
Sword Of The Seraphim

I don’t have the entire novel planed but this is my start! This is a Dark Action based novel. it won’t have a OP Mc. it should be relatively balanced In terms of fights. there should be Good community and “rest” places for the characters. I expect this to be a very long novel. any input negative or positive is much appreciated! (any artist is welcome as I don’t have funds to create the front page of the novel)

B2SP · Action
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Strengh In Numbers

As Aric and his companions traversed the road to the next town, their senses remained sharp, alert to any potential dangers lurking in the shadows. However, despite their vigilance, they were caught off guard when a sudden rustling in the underbrush signaled the ambush of five goblins, their crude weapons glinting menacingly in the dim light.

Reacting swiftly, Aric drew his sword, the steel flashing in the dappled sunlight as he prepared to meet the attackers head-on. But as the clash ensued, it became apparent that the sword, though serviceable, was of poor quality. Its edge was dull, and its balance was off, making each swing a laborious effort.

Lyra, too, found herself struggling with her staff, its weak enchantments failing to muster the arcane energies she needed to unleash her full potential. With each spell she cast, the staff shuddered in her hands, its crystal core glowing faintly before flickering out like a dying ember.

Meanwhile, Garrick's shield, though sturdy, was showing signs of wear and tear, its surface marred by countless battles and its grip slick with sweat. Despite his best efforts to hold his ground, he found himself being pushed back by the relentless onslaught of their goblin assailants.

And Kael, nimble though he was, found his daggers lacking in both sharpness and precision. With each strike, the blades struggled to pierce the thick hide of the goblins, leaving him frustrated and vulnerable to counterattacks.

As the battle raged on, Aric and his companions found themselves locked in a desperate struggle for survival. Blades clashed, spells crackled through the air, and the sounds of combat echoed through the forest as they fought tooth and nail to defend themselves from the foul beasts.

Despite their valiant efforts, however, the goblins proved to be formidable opponents, their numbers and ferocity overwhelming Aric and his companions. Injuries were sustained—a gash along Garrick's arm, a deep cut on Kael's cheek, bruises and scrapes marring Lyra's fair skin—but still they fought on, driven by a fierce determination to survive.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as the battle raged, each moment fraught with danger and uncertainty. Aric felt his strength waning with each passing blow, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to keep his adversaries at bay. Yet, even in the face of overwhelming odds, he refused to yield, drawing upon reserves of courage and resilience he never knew he possessed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last goblin fell, its lifeless body crumpling to the forest floor as Aric and his companions caught their breath, their hearts pounding with exertion and adrenaline.

With the immediate threat vanquished, Aric turned his attention to his injured comrades, assessing their wounds with a practiced eye. Though none were gravely wounded, it was clear that they would require treatment soon if they were to avoid infection and further complications.

"We need to find a healer," Aric said firmly, his voice laced with concern. "We can't afford to let these injuries go untreated, especially not out here in the wilderness."

Grimacing against the pain of his injuries, Garrick nodded in agreement, his arm hanging limply at his side. "Aye, we can't risk infection," he agreed, his voice tight with excruciating pain.

With that, Aric and his companions set about gathering the bodies of the fallen goblins, their grim task made easier by the adrenaline still coursing through their veins. Though it pained them to do so, they knew that the bodies of the goblins could be their ticket to earning the gold they so desperately needed.

And so, with their injured comrades in tow and the bodies of the fallen goblins in tow, Aric and his companions resumed their journey to the next town, their hearts heavy with the weight of their injuries but buoyed by the hope of earning the gold they needed to continue their adventure.

As Aric and his companions approached the modest town, the atmosphere shifted from the desolate landscapes of the Shadowed Kingdom to a more lively and bustling environment. The town was nestled amidst rolling hills, with quaint cottages lining the cobblestone streets and colorful banners fluttering in the gentle breeze.

As they walked through the town's outskirts, the air was filled with the fragrant aroma of blooming flowers and freshly baked bread from nearby bakeries. Merchants set up their stalls along the main thoroughfare, their voices calling out to passersby with offers of goods and services. Children laughed and played in the town square, their joyful cries echoing through the streets.

The townsfolk themselves were a diverse lot, with farmers tending to their crops in the fields surrounding the town, artisans crafting wares in their workshops, and tradespeople going about their daily business. Despite the challenges of living in the Shadowed Kingdom, there was a sense of resilience and camaraderie among the townsfolk, a determination to make the most of what they had and to help one another in times of need.

As Aric and his companions made their way through the town, they couldn't help but feel a sense of hope stirring within them. Despite their current predicament, the lively atmosphere and sense of community served as a stark reminder that they were not alone in their struggles.

Entering the town's center, they passed by the bustling marketplace, where vendors hawked their wares from colorful stalls adorned with vibrant banners and ribbons. The aroma of sizzling meats and exotic spices filled the air, tempting their senses and stirring their appetites.

As Aric and his companions navigated the lively streets of the town, they couldn't help but be drawn to the various sights and sounds that surrounded them. The vibrant marketplace beckoned to them with its colorful displays of goods, while the tantalizing aroma of freshly prepared food teased their senses.

Despite the distractions, however, their primary concern remained the urgent need for healing. With each passing moment, the pain from their injuries gnawed at them, a constant reminder of their vulnerability in the face of adversity.

As they approached the heart of the town, Aric's keen eyes caught sight of a modest sign hanging above a building: "The Healing Haven." With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, he guided his companions towards the establishment, their steps quickening with anticipation.

Upon entering the Healing Haven, they were greeted by a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The interior was adorned with soothing colors and soft lighting, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity.

Approaching the reception desk, Aric explained their situation to the attending nurse, his voice filled with urgency as he detailed their injuries sustained during the recent ambush. The nurse listened attentively, her expression sympathetic as she took note of their condition.

After assessing their injuries, the nurse informed them of the cost of treatment—a sum far beyond what they could afford. Aric's heart sank as he realized the gravity of their situation. The treatment cost 300 silver coins, a daunting amount that seemed insurmountable given their current financial state.

Determined not to lose hope, Aric turned to his companions, his voice tinged with resolve. "We must find a way to raise the necessary funds," he declared, his gaze meeting theirs with a mixture of determination and desperation.

His companions nodded in agreement, their spirits bolstered by Aric's unwavering determination. Together, they set out into the bustling town once more, their minds focused on finding a solution to their predicament.

As they wandered the streets, they brainstormed ideas and strategies.

I’m going to start calling there mission “adventure” and anything else that they have to do, a “quest”

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