
Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent - English (Tunshi Xingkong)

Finally passing through reincarnation Lou Feng and his two guests arrive at the Origin Continent. Far away from their primal universe, they must rebuild their status of invincibility, but this journey will surely be filled with obstacles. I will NOT be making any chapters private even though I need to pay for them because this is not my novel. If you can, any donations are appreciated to help fund purchasing the chapters on Qidian. https://buymeacoffee.com/thejhingerbreadman Disclaimer: This is not my original work and do not take any credit for the original Chinese version of this novel. I am simply translating it. If you want it taken down, please contact and I will do it immediately. Please support the author at: https://www.qidian.com/book/1039391177/

TheJhingerbreadman · Eastern
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143 Chs

Another Bounty

In the quiet chamber of Luo Feng's residence in Chu Capital, within one of the spaces in the Star Tower:

Luo Feng observed the three pieces of perfect Chaos Realm biological materials in front of him: a large rock, three silver scales, and a broken branch.

"It has taken a long time to collect just these three pieces," Luo Feng sighed. "Perfect Chaos Realm biological materials are indeed hard to come by. At 100 billion Universe Sand per piece, it's understandable. These perfect Chaos Realm beings are captured by the most powerful entities in the Origin Continent. Those at the pinnacle don't care about 100 billion Universe Sand, but their direct disciples or children might be tempted and find ways to obtain some materials."

Luo Feng's hand, as sharp as a blade, lightly cut through the rock, scales, and leaves, dissecting and analyzing their most basic structures.


Luo Feng saw the structures clearly.

The rock dust's basic composition was also in a 'trinity1' form—one gray particle containing the mysterious patterns of the Chaos Law, with two more gray particles fused within.

"Interesting," Luo Feng contemplated.

The trinity form of the materials he had obtained varied slightly in their specific traits. While the Divine Bird's trinity form was more fluid, the rock's structure was much heavier.

Each of the three new materials possessed the 'trinity form,' but their subtle differences resulted in drastically different complete forms.

Luo Feng's understanding of the trinity form slowly improved.

"It's so complicated," Luo Feng thought. Even though his Life Spirituality branch had reached the pinnacle of the Chaos Realm and his Life Body branch was at the top tier, the eightfold trinity form2 was still too profound, akin to a perfect creation of heaven and earth. Comprehending its essence was exceedingly difficult.

In a mysterious palace that did not exist in the real world but was a phantom structure, thoughts gathered.

"Has the Transcendent Chaos Realm being 'Luo He' been gathering perfect Chaos Realm biological materials recently? What could he possibly be using them for?" one thought inquired.

"I once casually studied a perfect Chaos Realm being. Their body composition is slightly unusual, containing elements of the Primordial Paths of Life and Matter," another thought responded.

"Luo He's body refining secret technique has some similarities to those beings. He seems to be cultivating both the Primordial Path of Life and the Primordial Path of Matter for body refinement. Moreover, his blade techniques likely incorporate the Primordial Path of Destruction," another thought suggested.

Indeed, their assumptions were accurate. Luo Feng had been using the Primordial Path of Life to study the composition of perfect Chaos Realm beings, previously relying on his 'form-shifting' abilities to transform directly.

Without the ability to change form, studying the Primordial Path of Matter would be necessary to understand matter transformation.

"Does a Chaos Realm being dare to cultivate three Primordial Paths? That's ambitious."

"We know for sure that he's collecting perfect Chaos Realm materials, but the purpose remains unclear. In a previous intelligence report, the Snow Realm Ancestor spent a great deal to acquire a 'Camel Mountain Beast' corpse."

"The Camel Mountain Beast is an ordinary lifeform cultivated by the Yan Feng Ancestor using Hunyuan bloodline. The beast's body contains a trace of Hunyuan bloodline. The Snow Realm Ancestor cultivates the 'Blood Drop Sutra' and has comprehended all eight branches of the Primordial Path of Life, reaching the 'Blood Boundary' stage. However, they've struggled to break through to the seventh stage of the God King realm, likely attempting to use the Hunyuan bloodline for cultivation."

"We'll keep watching! If they succeed in breaking through using Hunyuan bloodline, we may invite them to join us."

"In another report, the 'Snow Demon God King' of the Thunder Ancient Kingdom lost control and devoured the true body of Elder Wang. Elder Wang lost both his true body and a God King Ultimate Realm weapon. His losses are significant, and he will not rest."

The ancient beings exchanged information.

These beings silently observed the Origin Continent. Any rare opportunity or powerful treasure would catch their attention, and they wouldn't hesitate to intervene if needed. However, Luo Feng was simply collecting perfect Chaos Realm materials, which didn't concern them. Besides, Luo Feng was in Chu Capital, and none of these ancient beings dared to provoke Emperor Chu.

Focused on cultivation, time passed slowly.

In addition to his cultivation, Luo Feng occasionally took on tasks to earn merit. Bounty tasks, guarding missions, and treasure hunts were common, but the first two were time-consuming or mentally exhausting. Only bounty tasks were relatively straightforward for someone with Luo Feng's level of power.

Luo Feng preferred not to cause too much commotion in the Origin Continent, so he rarely accepted bounty tasks.

This time, the bounty target was a Chaos Realm peak being, 'White Mist Saint,' with a reward of 100,000 merit points.

"White Mist Saint practices the Primordial Path of Causality," Luo Feng noted as he used his shape-shifting technique to reach the saint's territory.

It was a relatively remote region, with numerous cities enveloped in white mist. Each city was isolated like an island within the mist.

