
Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent - English (Tunshi Xingkong)

Finally passing through reincarnation Lou Feng and his two guests arrive at the Origin Continent. Far away from their primal universe, they must rebuild their status of invincibility, but this journey will surely be filled with obstacles. I will NOT be making any chapters private even though I need to pay for them because this is not my novel. If you can, any donations are appreciated to help fund purchasing the chapters on Qidian. https://buymeacoffee.com/thejhingerbreadman Disclaimer: This is not my original work and do not take any credit for the original Chinese version of this novel. I am simply translating it. If you want it taken down, please contact and I will do it immediately. Please support the author at: https://www.qidian.com/book/1039391177/

TheJhingerbreadman · Eastern
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143 Chs


For over one epoch, Luo Feng had been focusing on cultivation after consuming the Hunyuan Essence Fruit.

Now that the fruit's effects had worn off, Luo Feng became more relaxed, occasionally visiting Yu Sifang for fine food or going to 'Qianyu Pavilion' to listen to musical and illusionary performances that refined the heart with the Seven Emotions Refinement Technique. The various forces in Chu Capital soon noticed that Saint Luo He frequently ventured out.

One day, Luo Feng went alone to the secret hall of the Yan Feng Guild in Chu Capital.

"Saint Luo He," the guild's secret hall master personally welcomed him. The hall master was a seemingly ordinary woman dressed in gold, but her aura was concealed. In fact, she was a Chaos Realm pinnacle expert, titled Marquis Xinhuo—a title granted to non-royals, which was rare in the Yan Feng Ancient Kingdom.

"Saint Luo He, this is your first visit to our Yan Feng Guild since arriving in Chu Capital," the gold-clad woman said with a smile, "Please, have a seat."

The two sat down, and attendants brought fine wine and fruit.

"Hall Master Xinhuo," Luo Feng said while sampling the wine, "I'm here to sell some treasures."

"Oh?" Hall Master Xinhuo smiled, "As a direct disciple of the Emperor, Saint Luo He, we will naturally offer the highest prices for your treasures."

Typically, the Yan Feng Guild's secret hall would undercut prices from regular customers to ensure high profits. However, as Luo Feng was a direct disciple of the Emperor, he was entitled to special treatment.

"Take a look first," Luo Feng said, waving his hand and laying out some of the spoils from his previous battles against five opponents.

There were three terrifying array scrolls, some broken golden hoops, three black nails, a long staff weapon, and even the sword of Marquis Liuyin and the double-edged axe of Great Saint Beiyu1.

"Hmm?" Hall Master Xinhuo's eyes lit up when she saw the staff, recognizing it at once as a God King weapon belonging to Chu Ji, which was highly valuable.

"That double-edged axe?" Hall Master Xinhuo's expression changed.

The death of Great Saint Beiyu was still a mystery.

Upon seeing the Northern Saint's weapon, Hall Master Xinhuo realized: "It seems it was Luo He who killed Great Saint Beiyu."

All transactions in the Yan Feng Guild's secret hall were unrecorded and strictly confidential. Even as the hall master of the Chu Capital branch, leaking any information would result in severe punishment from the guild, whose operations spanned much of the Origin Continent.

"Buzz." A faint light from the secret hall enveloped the treasures, beginning the appraisal and offering a price.

"Saint Luo He is indeed impressive," Hall Master Xinhuo remarked. "Great Saint Beiyu had Chaos Realm pinnacle strength and was skilled in the Primordial Path of Life, with formidable survival abilities. Yet, he still fell to the hands of Saint Luo He."

Luo Feng remained silent but did not deny it.

"All client transactions are kept confidential," Hall Master Xinhuo assured while evaluating the items. "The eight array scrolls are highly valuable. The Yan Feng Guild's secret hall can offer 260 billion Universe Sand for them."

In truth, the one most eager to buy those array scrolls was their original owner, Saint Tianyu2. However, after the battle, Saint Tianyu was left impoverished and couldn't afford them.

"The golden hoops are damaged and need repair," Hall Master Xinhuo continued. "We can only offer 90 billion Universe Sand, about 80% of their value."

