
Sweet Like Strawberries

Sitting on the curb, is a young man who has a suit jacket over his head to protect him from the rain. After becoming cold, he decides to go home and buys an umbrella to use instead of his jacket. Whilst leaving the store, a pale, weirdly dressed woman is drinking a unpaid strawberry slushie.

MostlyCloudy · Urban
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7 Chs

Lost And Eventually Found

I wake up facing the window, underneath my covers along with a massive headache. Rolling over to check the time, I realise It's already past noon. That's what happens when you stay awake till 4am I guess. Despite last night being very cold, It's pretty warm inside my apartment. Reluctantly, I get out of bed, I got shit to do after all... Like finding a new job. After putting on a black shirt with Rise Against imprinted on it and tracksuit pants, I tie my hear back so I can see in front of me. I must've slept wrong though, because my neck is aching pretty badly. Regardless, I start by cleaning up the mess I brought in last night. I've mopped the floors, put my wet clothes in the laundry and started making brunch. It's not much, but curse you if you don't like egg and bacon on toast.

Before fixing my bed, series of knocks come from my front door. Looking through the eye hole, I notice that one is a police man, the other a man with unkept hair and bags under his eyes. I undo the deadbolt and open the door to greet them. "Good mor- Afternoon, how can I help you?" "Jason Smith, is it?" Says the officer as he shows his police badge. "Yes, that's me." "We are from Demont City Police Force and we would like to ask you some questions regarding last night."

A hole opens in my chest. The events of last night struck me twice as hard, now that the cops are here. Am I going to jail? Did they find the dead man? Should I say yes?

"Not really no." Fuck sake. "Then you don't mind us looking around your apartment, yes?" Says the gruntled man in a deep voice, very distinct from the people in the alley. "Why?" I respond confused. "Well sir, your Ex-girlfriend has been missing and you are one of the only people that has seen and contacted her last night." My mind immediately goes back to the people in the alley. If I tell them that there are cannibals in the city that instantly disappeared, would they believe me? Probably not... "Oh... Got a warrant?" The old man hands me a Official Investigation Warrant, and walks right in.

Well, at least I cleaned up the wet spots from last night. The old man looks around in the living room while the police officer stands in the hallway to the front door. He scans the room and eventually moves to the kitchen, where the bag Taylor gave to me. "This the bag she handed over?" He says. "Yeah... how did you know?" "Her roommate who she was in contact with the entire night filed a report after she didn't come home." Well that answers two questions. "And I'm a suspect because she came to hand over the bag?" "You catch on very quickly, saves me some explaining." He says while rummaging around in the bag.

He walks down the hallway to my bathroom which is adjacent to my bedroom, The other cop following behind me. After looking around in the cabinets he moves onto my bedroom. He looks around the room and the cupboard, before picking up something from my bedside table. "This yours?" He says whilst shaking my... Phone... In his hands. "...Yes." I stare at the phone I dropped last night, positive it was gone forever and its just... There. I snap out of a horrible train of thought when the old man asks me to unlock it. Doing so, he looks at all my apps, but not going into them. He stumbles onto my gallery, which is full of pictures of just me and Taylor and other stuff.

He chuckles and hands me the phone. "Thanks kid, we'll be getting out of your hair now" The both of them walk to the front door, getting ready to leave. "One more thing. Don't get into trouble." he says as he closes the door. I put my eat against the door, waiting for them to leave through the elevator. When they do, I rush into my bedroom and open my phone. 

What the cop had failed to realise is that there are two photos I didn't take. I look at my recent folder, only to find a picture of Taylor leaving my apartment last night and another one of me sleeping. Seeing myself under my sheets half naked and asleep is terrifying. Some one must've broke in. I press on the picture of me sleeping and look at the name of it.

"You left your window open last night."

expect next chapter next week or smth.

every character and place is ficional

MostlyCloudycreators' thoughts