
Chapter 29

While at redwater bay, Lord Erevan, the lord foremost of the kingdom of Sylveria and his fleet took refuge and sort to re- strategize on how to hit the heart of the sea citadel.

Erevan, along with his trusted advisor, Ser Galen, huddled over maps and charts in the war room, devising a plan to access entrance into the kingdom through its water channel and seize the former capital. 

News had reached the capital of an approaching enemy force that sought to seize control of their lucrative trade routes and the main citadel.

The once-proud Sylverian fleet was now reduced almost to a mere shadow of its former self after encounter with vehmyr, and their kingdom's survival hung in the balance.

With a determined gaze, Ser Galen outlined their strategy. "We have 107 ships left", he said knowing that each ship wasn't manned by a large number of men but a handful handling ammunitions. "but we cannot afford to spread our forces too thin. We'll take eight of our fastest vessels to seize the first tower, securing a foothold on the enemy's approach."

Lord Erevan nodded in agreement. "That will disrupt their advance and provide us with a defensive advantage. But what about the main citadel?"

Galen's eyes gleamed with a spark of cunning. "We'll send 30 of our most skilled sailors and warriors to sail toward the main citadel. Their presence there will not only deter the enemy but also keep them guessing about our true intentions."

The remaining ships, Erevan decided, would undertake a risky but potentially game-changing maneuver. "The bulk of our fleet will sail around the sea, hidden from the enemy's view. Once they've committed to engaging our thirty ships at the main citadel, we'll sweep in from behind and corner them. It's a risky move, but it could give us the decisive advantage we need."

As they set their plan in motion, the tension at Redwater Bay grew palpable. The men knew that their way of life hung in the balance, and the fate of their success depended on Galen's strategic prowess. The connecting waters of Redwater Bay would soon become another battleground, where cunning tactics, bravery, and the strength of the realm's fleet would be put to the ultimate test.

As the enemy fleet approached, the stage was set for a maritime showdown that would determine the future of Sylveria and the former capital and the fate of its people. Lord Erevan's leadership and Ser Galen's cunningness would be their greatest assets as they prepared to defend their men and ships against all odds.

Far from the walls of Ashwind, As mordred tried to handle the reins of Vhamor, Aldric almost got burned as the dragon initially refused that no one without dragon blood would ride it. Mordred calmed the beast and allowed it warm up making aldric climb its back. "I have dragon blood you say? And Albion is the kingdom of the dragons, it's best I fly there to seek answers" 

Mordred, unyielding and determined, held the reins closer to the dragon. With a soothing voice, he began to whisper words that resonated with an innate power he never knew he possessed. Slowly, Vhamor's fiery temper began to wane. The beast's eyes softened, and it lowered its head, allowing Aldric to gently stroke its snout

As the beast lifts his wings to take off, heavy snow fell off the dragon's body as if it was shedding its skin. This realization had created a U-turn in the life of mordred making him to seek for new things and answers. Aldric, afraid that his life was still in danger considering that his mother the traitor who was a stewardess to the queen regent had died due to her actions, aldric's life was in danger. He was reassured by mordred. They began to take off and set journey for Albion. That action later would be considered to be a coincidence of fate and the beginning of a new dynasty 

As Mordred and Aldric lifted off on Vhamor, the colossal dragon's wings unfurled with a deafening roar. Mordred, shocked by his newfound ability to ride such a magnificent beast, clung to Vhamor's back with a mixture of awe and determination.

Aldric, his unknown half-brother, watched in astonishment as Mordred skillfully guided the dragon through the skies. "Mordred, I never knew you had what it took to mount this," he exclaimed, his voice barely audible over the rush of wind.

Mordred shouted back, exhilaration in his voice " well it's just like riding a horse, this time around a horse that has wings!"

As they soared through the sky, they got close to the kingdom and the winds made Vhamor coincidentally glide over Redwater Bay. People on the land gasped in disbelief as they witnessed the huge dragon they had once associated with the late King Edmund now flown by a new rider. Murmurs and astonishment rippled through the onlookers as most of them had only been accustomed to the fact that Vehmyr owned the skies above the water shore alone.

Mordred looking with awe at the kingdom's beauty and size, lost control of the reins of Vhamor, a costly mistake that would later turn into a forceful event of a new king's coronation . As heavy as the wind was that very day and time, it caused Vhamor to be out of composure and it raged on in the skies roaring and drifting. This time lower as if it wanted to land in the water. Just as it got close swerving, Vhamor began to burst out flames searing everything in its path both birds with it in the air and the men below on ships who turned out to be lord Erevan's advance fleet.

Below also at a distance, in the fleet of Prince Eamon, a sense of victory washed over them as they saw the dragon descend upon the enemy ships. "It's a miracle!" one of the sailors exclaimed. " the gods have sent help to us to aid our cause."

However, their joy was short-lived. As Vhamor passed, it unleashed a torrent of flames upon the sea, incinerating 27 ships of Eamon's fleet in the process. The cheers turned to screams of terror, and the once-hopeful sailors watched in horror as their vessels were reduced to ashes.

Eamon, who had been preparing for the impending naval battle, was taken aback by the sudden turn of events. He rushed to the scene, shouting orders to regroup and assess the damage. "Prepare the remaining ships! We cannot let this setback deter us," he commanded, his voice filled with determination, as he gripped vehmyr's rein a little bit too hard.

He stared as the dragon flew past, he couldn't do anything seeing that his dragon wasn't competitor enough to take it on, he then looked at his ships alight on the sea as fire began to drag them down the sea's bottom.

Meanwhile, Mordred and Aldric, struggling to regain control of Vhamor, watched the devastation below in shock. It had become clear that their reunion with the dragon was not a blessing but a twist of fate that had cast them into a complex and treacherous conflict.

As they retreated with Vhamor, uncertainty hung heavy in the air. The fate of Red-water Bay, Prince Eamon's fleet, and the role of the dragon would now become a central point of intrigue and danger in the unfolding saga of the realm.