
Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent - English (Tunshi Xingkong)

Finally passing through reincarnation Lou Feng and his two guests arrive at the Origin Continent. Far away from their primal universe, they must rebuild their status of invincibility, but this journey will surely be filled with obstacles. I will NOT be making any chapters private even though I need to pay for them because this is not my novel. If you can, any donations are appreciated to help fund purchasing the chapters on Qidian. https://buymeacoffee.com/thejhingerbreadman Disclaimer: This is not my original work and do not take any credit for the original Chinese version of this novel. I am simply translating it. If you want it taken down, please contact and I will do it immediately. Please support the author at: https://www.qidian.com/book/1039391177/

TheJhingerbreadman · Eastern
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143 Chs

Enhanced Comprehension

Luo Feng left the Di Chu Palace and returned to his own residence.

"Master." Morosa had already been waiting for him.

Luo Feng smiled at him, "I have become a disciple of the Emperor."

Morosa immediately showed joy. Although it was almost certain when General Xuanjiao came to invite Luo Feng, Morosa still worried about any unexpected issues... After all, he was a Sector Beast and feared that his identity might bring trouble to his master.

"I'm going into seclusion for a while. Unless it's something important, don't let anyone disturb me," Luo Feng instructed. He planned to consume the Hunyuan Essence Fruit and focus entirely on cultivation.

Apart from his master, Emperor Chu, Luo Feng would cut off all contact with the outside world. Of course, Morosa could still communicate with him through their mental connection during seclusion. While Luo Feng was in seclusion, neither the Original Ancestor, Moyu Qingyan, nor Chu Yu would be able to contact him.

"Rest assured, Master," Morosa replied.

Luo Feng also sent messages to the Original Ancestor and the others, informing them of his situation. Taking a deep breath, Luo Feng entered the quiet chamber for his cultivation.

"Master has become a disciple of the Emperor," Morosa was very excited. As a Sector Beast, he felt extremely anxious living on the Origin Continent, given that all the Sector Beasts in the continent's history, except for the one in Tianmu Kingdom, had died.

"When I reach the peak of the Sector Beast realm, and with the Emperor backing my master, my situation shouldn't be any worse than that of the Sector Beast in Tianmu Kingdom," Morosa thought.

"If I can get more powerful chaos realm corpses, maybe I can even become a God King." Last time, the corpse of the Northern Saint greatly enhanced Morosa's strength. However, breaking through the bottleneck between the chaos realm and God King was incredibly difficult, as it required qualitative changes in his "realm."

In the quiet chamber, which was one of the levels within the Star Tower, Luo Feng stared at a pale red fruit. Just the faint aroma made his soul feel both joyous and tense, and his thought process slowed significantly.

"That's a rare treasure given to my master by the Yan Feng Ancestor, a treasure that even the Origin World cannot naturally produce," Luo Feng understood the value of such a treasure. Luo Feng had not yet reached the pinnacle of the Origin Continent, nor did he have the Yan Feng Ancestor backing him, so they could only grasp some of the continent's past and glimpse traces of the future, learning certain truths and secrets about the Origin World.

For Chu Yu, his thoughts extended far into the future, even to the end of the Origin World. But for Luo Feng, the years ahead were still very long. A cycle in the original universe was already long, and tens of thousands of cycles in the Origin World, governed by the lowest rules, were just a brief period. Luo Feng wasn't thinking as far ahead as Chu Yu, focusing only on making steady progress.

"I need to take one step at a time and reach the peak of the Origin Continent to repay my master and help him get revenge on the Shi Kingdom," Luo Feng silently vowed.

Having come to Chu Capital, Luo Feng finally experienced the richness of top-tier resources. Before this, he had been too poor to even obtain a suitable God King-level inheritance.

Now, with the two inheritances "Eight Tribulations of Lifeforms" and "72 Blades of Annihilation," both surpassing the extreme boundary of the Moye Inheritance, Luo Feng was immersed in cultivation.

