded his head in approval.

"Right sir I just wanted to ask if you have anything you would like to know since you look new here," he asks seeing that Jin-Woo didn't stop looking around.

Jin-Woo nodded his head after all this is the first time being here. "Yes, that would up help to me," He said as he looks at them almost the same height as him but he was shorter than them by a few inches.

"Well sir here's a map of the kingdom and an instruction book of how things go in the kingdom have a nice day," They said with a smile as they walk away from Jin-Woo.

Looking at their disappearing back Jin-Woo looks at the map and book in his hands. "They are friendlier than I expected they were," He said as he walks inside of the kingdom without having to pay for anything.

Looking at the map he went towards the library they have. Walking towards it he saw many different people selling items of all sort like weapons to common regular tools.

He also saw two other races in this kingdom dwarves and beast kin. Dwarves mostly sell weapons while the beast skin sells pelt or beast meat.

Finally making it in front of the library he went inside he saw no one except the book lady or the librarian he went towards her yes she was a lady. Once she saw jin-Woo she was a small blush on her face as she spoke to him.

"Hello, they're welcome to the library how can I help you?" She asks Jin-Woo while looking at him with a small smile on her face and the blush still present on her beautiful face.

Jin-Woo shook his head. "not really just looking around don't mind me but can I look at the books?" He asks here pointing towards the books inside the library.

Shaking her head he said. "not at all, you can read whatever you want to read" She said giving the signal with her hand to go in. Jin-Woo nods his head as he looks at all the books in the library.

He saw one book that interests him as he took them out of the bookcase before walking towards a table before sitting on the chair as he opened the book first about the kingdoms. It only explained some of the races in this world.

It took him a few hours until he finishes everything before he got up from his chair and placing the book back in the bookcase before walking towards the librarian.

She looks at him with a smile. "Are you done?" She asks as he nodded his head. "Thank you very much," He said as he left the library but before he could walk further outside he saw a goblin walk towards the librarian.

She looks at the goblin with disgust on her face. "What do you want," She said as the goblin just hang his head down. "I was just going to get a book to read," He said as the woman got up from his seat and went towards one of the bookcases in took one book.

She handed the book as she made the gobline pay for it before she said to the goblin to go away. "Here's the book now go away," She said as the gobline paid for the book and walk outside.

Jin-Woo again looks at her that was now smiling happily at him. Jin-Woo frowned before walking outside. He listens to the goblin that was walking away. "Elves why do they even despite us! We were once allies but now we are humiliated and enslave" The goblin said as Jin-Woo stops in his tracks.

"So other races are humiliated like racists. Hmm better leave before night falls or they'll found out I'm not a full pledge human" He said as he runs out of the kingdom towards the forest before hiding in the shadow as the sun goes down.

"So other races are enslaved. In the past life, I was also like that but for a different reason. I was imprisoned by my family as they abuse me...But enough of my past now it's time for the future. Like the person who saves me Ill also be saving them all"

He said as he was determined to make a kingdom of himself where all-race is welcome that who was enslave like him or humiliated and ones who don't like the current racial system. "but first I have to get stronger real stronger" He said

Looking back at the elven kingdom he took out the book given by the elve guard and look at it. He saw that the kingdom is named the elven kingdom of Elenor. There are four kingdoms in total the human, elves, dwarves and beast kin,

The other race is the goblins Jin-woo saw earlier, Ogre, dryad, and many more that are not shown kindness or that of the same kind of kindness as the rest of the race having their own kingdoms.

Closing the book Jin-Woo walks away from the kingdom towards a safe location to use the dungeon key he has gotten from the training rewards he did.

He has been riding with his buddy for a few minutes before he saw a cave that was near impossible to be spotted. It was between two giant trees while thick lush grass kept it hidden. He only found it because an animal went inside of it.

Hope you have enjoyed the novel so far so if you have given me a review and power stones.

Also if you have any I deas comment it up for me and if you see any mistakes I have done let me know and ill fix it right away

M2skMancreators' thoughts