
Chapter 32

Kingdom of gometh raised their army and attacked, but considering that Erevan had lost men in the battle at redwater bay and the castle gates, even had to use wits to take out the grand archmage, he brokered a peace term with Cedric. He would wed Cedric daughter (a character not well spoken of as she had little contribution to the story) Cedric agreed, a self conceited man who lusted for power. Erevan made him his advisor and Cedric ruled the scattered kimgdom along side him.

It was said that he would not advise Erevan long. Now Albion, sylveria and gometh had become a single pact. Although Cedric had plans of his own. It was said that he ordered lady Ysabelle to go to the dragon citadel as he foolishly ignored the tale behind possessing dragon blood, Ysabelle steals two eggs and Cedric collected them in his chamber( always longed to posses a creature of fire so majestic.) "I've always said it, there is nothing special about those Albion dragon riders. Now I possess mine". Weeks passed as the eggs cooked, they hatched , tiny dragons leaped out the eggs as he tried to create a bond with them.

In his chamber for weeks he chained them and tried to control them. One afternoon, it was held that smoke came out the advisors room, the dragons had not recognized his authority over them as they had not perceived dragon blood. It had been a legendary tale that the dragons once hatched, they are wild untamed beast and only can be tamed by a person who possesses dragon blood or the mark.) the dragons cooked their supposed master in his own bed bathing him with flames as his flesh fused to the armor which he wore as a means of protection from their claws should they try to claw him. 

Suspicion arose that the king Erevan had killed Cedric and lady Ysabelle who knew of the truth, helped him debunk it, turns out that lady Ysabelle and Erevan had secret intimate relationships without the knowledge of Cedric, she's go out at night cloaked as a bird to find her lover and arrive very early as though nothing had happened. It wasn't long when Cedric's daughter found out and she hung herself. 

Now with two kingdoms under Erevan's control, they began search of the fabled sword.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the forest, the journey was treacherous, fraught with peril at every turn. The path to Ashwind was shrouded in mist, and the forest seemed to whisper ancient secrets, both alluring and foreboding. Alara and Ikky's resolve was tested as they encountered dangerous creatures, venomous plants, and the unforgiving terrain.

Upon their return to Ashwind, they found a kingdom steeped in darkness. The very air was heavy with malevolence, and the once-vibrant streets had turned into desolate alleys. Alara and Ikky began their investigation, peeling back layers of deception and uncovering hidden chambers filled with forbidden knowledge.

As they delved deeper, they crossed paths with a band of rebels who dared to challenge Lord Alista's oppressive rule. These rebels became unexpected allies, sharing their knowledge of Alista's dark dealings and helping Alara and Ikky navigate the treacherous landscape of Ashwind.

Yet, every step they took was fraught with danger. Alista's loyal enforcers, cloaked in shadowy magic, pursued them relentlessly. The kingdom itself seemed to conspire against them, as if the very land remembered their escape.

At the shadow coven, Geoffrey's existence had become a nightmarish cycle of pain and captivity under the cruel rule of Lord Alista. Chained and broken, he had lost hope of ever breaking free from the clutches of his malevolent captor.

As Alara and Ikky, two brave souls with a mission of their own, ventured into the mystical kingdom of Ashwind, Lord Alista's dark powers sensed their arrival. In his opulent chamber filled with ancient tomes and ominous artifacts, Alista's eyes glowed with an eerie light as he perceived their presence.

Lord Alista muttering incantations "Ah, friends from afar. Let them come; they shall serve my purposes alas."

With a sinister smile, Lord Alista summoned his minions, ordering Geoffrey to be brought out from the wretched dungeon and bathed. The orders were clear this time: Geoffrey was to capture Alara, the elusive sorceress, who had eluded Alista's grasp for far too long.

Geoffrey, a mere shell of his former self, had no choice but to obey. His body was bathed and dressed in presenting clothes, concealing the scars and bruises that bore witness to his torment.

As he limped out of the chamber, resentment and despair weighed heavily on Geoffrey's heart. He had once dreamed of defying Lord Alista, but now, his spirit was broken. Little did Alista know that Lysanna was not with Alara and Ikky.

Alara turned to Ikky"We must find Lysanna swiftly. The fate of the realm depends on it."

Meanwhile, Geoffrey, burdened by his painful past and the impossible task ahead, stepped out into the light of the kingdom once more, unaware of the unseen threat that loomed on the horizon.

Next chapter