Luo Feng took a heavy bite of the fruit. Though the flesh was a bit tough, his weak divine body easily chewed it into pieces and swallowed it. The fruit dissolved gradually in his body, and its energy spread, even affecting his soul.

"Hm?" Luo Feng felt different.

With his incomplete divine body and the weak state of his soul, his mental processes had always been slow, but now, nourished by the fruit's energy, his mental speed increased by over seventy times, and his soul seemed to become clearer. When thinking about the "Life Spirituality Chapter" from the first tribulation of the "Eight Tribulations of Lifeforms," past confusions suddenly became clear.

"In the past, I would occasionally have moments of inspiration during cultivation," Luo Feng thought. "But now, my understanding has greatly improved, and most things that confused me no longer do."

"Is this the effect of the top-tier resources of the Origin Continent on cultivation?"

Luo Feng stopped overthinking and focused on comprehending the inheritance.

In the core of the Origin Universe, Luo Feng's divine power incarnation faced the towering and vast Primordial Path of Life.

"The Primordial Path of Life…" Luo Feng observed. Because he had consumed the Hunyuan Essence Fruit, his understanding of the Primordial Path of Life had deepened, and his mental speed had improved slightly, allowing him to see changes in the path.

At first glance, the Primordial Path of Life looked like a coiled dragon with seventy-seven claws. But as Luo Feng observed further, he saw something deeper.

"The true form of the Primordial Path of Life contains eight sub-branches," Luo Feng realized. Each sub-branch was mysterious and unfathomable, and their perfect combination made the path even more intricate and vast.

It was like the ten foundational laws—while any god could comprehend them individually, combining them into the "Chaos Law" was something only those at the Chaos Realm could achieve.

In the same way, fully comprehending any of the eight sub-branches of the Primordial Path of Life would make one a God King of the First Order. Fully mastering all eight sub-branches was incredibly difficult.

However, to merge the eight sub-branches into one… the difficulty skyrocketed by many times. Only by merging them completely would one form the shattered Primordial Path of Life, achieving the realm of the Moye Ultimate Boundary.

"The gap between a God King of the First Order and the Moye Ultimate Boundary is immense," Luo Feng finally understood the differences between the ancient beings of the Origin Continent.

Even the royal elites of the two ancient kingdoms had consumed top-tier resources, some even on par with the Hunyuan Essence Fruit. However, the effectiveness of resources depended on who used them.

In the original universe, the rules were so obscure that even reaching the Eternal True God level was challenging. Given his comprehension abilities, after consuming the Hunyuan Essence Fruit and observing the Primordial Path of Life, Luo Feng felt a flood of insights.

Time passed, and Luo Feng continued to face the Primordial Path of Life while comprehending the "Eight Tribulations of Lifeforms" and the "72 Blades of Annihilation." He often had Morosa demonstrate the mysteries of the Destruction Path.

During this process, neither Luo Feng, Chu Yu, nor the Original Ancestor disturbed him.

Finally, the effects of the Hunyuan Essence Fruit completely faded. Luo Feng felt his soul become much lighter, and his thinking speed quickened. Although it was unfamiliar at first, Luo Feng slowly adapted.

"That Hunyuan Essence Fruit lasted for over one epoch," Luo Feng was stunned. "In just one epoch, I've improved so much?"

The eight sub-branches of the Primordial Path of Life and the eight sub-branches of the Destruction Path had all progressed. The Destruction Path, relying on Morosa's demonstrations, advanced even faster.

"Sixteenteen sub-branches have progressed."

The "Eight Tribulations of Lifeforms" records three lines: Life Body, Life Source, and Life Spirituality. The first volume of the "72 Blades of Annihilation" records the Sky-Cleaving Line and the Dark Sky Line.

The unmastered lines naturally advanced slower.

"The Sky-Cleaving and Dark Sky Lines of the Destruction Path have reached the peak of the Chaos Realm."

