
The Greatest Dilemma [2]

When they all arrived at the house, Jessie kept watch over the frightened woman that Carson had taken off of the streets when she was walking to her house. Jessie glared at Carson. "Me and you are going to have a talk about boundaries, mister," Jessie promised, her red hair flowing behind her. Her brown eyes bore holes into Carson and he gulped again. They all went into the house and Carson separated from them to go do something.

He knew he acted foolish, but he was desperate. Heck, he didn't even know if he had kidnapped a serial killer! The woman he had grabbed just gave him frightened looks and when Jessie gently spoke to her, the woman was willing to show Jessie her small wound. Her small wound came from her fighting against Carson and Jessie's blood boiled, she just didn't show it. "What's your name, little lady?" Jessie asked softly.

"Kang Ji-Soo," Kang answered softly and Jessie smiled at her opening up to her. She had already figured that the woman would be willing to talk to her and not Carson. I need to have a talk with him. Jessie reminded herself. She needed to scold Carson about his actions towards the now slightly relaxed woman. Carson had ruined it by entering the living room with a folder filled with papers.

"What the hell is that?" Jessie demanded of Carson. Carson glared at Jessie and Jessie glared back. Jessie didn't want Kang to get hurt by Carson's actions.

"My dear sister, you know I wouldn't hurt the woman on purpose," he tells Jessie, but the slightly older woman wasn't having it.

"I don't care, Carson. You should get to know Kang before you spring that on her," Jessie advised Carson.

"I see ghosts," Kang interrupted the already tensed discussion. She hated how tensed the siblings were to each other. Carson gazed over at the white-haired girl in shock.

"She's weird and creepy!" He whispered and Kang gazed down at her feet.

"I didn't ask to be brought here," Kang says, gazing at Jessie. Jessie felt bad for Kang, but Carson wasn't going to let her escape.

"Marry me!" Carson growled at Kang and Kang gasped in both shock and fear. How can I marry a person when I don't even know his name?! She thought in horror. Carson threw the folder of papers on the table in front of Kang. "Sign those," he ordered, leaving the living room. Kang laughed a bit, but Jessie saw the tears falling down her eyes.

"I never thought that I would marry a stranger," Kang sobbed as Jessie could do nothing but hold her. After Kang was done crying, she signed the papers and when she finished signing them, she fell into a mute stage. Her white hair covered her hazel eyes and Jessie grabbed the folders and she brought them to Carson.

She caught Carson kissing anther girl and she forced the girl out of the room. "You're married and you're already cheating!" Jessie shouted at Carson as she threw the folder at him. The papers covered the ground as Carson gazed at every single sheet of signed paper.

"I didn't think..." He stopped talking as he saw Jessie approached him.

"That's right, you didn't think! The poor girl cried before she signed them because she's terrified of you," Jessie tells Carson what his future wife thought of him. Because Carson didn't believe his sister, he walked to see if Jessie was telling the truth.

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