
Sword Of The Seraphim

I don’t have the entire novel planed but this is my start! This is a Dark Action based novel. it won’t have a OP Mc. it should be relatively balanced In terms of fights. there should be Good community and “rest” places for the characters. I expect this to be a very long novel. any input negative or positive is much appreciated! (any artist is welcome as I don’t have funds to create the front page of the novel)

B2SP · Action
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 2: A New Beginning

As they gathered their meager purchases and bid farewell to the blacksmith, Aric couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment that lingered in his heart. The short sword he now wielded felt inadequate in his grip, its weight unfamiliar and its blade lacking the gleam of true steel. Yet, he knew that his pride must yield to practicality if they were to stand any chance against the darkness that threatened their land.

Garrick, too, wore a solemn expression as he adjusted the shield upon his arm. It was smaller and more weathered than the shields of his youth, its surface pocked with dents and scratches that bore witness to its previous battles. Yet, he reminded himself that a shield was a shield, and any defense was better than none at all.

Kael fidgeted with the sound-quelling boots he had chosen, his fingers tracing the worn leather with a mixture of frustration and resignation. They lacked the sleekness and sophistication of the boots he had once coveted, their design simple and utilitarian. Yet, he knew that stealth was his greatest asset, and these boots would allow him to move undetected through the shadows that concealed their enemies.

And Lyra, ever the enigma, cradled the weak staff in her hands with a sense of resignation. It lacked the arcane power and elegance of the staves wielded by the great sorcerers of legend, its wood gnarled and its crystal dull. Yet, she reminded herself that magic was as much about the wielder as it was about the wand, and she would find a way to channel its latent energy to aid their cause.

As they stepped back out into the streets of the Shadowed Kingdom, their spirits weighed down by the reality of their circumstances, Aric felt a newfound determination stirring within him. They may not have the weapons of heroes or the armor of champions, but they had something far more precious—their courage, their camaraderie, and their unwavering resolve to stand against the darkness and bring hope back to their land.

As they stepped back out into the streets of the Shadowed Kingdom, their spirits weighed down by the reality of their circumstances, Aric couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency gnawing at the edges of his mind. They needed funds to continue their quest, yet their current resources were barely enough to sustain them for another day.

"We need to find a way to earn more money," Aric said, breaking the somber silence that had settled over the group. "We can't rely on charity or luck to see us through this journey. We need to take matters into our own hands."

His companions nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting the gravity of their situation. Garrick adjusted his shield, his brow furrowed in thought, while Kael tapped his fingers impatiently against the hilt of his dagger. Lyra remained silent, her eyes focused on the horizon as if searching for answers in the distant shadows.

"We could try our luck in the next town over," Kael suggested, breaking the silence with a note of optimism in his voice. "I've heard it's a more prosperous place, with plenty of guilds and quests that pay well for those willing to take on the challenge."

Aric considered Kael's words, weighing the risks and rewards of venturing into unfamiliar territory. The journey to the next town would not be easy, especially with their limited resources, but it offered the promise of opportunity—a chance to earn the money they needed to continue their quest and perhaps even find allies to aid them in their cause.

"Let's do it," Aric said finally, his voice firm with determination. "We'll rest here for the night and set out at first light. With luck, we'll reach the next town by nightfall and find a way to earn the coin we need to continue our journey."

And so, with their course set and their resolve strengthened, Aric and his companions made camp on the outskirts of the city, their minds filled with thoughts of the challenges and adventures that lay ahead. As they drifted off to sleep beneath the watchful gaze of the stars, they knew that whatever trials awaited them on the road ahead, they would face them together, united in purpose and bound by the bonds of friendship that had brought them together in the first place.