"Everyone returning to the city must be thoroughly inspected. Don't let any evil taint slip through," a voice commanded from the gates of one city, where multiple formations scanned each returning cultivator.

The cultivators dutifully complied with the inspections.

Suddenly, one of the cultivators being scanned revealed blood-red markings on their skin.

"What happened? When did I get contaminated?" The cultivator's face filled with despair as their body silently dissolved into nothingness.

"Not good," the surrounding cultivators' faces changed.

"Anyone who witnessed the blood markings must undergo seven additional scans to ensure they aren't contaminated," the guards commanded, stepping into more dangerous zones themselves to be scanned as well. If even one contaminated person left the city, it could bring disaster to the entire population.

At that moment—

Luo Feng hovered above, watching the scene unfold.

"White Mist Saint brings about the 'Calamity of Causality,' causing countless cultivators in his territory to live in constant fear. The marks of causality spread, making the cultivators even more terrified, generating more profound causal ties."

"By using the causality of living beings for cultivation, White Mist Saint comprehends the Primordial Path of Causality."

"When the entanglement of causality becomes too deep, he brings about the 'Great Calamity of Causality,' wiping out all the cultivators in a city to eliminate the ties."

Luo Feng had long known the details of White Mist Saint.

Completely annihilating others was the most efficient way to sever causality. Indeed, countless cultivators in those cities were deeply entangled with White Mist Saint's causality, leading to their eventual demise.

Luo Feng walked through the skies over the cities, observing the terror-stricken cultivators, where each outbreak of the Calamity of Causality claimed numerous lives.

"I've found him." Luo Feng sensed the presence of a Chaos Realm being, a merchant in one of the cities.

The merchant was smiling warmly as he conducted business with regular customers. None of the cultivators in the city knew that this merchant was the very source of their calamity.

"Hmm?" The merchant sensed something and looked up at Luo Feng.

The moment he looked up, the merchant saw nothing but an immense, towering star. That colossal star descended, crushing the merchant's mental will instantly.

With a single blow, White Mist Saint was utterly destroyed.

Luo Feng had been cautious, fearing that White Mist Saint might use a causal escape technique. However, in reality, White Mist Saint had only mastered a branch of the Primordial Path of Causality and was not adept at such techniques.

Luo Feng used his powerful mind and the 'Lie Yuan Technique' to annihilate White Mist Saint completely, leaving no trace of his consciousness, preventing even a chance at reincarnation.

"Boom." The merchant, still smiling, fell dead.

At that moment, in the hundreds of cities within White Mist Saint's territory, countless cultivators had no idea that the Calamity of Causality had just ended and would never return.

"Collect." Luo Feng waved his hand, storing White Mist Saint's body. "Morosa will finally have some food."

With that, Luo Feng departed.

The complete death of White Mist Saint caught the attention of some forces on the Origin Continent.

While fights among Chaos Realm beings were common, the complete annihilation of a true body was unusual. Yet, complete death, along with the severing of causality, was extremely rare. In just a few short epochs, both Northern Saint and White Mist Saint had died completely, prompting some investigation.

"Both Northern Saint3 and White Mist Saint died completely in a short span of time. They were not without sins. Could it be that a powerful God King is secretly targeting those with great sins?"

"Northern Saint and White Mist Saint mostly kept to themselves, slaughtering within their own territories. Could a justice-seeking powerhouse have taken them out?"

Many forces speculated.

The ability to kill Chaos Realm pinnacle beings completely was something only a few powerful entities on the Origin Continent could accomplish. Even a first-order God King would struggle to achieve such a feat. Naturally, it was suspected that even greater powers were involved.

Of course, only two had died, so it wasn't yet a big deal. But if four or ten Chaos Realm beings were to die, it might stir up widespread panic among the Chaos Realm.

"100,000 merit points," Luo Feng mused. As a direct disciple of the Emperor, Luo Feng had a higher merit point access than even a royal Marquis of the highest order.

He could directly submit his task to the Emperor Chu Palace's artifact spirit.

In the Emperor Chu Palace's Hall of Inheritance—

Luo Feng arrived once again.

"I'd like to view the Shadow of the Calamity Beast," Luo Feng directly told the artifact spirit. His mind and will had advanced from the Chaos Realm to the God King level, and the Calamity Beast Diagram had been instrumental in that progress. Naturally, Luo Feng was eager to experience the Shadow of the Calamity Beast, which was even more powerful.

Just a single viewing was equivalent to receiving the entire first tribulation of the 'Eight Tribulations of Lifeforms' inheritance. The price was incredibly steep, and Luo Feng had only now accumulated enough merit points.

"View the Shadow of the Calamity Beast?" the artifact spirit looked at Luo Feng. "Even the shattered shadow of the Calamity Beast requires God King-level will just to remain barely conscious. It's best to wait until your mental will reaches the second stage of the God King level before viewing it. At the God King threshold of mental will, most of your focus will be spent staying awake, leaving little ability to absorb much from the viewing."

"Are you sure you want to continue?" the artifact spirit asked.

Luo Feng nodded. "Yes, I'll view it."

A mere shadow could be this terrifying—what kind of creature was the Calamity Beast truly?

"Prepare yourself," it nodded before disappearing.

Luo Feng gazed into the chaotic void, where an enormous figure began to emerge...

Some changes guys. I was thinking about it for a while and it did seem odd that God Kings had 8 levels (9 if you include ultimate) so I finally decided to change to three to keep the usual standard of 3 levels and then a transcendent level (ultimate level). Sorry for any confusion but from this point on I'll try and keep it consistent.

TheJhingerbreadmancreators' thoughts