
System Unlock, Rewards and What?

After having Breakfast with His Parents, Alex was sitting in a park in New Texas Square watching the City that Grew more different from how he remembered... he looks at the System time limit remaining ...

<Time: 34 minutes>

He simply wandered the city... Some of the Citizens that passed by knew him as the Jewel of the Solair, While the Believers of the Church of the Golden light knew him as the Envoy of the Deity....

As he went to the City Walls to watch the Guardsmen doing their duty... the System activated....

<System Updating.... Complete>

<Ver. 23.10830639146789 to Ver. 24.5>

<Partial Lock release>

<Welcome back Commander>

About Time.... Partner... What took you so long?

<The Higher Ups Already Agreed and some of the System Locks are now Removed...>

Such as?

<You are now Able to choose another Race...Two more to be Exact>


You shitting me?

<The Kaurava Conflict was to Judge your Character and your performance under pressure....>

It's like a Training ground?

<And You Performed Admirably, Though the Proctor didn't expect that there were abnormalities in the Testing period...we decided to be rushed it as there is little time...>

<In a Sense your test is a abnormality....>

Well I am surprised that I managed to lived that long?

<Can't be helped, Time is of the Essence....>

<Your Bounty System now being converted into a Hunting System....>

Wait does that sounds like a downside...

<You are now able to Harvest the Wanted Users Technologies and still receive Bounty from the kills...>

Such as....

<Matilda>[Deceased] (SCP) [Wanted]

. SCP Foundation

. Left 4 dead

. Resident Evil

. Dead Space

<Alan T. Williams>[Deceased] (Command and conquer) [Wanted]

. Mental Omega

. Dead Rising

Wait, WTF why would she Get that Universe? isn't that Fcked up?

<You are lucky that She only used a Controlled version of the "Flesh That hates" and your presence was there, purifying the Planet....Had you didn't have the Emperor Shard activated in time, any other people were there with you, they would have joined the Necrons....And She is the Weakest as she didn't know her History about her Universe, Had she sent the indestructible Lizard, your life would have ended then and there...Since they Looked at your Area of choosing>

Let me See that...

<Alexander Solair>[Alive] (Starship troopers)

<???>[Alive] (Cyberpunk) [Wanted]

<???>[Alive] (Gundam UC) [Wanted]

<???>[Alive] (Armor Core) [Wanted]

<???>[Alive] (Star Wars) [Wanted]

<Alan T. Williams>[Deceased] (Command and conquer) [Wanted]

<???>[Alive] (Bioshock) [Wanted]

<???>[Alive] (Mass Effect) [Wanted]

<???>[Alive] (Halo) [Wanted]

<Danny O. Kelly>[Deceased] (Harry Potter)

<Kawamoto Hiroki>[Deceased] (Space Battleship Yamato)

<Mase Daichi>[Deceased] (Macross)

<???>[Alive] (Gears of war) [Wanted]

<Shawn Nicholson>[Deceased] (Call of Duty Zombies)

<???>[Alive] (Doom) [Loyal]

<???>[Alive] (Ace Combat) [Loyal]

<???>[Alive] (Alien) [Wanted]

<???>[Alive] (Iron Harvest) [Loyal]

<Arian Davidson>[Deceased] (Star Trek)

<???>[Alive] (Fallout) [Wanted]

<Matilda>[Deceased] (SCP) [Wanted]

<???>[Alive] (Stellaris) [Wanted]

<???>[Alive] (StarCraft) [Wanted]

<???>[Dead] (Macross)




(Might as well, call this Novel "Warhammer system vs the Multiverse" at this point...maybe? I Suck at naming titles)

Hmm, I don't recalled seeing the Guy in Command and Conquer dead....

<It was the Guy that you Snapped his head, At Sarajevo Temple Prime, He likes to roleplay as a Grunt...Had he seen you, he would been in his Power Armor and Crushed you then and there...>

Really that Grunt? that was a quick death....

<And thanks to that, The Forces that sought to destroy the Imperium couldn't get the Weapons in the C&C universe..and You were lucky that you choose Starship troopers as they believed that it's the Weakest in both Technology and Threat level, Had you Choose like Gundam UC... they will think of you as a threat...there are few others users that still loyal to the Imperium...>

So what should I do?

<Within that myriad of Multi Universes, they hidden themselves in plain Sight, And Killing them would prevent their Universe Technology from adding to the Ranks of the Nameless...and You in return get that Technology And Powers they owned... including the universe...they could do the same thing to you as well...>

Why Called them Nameless? since they already have a Name?

