
Chapter 30

Prince Eamon had never faced such dire circumstances before. The Sylverian fleet had caught them unaware, outnumbering his men as they ambushed Poseidon's Watch, the imposing sea citadel that stood as a symbol of his kingdom's strength. Panic gripped his heart as he saw his loyal soldiers fall in battle. Realizing the perilous situation, he knew he had to flee, and with his trusted companion, Vehmyr, his very own dragon, he mounted his steed and soared into the sky, leaving behind the chaos and despair that had engulfed Poseidon's Watch.

Back within the citadel's walls, the situation grew increasingly dire. Sylverian men, relentless and determined, pursued Eamon on horseback and on foot. Their relentless pursuit brought them to the very gates of the castle. They battered against the walls, attempting to breach the stronghold that had withstood centuries of challenges.

Eamon knew that he had to ensure the safety of the Queen Talisa, the one person he held most dear. As he landed within the castle, the urgency of the situation weighed heavily on his shoulders. He wasted no time in seeking out Ser Ector, the seasoned commander of infantry army.

"As prince of this land, I command that you hold the castle gates!" Eamon ordered, the gravity of his words echoing through the chaos of battle.

Ser Ector, a loyal and steadfast knight, nodded in solemn acknowledgment of his prince's command. With determination etched on his face, he rallied his best knights, a dozen of them, and charged toward the breached gates.

Within the castle walls, a fierce struggle unfolded. Three of Ser Ector's knights fought valiantly against a handful of Sylverian soldiers who had managed to infiltrate. Their swords clashed, and the air was filled with the sounds of clashing steel.

But the enemy was numerous, and their relentless assault continued. Ser Ector had earlier dispatched a significant number of his knights to aid Prince Eamon at the sea citadel, a decision that had cost those brave souls their lives. The remaining few were strategically positioned to defend the castle against any potential breach.

As Ser Ector and his knights valiantly fought to hold back the tide of Sylverian soldiers, a cruel twist of fate intervened. An arrow, a deadly projectile, soared through the sky and found its mark, piercing Ser Ector's eye and striking through his skull. In an instant, the fearless commander fell, his life extinguished.

The castle gate, now bereft of Ser Ector's leadership, was breached. Eight knights valiantly guarding it met their tragic end, their lives taken as if they were mere puppets in the hands of fate. The survivors fled to bring the grim report to Prince Eamon.

Hearing the dire news, Eamon knew that there was no time to lose. With Queen Talisa on the back of Vehmyr, he swiftly made his escape from the castle, leaving behind the once-proud Poseidon's Watch, and the castle's seat, now a battleground stained with blood and loss. The echoes of that fateful day would haunt him forever as he embarked on a perilous journey to reclaim his kingdom and honor the memory of those who had fallen in its defense.

Lord Erevan, leader foremost of the sylverian men sat the capital's seat and was soon known as king Erevan the snatcher. The smallest of the five kingdoms had done what the other big three couldn't do. The other three major kingdoms had failed to achieve what the Sylverian men had accomplished, and Erevan's rule earned him his new ominous title.

Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Trigoh, the archmage harbored his own sinister desires.