
Sweet Like Strawberries

Sitting on the curb, is a young man who has a suit jacket over his head to protect him from the rain. After becoming cold, he decides to go home and buys an umbrella to use instead of his jacket. Whilst leaving the store, a pale, weirdly dressed woman is drinking a unpaid strawberry slushie.

MostlyCloudy · Urban
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7 Chs

You Found Me

"Train to Charleston Station is now arriving." Rings out of the intercoms on the station floor. Standing up, I grab my luggage and get ready to board. I'm leaving this place. I can't go back, not after that. In my head, this is the best option I can take, either this or prison. I Stand behind the yellow line, with music playing in my headphones. Remembering what I did to my phone, It might've been excessive, but necessary. I disassembled it, took the Sim Card, threw all the pieces in a dumpster and bought a new one.

Scrolling through my phone, I redownload all the songs that was on my previous phone. Music always made my think and stop thinking at the same time, my own personal escape. Drown out the sounds of the world and fill it with songs, music really is mankind's greatest achievement.

A old man in a black two piece suit and a bowler cap walks up to the yellow line next to me. He turns to me and says "Good evening." In a posh accent. "Good evening sir." I reply.

The train enters the station, but keeps going the other way, leaving us. Confused, I look around me. No one is here. Just me... And the old man. I look at my phone trying to open it, however it wont turn on. The music that was once playing in my headphones is now screams, getting louder and louder, piercing my eardrums. I throw down my headphones into the train tracks.

"You see...You've seen something you shouldn't have..." The old man says. "I'm afraid I can't let you leave, try as you might."

"What... What are you people?"

"Well, I lived over three hundred years, but I haven't lost my sanity. Yet, we are no less of a human than you are. Some would even call us monsters. So, Jason. What are we?" The man looks deep into my soul with his red eyes, making me feel nauseous. I stare back at him while a train speeds by. "You better watch your back young man, for there is more than us, that even you can understand." 

He disappears as soon as I blink. Headphones are still on me and still playing music along with people leaving the train I am meant to go on. What... What was that? Am I just supposed to accept that and move on? What does he mean 'more than us'?! Over three hundred years old?! Are they fucking vampires?! Does more of us mean more vampires, or more monsters? Sure, why not! I'll go and have a tea party with a fucking gnome and his elf friend! 

The train I was supposed to get on leaves. Feeling pissed already, I kick the nearby pillar, slightly hurting my foot in the process. Leaving the underground train station, I get notifications on my new phone, upon reading them stops me in my tracks. "Hey, it's me Jason, Taylor. Can I stay at your apartment? my roommate kicked me out." 

This obviously Isn't her, she'd rather keel over and die than accept any help from me nowadays. What baffles me though is how they even got my number in the first place after I changed it. "You shouldn't say yes, Jason." I turn around, only to find a short, white haired, red eyed woman. "As if I was going to..." "Not running away like last time?" "There is nowhere I can go." "Sure there is! Your apartment!" "You already know where I live, unless that wasn't you." "It was me, but its not like I followed you home. Your old phone did the talking." 

I sit down on a nearby bench. "So what, your going to kill me?" "Of course not! Vampires have standards! Some do at least, most vampires go crazy after turning into one." "Then what are you going to do?" 

"I'm going to savour you." "...What?" "Ever since you gave me money to buy an umbrella, you smelled like strawberries and I bet you taste like them too." She sits down next to me, leaning against my shoulder, her head next to my neck. She then sniffs me like a dog. I put my hand on her head and push away. "Not in the mood to become a vampire." "How dumb can you be? We aren't like how the media depicts us." I think that old man said something similar.

"So I just let you kill me while you happily feast on my dead body?" "God no! Ew! I can't believe you even said that! I can still suck your blood and have you still alive and human! Jeez what are people telling you?" "Then why are you here?!" I raised my voice a little. "To warn and protect you." "From what?" I respond confused. "Those mean jerks and your sweet, lovely ex girlfriend." I get stunned by the words that came out of her mouth. "What do you mean?" "Ugh, it's always questions with you. Look, remember those two voices that were in the alley? They took your ex and ran of with her, turning her into a vampire. They now have fun and games and want you to more or less die for the sake of it."

I lean back on the bench, looking at the lights above. Should I believe her? What if vampires aren't actually real? Can she prove that she is what she says she is? She springs up from the bench and turns to me with her hands on her hips. "Your lucky I even like you, now come on. It's not safe here, We're going to your apartment." She grabs my hand and drags me up from the bench to the stairs. "What's your name anyway, since you already know mine?" I say, struggling to keep up. "Sophia, now keep up strawberry, we got vampires to avoid!"