
Chapter 28

As the sun finally broke free from the horizon, its brilliant rays dispelled the remnants of Lord Alista's black magic. The sorcerer's magic , weakened, disappeared into the shadows, vowing victory next time.

With the threat temporarily thwarted, Alara, Ikky caught their breath. As they had bigger problems to solve, they carried Lysanna in. Her body cold and her eyes plain white as the sky, refused to return back to normal. 

Alara knelt by Lysanna's side, worried and determined to save her friend. She began chanting a restoration spell, but it had no effect. Lysanna's trance was deeper than they had anticipated.

Ikky looking concerned "Can you do something, Alara?"

Alara looking frustrated "I have to try something else. I'll to enter her mind and bring her back from within."

Alara closed her eyes, focusing her magic on entering Lysanna's mind. Inside, she encountered a surreal dreamscape filled with darkness. In this twisted realm, Lysanna questioned Alara's identity. "Lysanna" Alara called firmly. Lysanna confused "Who are you? Why are you here?". Alara desperate "Lysanna, it's me, Alara! Please, remember!"

Lysanna resistant"I can't remember you." "We have no time for this, come back we need you, the realm needs you" Alara replied. 

As the light shone its rays, a glimmer of hope also shone in their tent . Lysanna stirred, her eyes fluttering open, but instead of recognition, they held fear and confusion. She had forgotten everything and everyone, including Alara and Ikky.

As she saw both Ikky and Alara, she started panicking "Where am I? Who are you people? Did you kidnap me?"

Ikky concerned, with his voice trembling "No, Lysanna, it's us, your friends! We fought the undead together!"

Alara pleading, tears welling up "Lysanna, please, you have to remember!"

But Lysanna's memory was a blank canvas, and the faces of her companions meant nothing to her.

Terrified and disoriented, Lysanna's hands trembled. She tapped into her latent powers, now stronger after her trance. In her fear, she lashed out at Ikky, a wild surge of energy throwing him back and breaking his arm. Alara, eyes wide with desperation, rushed to intervene.

Alara desperate and her voice shaking "Lysanna, no! We're not your enemies!"

Lysanna kept shouting, tears streaming down her face"Stay away from me!"

With her newfound self, Lysanna fled into the dense forest, her once unbreakable bond with Alara and Ikky shattered. They were left in stunned silence, watching her disappearing form, knowing that they had to find her and help her remember, all while the relentless undead threat loomed on the horizon

Meanwhile, Eamon had called in the service of one of a wench and he had satisfied her sexually leaving her in awe on the bed. Her eyes gleaming with excitement as she stared at the prince, "I didn't think you were into things like this, I always thought you were the no fun type" she stated. " oh the things you would know I could do" he replied as he sipped wine from his cup, bare chested.

As the sun cast its golden glow over the citadel, a mysterious gift arrived for Eamon. It was a finely crafted wooden chest, adorned with intricate seashell patterns and bound with seaweed ropes. Inside, to his horror, lay the severed hands of the men who had been patrolling the first citadel, the one farthest from the shore. Their hands were cold and lifeless, a gruesome and haunting sight.

Shocked and enraged, Eamon knew that this gruesome display was no ordinary act of violence. It was a warning, a dark message from the Sylverian fleet. He immediately sent word to the castle, summoning more men and arms to reinforce Poseidon's Watch.

Back at the castle, a sense of urgency filled the air as Ser Ector and the Queen Talisa discussed the matter. Lord Erevan had seized the first tower and dressed it with his kingdom's sigil, Ordering a few fleets to sail towards the citadel. 

Talisa, with a look of deep concern, said, "This is no ordinary threat, Ector. The safety of our kingdom shore and our people depends on the strength of Poseidon's Watch. We must ensure that Eamon has the support he needs."

Ector nodded solemnly, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. "Agreed, my queen. I'll arrange for a few more hundred men to the shore at once. It is no coincidence that these hands were sent as a warning. The battle for the territory of the capital has now become more difficult."

As they continued to strategize, the fate of Poseidon's Watch hung in the balance. Eamon, determined to protect the waterline and the kingdom and uncover the truth behind this gruesome warning, would embark on a perilous journey into the heart of the sea, where secrets and dangers beyond imagination awaited him. The fate of Poseidon's Watch and the entire realm would rest on his courage and the support of those who believed in him.