
Sword Of The Seraphim

I don’t have the entire novel planed but this is my start! This is a Dark Action based novel. it won’t have a OP Mc. it should be relatively balanced In terms of fights. there should be Good community and “rest” places for the characters. I expect this to be a very long novel. any input negative or positive is much appreciated! (any artist is welcome as I don’t have funds to create the front page of the novel)

B2SP · Action
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 4: Reality

As Aric and his companions approached the market stall, the tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked meals beckoned to their empty stomachs, intensifying their hunger. Their steps slowed as they neared the stall, their mouths watering at the sight of steaming bowls of hearty stew and crusty loaves of bread.

With weary smiles, they approached the vendor, their last remaining coins clutched tightly in their hands. As they placed their meager funds on the counter, the realization dawned on them that this would likely be their last meal for some time.

Garrick's hand hesitated momentarily before releasing the coins, his gaze fixed on the dwindling supply of money with a mixture of resignation and regret. Lyra's stoic facade wavered for a fleeting moment, a single tear glistening in the corner of her eye before she quickly wiped it away, her pride refusing to allow her emotions to betray her.

Kael's usual bravado faltered as he handed over their last coins, a lump forming in his throat as he watched their precious funds disappear into the vendor's hands. Though he tried to maintain a facade of nonchalance, a pang of despair gripped his heart, threatening to overwhelm him with the gravity of their situation.

Aric, too, felt the weight of their circumstances pressing down upon him as he watched their dwindling resources slip away. Though he longed to offer words of reassurance to his companions, his throat felt tight with unspoken emotions, his own fears and doubts gnawing at his resolve.

As they sat at a nearby bench, their stomachs filled with warm food and their spirits buoyed by the companionship of friendship, a sense of quiet desperation lingered in the air. Though they tried to push aside their worries and fears, the reality of their situation hung heavy over them, casting a shadow over even the simplest of pleasures.

And yet, in the midst of their struggles, a glimmer of hope remained—a flicker of determination that refused to be extinguished. As they prepared to continue their journey to the guild center, their hearts filled with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and resilience.

As Aric and his companions finished their meal, their stomachs finally sated but their worries still gnawing at them, they rose from the bench and resumed their journey through the bustling streets of the town. With each step, the weight of their dwindling resources hung heavy on their minds, a constant reminder of the challenges they faced.

As they approached the guild center, the vibrant energy of adventurers bustling about filled the air, suffusing the reception area with an electric atmosphere of excitement and anticipation.

As Aric and his companions stepped into the bustling guild center, the vibrant energy of adventurers filled the air, suffusing the reception area with an electric atmosphere of excitement and anticipation. The room itself was a bustling hub of activity, its walls adorned with maps, banners, and faded tapestries depicting scenes of heroic deeds and epic battles. The reception desk, positioned at the heart of the room, was a hive of activity, with guild members bustling to and fro, their voices rising and falling in a melodic chorus of conversation.

Approaching one of the reception desks, Aric caught the eye of a young woman with a friendly smile, her demeanor warm and welcoming. She sat behind the desk, surrounded by stacks of parchment and quills, her fingers moving deftly as she attended to the needs of the adventurers who sought her assistance.

With a polite nod, Aric cleared his throat, his voice tinged with urgency as he began to explain their situation. "Excuse me, miss," he started, his words measured yet filled with determination. "My companions and I find ourselves in a bit of a predicament. We were ambushed by goblins on our journey here, and we're in desperate need of funds to pay for our treatment at the Healing Haven."

The receptionist's expression softened with sympathy as she listened intently to Aric's tale, her eyes filled with compassion for their plight. "I'm truly sorry to hear that," she responded softly, her voice gentle and reassuring. "Let me see what I can do to assist you."

Turning to her colleagues, the receptionist engaged in a brief conversation, discussing possible solutions to Aric's predicament. After a few moments of deliberation, she turned back to Aric and his companions with a hopeful smile.

"While we don't currently have any quests available that would provide immediate funds," she began, her tone thoughtful yet optimistic, "there is an alternative option you might consider. Our guild has a policy of purchasing monster remnants from adventurers, which are then used in the crafting of tools and equipment. If you were to bring us the remnants of the creatures that ambushed you, we could offer you a fair price for them."

Aric's eyes brightened with newfound hope at the receptionist's suggestion. "That's an excellent idea," he exclaimed gratefully, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you so much for your assistance. We'll gather the goblin remnants right away."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Aric and his companions set out to retrieve the remnants of the fallen goblins. As they ventured deeper into the forest, they were surrounded by the dense foliage, the air thick with the earthy scent of damp leaves and the distant calls of forest creatures. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor.

Hours passed as they trekked deeper into the forest, their progress slow and deliberate as they scoured the undergrowth for any trace of the goblin ambush site. Despite their efforts, the dense foliage seemed to conceal the creatures' whereabouts, their trail growing increasingly elusive with each passing moment.

Frustration gnawed at Aric's insides as they continued their search, his mind consumed with worry for his companions' safety and the desperate need for funds to pay for their treatment. With each passing minute, the weight of their predicament bore down upon him, threatening to crush his hopes beneath its relentless burden.

Yet, even amidst the darkness of their circumstances, a glimmer of hope remained—a flicker of determination that refused to be extinguished. Aric knew that they could not afford to give up, not when the lives of his companions hung in the balance.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, they stumbled upon the grisly scene—the scattered remains of their earlier encounter strewn amidst the undergrowth. The sight sent a shiver down Aric's spine, a stark reminder of the danger that lurked within the shadows of the forest.

With grim determination, they began to gather the goblin remnants, their movements methodical as they worked to collect every last remnant. Though the task was grim, they knew that it was their best chance to earn the funds they needed to pay for their treatment.

As they made their way back to the guild center with the goblin bodies in tow, Aric couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in the air. Despite their efforts, he couldn't help but wonder if their contribution would be enough to secure the funds they so desperately needed.

With heavy hearts, they returned to the guild center, their footsteps slow and measured as they approached the reception desk once more. As they presented the goblin bodies to the receptionist, Aric couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension wash over him, his hopes tempered by the harsh reality of their situation.

Yet, as the receptionist inspected the bodies with a trained eye, a glimmer of hope sparked in Aric's chest. Perhaps their efforts had not been in vain after all. With bated breath, he awaited the receptionist's verdict, praying that their contribution would be enough to secure the funds they so desperately needed.