
Chapter 6

During one of his travels, Edmund encountered a young woman named Isla, who had lost her home and family to a devastating fire. Her resilience and unwavering spirit touched his heart, and he pledged to help her rebuild her life.

In the course of their friendship, Isla never treated him as a prince, but simply as a caring and empathetic companion. This sense of camaraderie filled Edmund with joy, offering him a glimpse of a world beyond the confines of his royal role.

As the years passed, the realm's perception of Prince Edmund grew from admiration to reverence. His dedication to the people and his ability to empathize with their struggles made him a symbol of hope and unity.

Throughout his youth, Edmund continued to hone his skills in diplomacy, swordsmanship, and the art of leadership. He also became an accomplished equestrian, finding solace in the freedom of riding through the kingdom's vast landscapes.

As he approached adulthood, a sense of responsibility weighed on his shoulders, knowing that the future of the realm rested on his choices. Still, he remained blissfully unaware of the prophecy that foretold his destiny not as a bearer of dragon blood.

In the shadows, Queen Talisa and lady Isadora observed their young prince with a mixture of pride and concern. While they yearned to reveal the truth to him, they knew that the time was not yet right.

As the kingdom braced itself for the unfolding events, the fate of Prince Edmund was intricately tied to the destiny of the realm. The weight of the prophecy was a burden they all bore, each playing their role in the intricate tapestry of unity and hope.

In the heart of it all, the prince grew, a fine young man with an unwavering dedication to his kingdom and its people. Unaware of the powerful legacy that awaited him, Prince Edmund's story was far from over, and his journey would shape the realm's future in ways he could never have imagined. 

However, lady Isadora had schemes of her own, she wanted the throne for her own son Aldric and didn't care of any stupid mark of dragon's blood, Aldric wasn't aware of her plot and remained a loyal friend to Edmund. When she saw that the time was right, she called the court of mages and revealed the circumstances of the princes birth to the them in order to cause disdain in the palace midst. Words of the truth got to the king's chambers and he was yet again furious , this also made the queen scared and betrayed. She then sent her personal guard to tell Edmund to escape , the young prince refused and he came straight back to the palace seeking to know what had happened. The king sent guards to retrieve him but he escaped as the kingdom musn't hear of such revelation. Ser Ector helped him into the palace walls to wait till the search was over, Edmund felt betrayed by his father and wanting to know the truth, he snuck into his mother's chamber and confronted her for the truth.

Queen Talisa with tears of regret told him that he didn't bear the mark showing that he possesses the dragon blood and it was his half sister who was the prophecy child. He was marveled and he went up to the king's chamber and killed him in his sleep. Queen Talisa also ordered lady Isadora be killed, the guards rushed into the lady's room and dashed spears into her body leaving her lifeless on the ground. Aldric ran for his dear life as the guards also was in pursuit of him. Announcement of the king's death was made and the prince was the next in line. The kingdom still in dark of what had just happened, kept shouting and proclaiming Edmund their king not knowing it would begin a new chapter of strive for the people of Albion. 

Edmund raging with anger as he didn't possess the dragon mark looked at his mother and asked her where his half sister was, the queen replied that only queen Vivian knows of her whereabouts.

Queen Vivian was brought before him and he asked of her daughter's whereabouts, she claimed she didn't know and had parted ways with her since her birth. Unsatisfied, he had her thrown in the dungeons. 

The day for the new king's coronation came and Edmund the knowledgeable soon became king Edmund the Brutal. 

He then ordered a number of soldiers to go in search of the princess who had the mark and she was to be brought dead or alive 

As tensions rose and alliances shifted, Queen Talisa found herself at the center of a storm she had hoped to avoid.

In the face of uncertainty, the realm's destiny hung in the balance, guided by the intertwining fates of Lysanna, the prophecy, and the king who bore no dragon mark. The path to unity and the fulfillment of the prophecy would test the bonds of the kingdom, and the revelation of the king's secret could alter the course of his own destiny.