Luo Feng inwardly regretted his earlier recklessness during the battle when the hoops broke from the force of his attack.

"The black nails can also be valued at 90 billion Universe Sand."

"The sword and the double-edged axe together are worth 90 billion Universe Sand," Hall Master Xinhuo concluded.

"In total, that amounts to 530 billion Universe Sand," she stated.

Luo Feng nodded in satisfaction. He had only brought a few important treasures, leaving many lesser spoils untouched. After all, even those lesser items, when combined, would still be of considerable value.

"As for the most valuable item," Hall Master Xinhuo pointed to the long staff, "that is Marquis Chu Ji's God King weapon. It's a first-order God King weapon, meticulously crafted. Based on the Yan Feng Guild's secret hall's pricing, the purchase offer is only 500 billion Universe Sand."

Luo Feng knew that the value of God King weapons, even of the same order, varied greatly. For instance, palace-type artifacts like the Star Tower were worth much more because one could hide inside such artifacts to escape danger. Of course, Luo Feng had yet to encounter anyone powerful enough to force him to use the Star Tower to flee.

"God King weapons may not even attract buyers," Hall Master Xinhuo said. "I suggest consigning the staff to the Yan Feng Guild's secret hall for auction. Given your status, Saint Luo He, the guild will only charge a half-percent commission. The starting price for auction could be 600 billion Universe Sand, which would yield a higher profit than a direct sale."

"Let's consign it," Luo Feng agreed.

"Consignments last a minimum of one day and a maximum of one epoch," Hall Master Xinhuo informed him. "How long would you like the bidding to last?"

"Ten thousand days will suffice," Luo Feng replied.

An epoch on the Origin Continent lasted over a billion days, so there was no need to consign the weapon for too long.

Hall Master Xinhuo smiled. "Don't worry, we will inform all important clients of the weapon's auction. There aren't many clients on the Origin Continent who can afford a God King weapon."

The news of the God King weapon being put up for auction stirred some waves, particularly as it had once belonged to Marquis Chu Ji.

"Consigning my weapon?" Marquis Chu Ji clenched his wine cup so hard that it shattered into powder, his eyes flashing with thunder. "Luo He!!!"

He was furious but knew that in their next battle, he would likely be reduced to a liquid state again.


Marquis Chu Ji immediately contacted his most trusted friend, Chu Yuan Marquis.

"Chu Ji, is he consigning your weapon?" Chu Yuan Marquis knew his friend's temper well.

"Brother, that's my weapon. He's consigning it openly… I must buy it back." Marquis Chu Ji gritted his teeth. "My weapon falling into the hands of another cultivator would be a disgrace."

"I'll help you," Chu Yuan Marquis assured.

"I can only gather 700 billion Universe Sand," Marquis Chu Ji said. "When the auction begins, I may need you to lend me some."

"Very well," Chu Yuan Marquis agreed.

Even as a marquis of the royal family, cultivating required vast resources, and gathering 700 billion Universe Sand was no easy feat. To raise more would require borrowing.

Time passed, day after day.

Chaos crystals and stones naturally formed in the Chaos Wastelands.

However, Universe Sand had to be condensed through the cultivation of God Kings. Each grain of Universe Sand contained pure energy, with the structure of a nascent universe within. Even God Kings had to put in effort to condense them.

Universe Sand had countless uses—it could refine the bloodlines of Eternal True Gods, set up formations, and cultivate rare treasures.

But its most important use was to break apart Universe Sand and study the fundamental "Tao structure" within. Every grain of Universe Sand contained fragments of Tao.

Thus, Universe Sand was incredibly valuable. Even God Kings would purchase it to help them cultivate familiar Tao branches.

Soon, the bidding period began.

Luo Feng returned to the secret hall of the Yan Feng Guild. Hall Master Xinhuo greeted him warmly, "Saint Luo He, the final price for your God King weapon was 700 billion Universe Sand. After deducting the commission, you receive 665 billion Universe Sand."

Luo Feng was satisfied. Consigning the weapon had indeed been worthwhile.