"The Life Body and Life Source Lines of the Primordial Path of Life have also reached the peak of the Chaos Realm."

"The Life Spirituality Line has reached the pinnacle of the Chaos Realm."

Luo Feng was amazed. Even without advanced inheritances, with exceptional Chaos Realm talent, it would take hundreds of epochs to reach the pinnacle of the Chaos Realm.

Luo Feng estimated that, with the help of the Hunyuan Essence Fruit, he would need to focus on cultivation for another hundred to two hundred epochs to reach his current realm.

"One Hunyuan Essence Fruit is equivalent to a hundredfold increase in effectiveness?"

"The most important thing is… it enhances comprehension! When faced with a bottleneck, enhanced comprehension makes breaking through much easier." Luo Feng realized that the Hunyuan Essence Fruit was most useful during bottleneck breakthroughs.

Luo Feng felt that he had not yet fully understood all the mysteries of the Life Spirituality Line, and now, he needed to take the next step—perfectly merging all the branches into one to become a God King.

"There aren't many peak-level Chaos Realm beings on the Origin Continent, even in the peripheral nations. Some, with the help of top-tier resources, have cultivated to the 'Transcendent Chaos Realm,' but becoming a God King is another story."

"The difficulty lies in the perfect fusion of all laws, which is much harder than comprehending them individually," Luo Feng understood the challenge.

Comprehending the laws was like learning a process; as long as you kept working at it, progress was inevitable. But fusion required a qualitative leap.

"I have ten fruits in total, and as Master instructed, use seven at the Chaos Realm and three at the God King First Order," Luo Feng mused. "From the effect of the first fruit…"

"With the help of this first fruit, my realm and strength have both increased significantly."

"From now on, I must be patient, allowing each sub-branch to gradually accumulate as I comprehend them, reaching the peak of the Chaos Realm."

"When the first tribulation of the 'Eight Tribulations of Lifeforms' and the first volume of the '72 Blades of Annihilation' have reached the peak of the Chaos Realm, then I can consume the seventh fruit."

Luo Feng was acutely aware of the difficulty in becoming a God King.

Thus, the Hunyuan Essence Fruit had to be used at the most critical moments. One couldn't rely solely on external resources to reach the peak of the Chaos Realm. Luo Feng had previously relied on such resources to advance further.

Luo Feng left the quiet chamber and looked around. He saw that the plants seemed full of life, growing rapidly, and even the small trees were flourishing, swaying as if they were coming alive.

"If I advance further, I might even be able to awaken these special plants and trees," Luo Feng thought.

Morosa, Chu Yu, and the Original Ancestor all arrived. After all, Luo Feng's seclusion had lasted too long. When they saw Luo Feng, they noticed that the surrounding plants were blooming, and the entire space was filled with life force.

"Master," the Original Ancestor sensed that something had changed about Luo Feng but couldn't quite articulate it.

Morosa, being at a lower realm, felt that Luo Feng's life aura was far more terrifying than before, even more so than his own Sector Beast form.

"Why is Master's aura so terrifying?" Morosa was shocked.

Chu Yu observed Luo Feng and felt that Luo Feng's physical aura had even affected the operation of the "illusory universe" within him: "When an individual becomes overwhelmingly strong, they naturally affect the operation of the heavens and earth, even influencing the illusory universe within you. Now, after seclusion, Luo He feels much more powerful."

"Master, are you close to becoming a God King?" Morosa couldn't help but ask.

"Still a long way off," Luo Feng smiled. "After being in seclusion for so long, I'm craving some food. Let's go to Yu Sifang's place for a meal."

"Great!" Morosa was delighted, and Chu Yu and the Original Ancestor's eyes also brightened.

Yu Sifang was a Chaos Realm master of culinary arts. His dishes rivaled some of the rarest treasures of heaven and earth. Even Chu Yu and the Original Ancestor were tempted by his food. It was difficult to get him to cook, and he would only do so for the most prestigious God Kings or Transcendent Chaos Realm beings.