<They abandoned their Old Name and Called themselves by Numbers hence Nameless...this are just their original names left in the roster appear when they are defeated...>

<There are 15 And you took out two, that leaves 13 excluding the Ringleader of the group as the 13th remaining is Supplying the 1st with all the War materials and Support...>

Now added to the System Unlock:

. You can Now Travel to the Universes you visited



"Command and conquer"

"Starship troopers"

. You able to Generate a Unowned Galaxy in as a Tab Panel, you can convert it to a Manufacturing Plant or a Evacuation Center that is Allowed... (Alex is either a Walking Armory or a Military Spam) and you can let Living beings in.

. Allows Citizens and Soldiers that is under your Command will accompany you to travel other Universes...

. Able to Absorb Defeated User Universe as convert it as your own.

. You been promoted, now you are able to build Titans without Relic Point.

. Relic Points are now able to purchase Items in the Item shop.

. All Combat Doctrine is Unlocked

. Mission Tabs are now updated.

Rewards Calculating....



Will of the Emperor Demand Your Faith! (Ecclesiarchy):

Able to Convert and Assimilate a Planet population Almost Instantly through faith... Fanatics and Martyr to another religion are unable to be converted, People opinion of you increases greatly...


Have a Universe more than 80% Converted to a Variant of the Ecclesiarchy....

The Power of the Ancients (Old Ones):

Able to Terraform a Planet to A Planet of your choosing within a Day (It grows the more you use it....)

From the Afterlife, I still serve! (Imperial) (Upgradeable) [1/10]:

Summons Legions of the Enlightened, which would aid you, currently consist of 1 Legion...

. Summons Imperial Guards 1

. Sister of Battle (Locked)

. Imperial Navy (Locked) (Ghost Ships?)

The Envoy of the Omnissiah (Mechanicus) (upgradable) [1/10]:

. Designated Building Production Speed Increased by a 100-Fold,

. Auto Repairs and Cleanse Anything Mechanical to Data space within vicinity...

. Owned machines are unable to be Hacked.

. Mechanicus would take your opinion into "consideration."


Ferrus Manus Soul

Golden Throne Blueprint [Merging] (Complete)

STC Templates x 198 (Empty)

Thunder warrior Production (Perfected)

STC Library Blueprint

STC Constructor Blueprint

Intact Castigator STC ["Father of Warhammer Titans?"]

Power Bat (Angry Marines)

Wedding photo book of Guilliman and Yvraine?

Seem like I got little, it better that way...

Ferrus Soul? Huh? did Emperor put you to it?

<Whistle. Wav>

I take that as a No...

Let me see the Mission Tabs


Main Objective:

- Kill the Wanted User hiding in Night City

Optional quests:

- Be A Superstar (Why do I remember Freddy Fazbear?)

- Make Friends

- Start a Business

- Make Rogue Allow you to enter the Afterlife

- Revive Johnny Silverhand

- Heal the Earth


"Chrono" Sandevistan Variant

Star Wars

Main Objective:

- Kill the Wanted User Hiding in the Star Wars

Optional Quest:

- Have an Empire in Star Wars

- Get the Starforge up and Running

- Make a protectorate and Alliance of More than 100 Species without Being genocidal [Mission Impossible]

- Become Ruler of Mandalore as a Mand'alor


Little Kitten (Stellaris) Perk (Didn't Little Kitten Played Stellaris? in a TTS episode?)

STC Planet blueprints (Think of Starforge but Planet Sized and easily mass produce to make Warhammer Gloriana Class ships Within a week, DAOT is Already BS Enough)

Mandalorian Space Marines [Available upon taking Mandalore]

Clone Trooper Space Marines [Conquering the Galaxy]

What does the Perk need to Upgrade? as Alex pointed out the Two upgradable perks

<Requisite Points and Lots and Lots of Energy>

Let's do it then....

12 minutes later....

My wallet.... *Sob*

The Envoy of the Omnissiah (Mechanicus) (upgradable) [10/10]

. Able to Designate 10 Buildings Production/Construction Speed Increased by a 1000-Fold,

. Fast Auto Repairs and Cleanse Anything Mechanical to Data within a Chosen Radius...

. Owned machines and User are unable to be Hacked, Both Psychical and Spiritual

. Grant the Machines a Soul...

. Covert any Machines to your will

. Improve the Machines Design and Programming

. Override Machine loyalty

. Mechanicus will Listen and Take Action based on your opinion...

