
Chapter 31

Word of Erevan's conquest reached the archmage's ears, and he saw an opportunity to seize the capital. His dark ambitions centered around acquiring dragon eggs for his nefarious purposes, desiring to harness their power to wield the legendary Sword of Ice. Unbeknownst to him, his actions would soon lead to his downfall.

Two of the elder thirteen mages, revered for their wisdom and loyalty to the realm, organized a formidable force of small knights and quite the number of mages. It was to be one of the most significant clash the realm had ever witnessed. With the archmage marching towards the capital, he made it clear to everyone that Queen Talisa was his target, driven by a personal vendetta. Unbeknownst to him, Queen Talisa had already escaped with Prince Eamon, leaving behind a ruse for the archmage to chase.

As the archmage's forces closed in on the capital kingdom, strange occurrences marked their arrival. It was said that some of the mages flew to the castle walls, others disappeared, and some even traversed through portals to infiltrate the kingdom. However, news of their impending arrival had already reached King Erevan's ears, and he and his men were prepared for the incoming threat.

When the mages arrived, they were met with an eerie sight: the castle appeared deserted. The archmage reveled in the grandeur of the empty throne room as he declared himself the "Grand Archmage" (as the kingdom of Trigoh did not use the term "king," being a land of mages). Night fell, and unbeknownst to him, Ser Galen, a cunning and strategic leader, had orchestrated a plan.

That night, it was said that over 120 mages met their demise in secret. Ser Galen's soldiers struck swiftly and silently, leaving no room for the mages to retaliate. The Grand Archmage, weary from the day's journey, retreated to what he thought was safety within his would be new chamber.

However, within the shadows, King Erevan himself lay in wait. Just as the Grand Archmage attempted to conjure dark arts upon Erevan, Ser Galen emerged from the darkness. With a swift and precise strike, Galen's sword severed the archmage's arm, maiming him so that he could never practice the ancient arts again. Just as he groaned in pain at the loss of his hand, the sword took the other. 

The Grand Archmage was then dragged to the palace courtyard, where he was bound and left to await the dawn of a new day. As the sun rose on the morrow, the citizens gathered out of force and fear to witness the consequences of his treacherous actions. The Grand Archmage, desperate to regain his power, attempted to revolt and recite incantations to escape his fate.

However, before he could utter a word, Ser Galen's sword fell once more, this time with deadly finality. The archmage's head rolled to the ground, blood staining the courtyard stones. His execution served as a chilling reminder to all who witnessed it—a stark warning of what would befall anyone who dared to challenge King Erevan's rule.

In the dark and eerie realm of the undead, Lysanna's memory loss left her vulnerable and uncertain

 It was said that she made accomplices on the way as she wandered off on a no where destination. The accomplices soon turned out to be the undead king's minions. The fate that the trio had always tried with all their might to avert, came to pass as if it was a folklore told from a book. Lysanna, the dragon mark wielder had fallen into the grasp of the undead king. "We know who your father is" they said as they perceived she wasn't with her memory.

" my father? She replied.

They replied we can take you to him. It took them four and half a day to get to the nether realm, the throne sit of the undead king

Lysanna's absence casted a long shadow over Alara and Ikky. Days turned into restless nights as they worried about their friend's mysterious disappearance. Alara couldn't shake the feeling that Lord Alista, the man with darkness and malevolence, was somehow behind it all.

It was a decision born of desperation that led them back to Ashwind, a kingdom they had barely escaped with their lives not very long ago. The memories of that harrowing escape still haunted their dreams, but they had no other leads on Lysanna's whereabouts. They knew the risks, yet they had to find her.