"Would you like to take the Universe Sand in physical form or leave it in the guild for now?" Hall Master Xinhuo asked.

"Leave it in the guild for now," Luo Feng replied. "By the way, I also need to purchase perfect-tier Chaos Realm biological materials. The material can be as small as a millionth of the body, and I will offer 100 billion Universe Sand for each piece."

Perfect-tier Chaos Realm biological materials were incredibly difficult to obtain.

Luo Feng chose to make an ultra-low-price bounty.

"A special God King weapon starts at 500 billion Universe Sand, and I'm offering 100 billion for just a piece of material from a perfect-tier Chaos Realm creature. I suspect many will be interested."

"I have obtained materials from the Divine Bird," Luo Feng said. "For each type of perfect-tier Chaos Realm creature, I only need one piece of material. The bounty is limited to ten types."

"Is there a time limit for the bounty?" Hall Master Xinhuo asked.

"No, the bounty remains active until I acquire ten types of materials," Luo Feng replied.

Hall Master Xinhuo understood. "The bounty fee will be a half-percent commission."

"Fine," Luo Feng agreed.

He wasn't particularly concerned. In the one epoch he had spent cultivating, his "Life Spirituality" branch had reached the pinnacle of the Chaos Realm, while both the "Life Body" branch and "Life Source" branch had reached Chaos Realm top-tier. Still, even with the materials, he faced many challenges in fully comprehending the "Eight-in-One3" concept.

The Divine Bird was intelligent and possessed Chaos Realm pinnacle strength, with techniques far surpassing typical Chaos Realm abilities. Perfect-tier Chaos Realm creatures like this, once cultivated to their limit, were terrifying.

Luo Feng was confident that his "Galaxy Transformation Technique" would also reach the "Eight-in-One" level, achieving perfection. When he unleashed a single galaxy blade light at its lowest level, it would still possess Chaos Realm pinnacle strength.

Imagine ten thousand blade lights sweeping through everything—what kind of power would that be? Even beings at the Transcendent Chaos Realm or those who had just entered the God King level would be destroyed by such a force.

"Raising the transformation technique to the perfect-tier Chaos Realm creature level is another way to utilize the Primordial Path of Life." Luo Feng saw the future path ahead and naturally continued down it.

"100 billion Universe Sand for just a piece of material from a perfect Chaos Realm creature?" The Yan Feng Guild's secret hall spread the message to its important clients, sparking interest among many. Even beings at the Transcendent Chaos Realm were tempted by the offer, as earning 100 billion Universe Sand was no simple task.

At this moment, in the Kingdom of Myriad Worlds.

Within the kingdom, there was a world where countless ordinary creatures were raised, including God King-level exotic beasts, perfect-tier Chaos Realm creatures, and terrifying cultivated beasts.

"They want materials from our bodies?" A towering stone creature and a silver-hoofed beast gazed at their caretaker.

The caretaker, a woman in yellow robes, smiled and said, "They only need a small part of your bodies, no more than a millionth. Once sold, the material will be destroyed automatically."

"It seems they want to study your body materials." The towering stone creature and the silver-hoofed beast both looked at the caretaker. As perfect-tier Chaos Realm creatures, they had vast intelligence and could even perform Chaos Realm-level techniques.

"As long as you agree, I will send you one Blood Spirit Wine every epoch for the next ten epochs," the caretaker offered. This deal required the creatures' consent, as they could destroy the material with a single thought.

"Two Blood Spirit Wines," the silver-hoofed beast demanded, raising two claws.

"Eight Blood Spirit Wines!" the towering stone creature shot a glance at the silver-hoofed beast. They had been captured by the Lord of Myriad Worlds ages ago and had been in captivity ever since. Body materials? They didn't care about that; they wanted good food and drink.

"One Blood Spirit Wine is already difficult to procure," the caretaker shook her head repeatedly.

After tough negotiations, the towering stone creature and the silver-hoofed beast agreed to sell part of their body materials for the price of "one and a half Blood Spirit Wines every epoch for ten epochs."