
Swallowed Star

Year 2056, in a city in the Yuan Jiang Su Jin area. On top of a ruined, shattered six story residential apartment sits a teenager wearing a combat vest, militaristic trousers, and alloyed battle boots. On his back is a hexagonal shield and equipped is a blood-shadow battle knife. He sits there silently on the edge of the roof. At this time, the sparkling sky was shining and there was a refreshing breath within the air that blew towards him. However, there was only silence within the ruined, deserted city, with an occasional howl that makes your heart skip a beat.

I Eat Tomatoes · Fantasy
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1486 Chs

Inherited Memories

Editor: Translation Nation

The dark seabed, countless sea creatures had filled the surroundings, every one of them were looking respectfully at the distant Swallowing Beast, the pupils of that beast were shut, as though it was asleep.

However, a formless wave of pressure was pressing down on this area's peace.

Closing it's huge eyes, Luo Feng felt his entire self drowning in memories, mysterious and powerful special techniques, techniques that were totally compatible with the golden horned beast's form and study, they were extremely numerous and vast. Picture filled memories continuously flushed through, almost like in the movies, whoosh, a large amount of information rushed into his mind.

Vast and endless!

Luo Feng felt a headache, obviously the speed of accepting the memories had reached his soul's limit of acceptance.

"Just how much information?" Luo Feng couldn't believe it, "This, this has been going on for more than an hour."

One hour, two hours, three hours!