
Chapter 5

An undying love: a secret unknown

In the opulent halls of the royal palace, Queen Vivian gazed out of the grand window, her eyes clouded with memories of her long-lost child. Her heart ached with the burden of the prophecy and the years of separation from her daughter.

As rumors of the princess escape spread, the king, Gawain I burdened by the uncertainty it brought to his reign, took for himself a second wife in search of a male heir to secure the kingdom's future.

Queen Vivian was a woman of grace and wisdom, but her title did not shield her from the torment of losing her firstborn. Though she remained strong, her heart never ceased to long for her daughter, who she gave up for safety not long after birth.

In the royal chambers, Queen Vivian spent her days immersed in the company of her lost child's cherished belongings which would have been put to use had she grown in the castle- a small silver rattle, a delicate baby blanket, and a letter written by her own hand, filled with motherly love. These mementos were all she had to hold onto the precious moments she spent with her child.

The king then took for himself a second wife, a beautiful woman from the house Sapher, bannermen to the king of Albion, a woman of noble birth. She had brown eyes and perfect jaws with long reddish hair giving her that very beautiful look. Her name was Talisa of the house sapher, soon to be queen. 

As the second wife's influence grew in the palace, Queen Vivian struggled to find her place . She yearned to see her daughter again, to hold her close, and to reassure her that she was loved beyond measure.

Months passed and the royal court rejoiced at the news of Queen Talisa's pregnancy. The kingdom awaited with bated breath, hopeful for the birth of an heir to secure the future of the realm. Unbeknownst to the court and the kingdom at large, Queen Talisa's pregnancy harbored a closely guarded secret.

In the hallowed halls of the palace, Queen Talisa struggled with the weight of her secret. As she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, she was overjoyed with the child's arrival. Yet, in the quiet moments that followed, her heart sank as she noticed the absence of the dragon mark on her son.

The dragon mark was a symbol that indicated the presence of dragon blood within the royal bloodline. Its absence in the newborn prince cast a shadow of doubt and concern over Queen Talisa. In a realm where the prophecy and destiny held immense significance, the truth of her son's birth could shatter the carefully constructed façade of unity.

Determined to protect her child from the judgment of the kingdom, Queen Talisa made a difficult decision. With the help of a trusted confidant, a loyal healer named Lady Isadora, she kept the truth hidden. They agreed to keep the child's lack of the dragon mark a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few.

In the eyes of the kingdom, the newborn prince bore the dragon mark, and news of his birth was celebrated far and wide. Queen Talisa put on a brave face, concealing her doubts and fears about the truth she was safeguarding.

She named her son Edmund, who later would be known to be Edmund I the knowledgeable . As the young prince grew, Queen Talisa watched over him with a mix of love and apprehension. The joy of motherhood was intertwined with the heavy burden of secrecy she carried, knowing that the truth could jeopardize her son's future and the stability of the realm.

Amidst the court's festivities and the people's adoration, Queen Talisa found solace in the hidden chambers of the palace. There, she sought counsel from Lady Isadora, who stood as her steadfast confidant and protector of her son's secret.

"Isadora, I fear for my son's future," Queen Talisa confided, her voice trembling with emotion. "If the kingdom were to learn the truth, the consequences could be disastrous."

Lady Isadora placed a comforting hand on the queen's shoulder. "Your love for him is evident, and you have done what you believe is best to protect him. It is a burden we share, but we will face it together."

As the years passed, the prince grew into a charismatic young man, beloved by the kingdom. He demonstrated leadership and wisdom beyond his years, qualities that endeared him to the court and the people.

Queen Talisa's heart swelled with pride at her son's accomplishments, but the weight of the secret never left her. She knew that one day, the truth might come to light, and she prepared herself for the inevitable revelation.

In the shadows, the prophecy's presence loomed large, intertwining destinies and testing the bonds of loyalty and love. The truth of the young prince's birth remained concealed, but as the realm's fate unfolded, it became increasingly clear that the prophecy was far from over.

In the opulent halls of the royal palace, Prince Edmund grew up as a fine young prince, his true heritage a closely guarded secret known only to his mother, Queen Talisa, and a select few loyal confidants. Unknown to Edmund, he was supposed to possess dragon blood, a hidden truth that his mother had chosen to keep from him for his own protection.

As a child, Edmund displayed a natural curiosity and a kind-hearted nature. He was beloved by the courtiers and the people, who admired his genuine compassion and humility. Under the watchful eyes of his mother and her loyal queens guard , Ser Ector, he received the finest education befitting a future king.

In the vast palace library, Edmund spent countless hours immersing himself in books, eager to learn about history, cultures, and the wonders of the world. He had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a desire to understand the complexities of his kingdom and its people.

As he grew older, Edmund's sense of responsibility and dedication to his princely duties deepened. He participated in royal ceremonies, attended council meetings, and observed his father's wise rule. All the while, he remained expectant to the prophecy that was told him and had no idea that the dragon blood doesn't flow through his veins.

Amidst the court's formalities, Edmund found solace in moments of quiet reflection within the palace gardens. There, he would sit beneath the shade of a majestic oak tree, its ancient branches whispering tales of forgotten legends.

Unaware of his own poor destiny, Edmund dreamt of a united kingdom, one where people of all backgrounds could coexist in harmony. He pondered the idea of bringing prosperity and happiness to his realm, guided by the principles of fairness and justice.

Unknown to Edmund, there was one person who had also viewed him as one who would hold the fiery scabbard unscathed who would unsheathe the sword of ice and lay waste to the army of the undead thereby uniting the realm- His name was Aldric, who later became Edmund's best friend and confidant. Aldric had sensed the prince's unique aura and the latent power that dwelt within him. Although, princes of the kingdom are taught magic but a little as they are trained to be great swordsmen. However, bound by the weight of the prophecy and the burden of secrecy, he could not revealed the truth to Edmund. It turned out that Aldric was the son of lady Isadora who also knew of the circumstances that surrounded the prince's birth.

As Edmund reached his teenage years, his sense of duty to the kingdom intensified. He embarked on journeys across the kingdom, engaging with common people , listening to their struggles and aspirations. Each encounter left an indelible mark on him, strengthening his resolve to be a compassionate and just ruler.