From the Afterlife, I still serve! (Imperial) (Upgradeable) [10/10]

Summons Legions of the Blessed, which would aid you, currently consist of 251 Legions...

. Summons Imperial Guards 101

. Sister of Battle 70

. Imperial Navy 80


Plant Yggdrasil Tree to activate the effects.

<Remember Alex, they are Already Gunning for you the moment you killed one of their own... Choose Carefully Lest you lose your Place you called home, and the Timed Limit is within 40 years>

"Well then, Let's go and meet our new friends, shall we? now the people here are now relaxed under my charge?" Alex Disappeared from the Public eyes....

He stepped down on the Platform....

He saw the Usual 9 with a few added members...


As a Carnifex roared at Him with....

*Gulping* as a Squat managed to drink a barrel of ale bigger than his size

"Shut up ya Oversized dog!" as a Voltann Tossed a Barrel of Ale at the Tyrannid.


"Wait where is the Farseer?" as he looked around... and noticed instead of the seat where the Bone Colored Farseer is now replaced with a Crimson Colored Armor version of her....

"Welcome Back, Have an Ale!" as an Avatar of Captain Boreale raised his Fenrisian Ale as he gave a Smile.

"Sir Boreale, that is enough Ale..." A Figure of Stubbs was Worried with his Teacher Intake of Beer is Consuming.

"Uhh, Monkeigh How did you like my head chopped off?" Tahril Mocked Alex in disgust knowing that he chopped a version of him...

"Your head makes a Good Sharpener for my sword Tahril, I do not mind if I will do it again."

"Thank...You..." as the Necron lord Rumbled his thoughts...

"If there was any other way..."

"You...Gave...Myself...A... Warriors... Death...That...Is... enough."

"Greetings, Warrior... It would Seems that you have found your wings... Perhaps the Divine Emperor has already shown a Path for you in his grand plans..." As the Canoness spoke...

"Yes Sister Selena... He did...It's Nice to see you again... Despite in different circumstances, it was an honor fighting with you on Kaurava IV" as Alex looked at the three Characters that influenced him...

It was Govenor General Stubbs that managed to give him the authority to make the decisions.

It was Canoness Selena that showed him there is redemption within the Sororitas...

It was Captain Boreale that remain Loyal till the end, despite Alexander Knew that he might betrayed him by receiving Secret orders from his Traitor Chapter Master Azariah Kyras to Butchered all of them in that moment of glory...

"I came here to pick two factions..." As those words left Alex the People were interested in what he has to say Except the Chaos Lord and the Dark Eldar...

Now is there is a time limit before our true Enemies stepped in the Universe, I am in...

I will Choose....


A/N: there was a Blackout, someone drunk Bashed a Power Pole in my Neighborhood.

What Two Factions would he choose that could Synergize with the Imperial Guard?

A. Space Marines/Eldar?

B. Sisters of Battle/Dark Eldar

C. T'au/Tyrannids [What a Bad Combination]

D. Necron/Eldar

E. Space Marines/T'au

F. Other [Voltann/?]

Since now the People in Starship Troopers Already respected him... So, he is no longer afraid of the Implications and Despite the Drain of the Requisition points originally to feed them... the Replimat

from Rimworld already Managed to lower the cost to none as the Guardsmen Preferred the 3-star Cuisine from the Replimat... and the Machine managed to able to feed anyone at this point.

Reason why the Upgrade?

They are coming... Even if the System Estimated the Incoming force... There are already Spies in the Federation Ranks inserted waiting for his Fck Up

Why are there Users that is still alive and not Joined the forces of Destruction?

They Already Done their Missions and the Emperor that were in charge of them "appreciated" them... And their Universes are a Bit Farther in the Backline in terms where the Multiverse War is accumulating or perhaps, they also killed someone else to assure their security?

Why Alex was only Listed as the Starship Troopers?

That was the First Place Choosing that is imprinted on their "Resumes", it didn't imply about the later Aquisition.

There are Many Universes that the Nameless that been Destroyed, and they have been absorbed by the victors, I even don't know.

The hunt Might be in the works on Future book as only two was chosen, since he also need to assist Guilleman and Yvraine in the Indomitus Crusade, Some Time Travelling in the works... And the Impending Invasion in his Main Universe, If he Lost the Main Universe he chosen, GG everyone.

Destroying the Wanted Users would stop the production but there is still soldiers in the army.

Such as

. Chaos Undivided EU Force User with a Sandevistan [Now you know why these two is chosen]

. Nurgle Flood infested Halo Spartans