"Daddy! Wake Up! it's Breakfast!" A Child is Shaking Alex Up in the Bed, He Blinked and Watched Sarah Pretending to be Asleep...
"Five more minutes... Sarah...." Groan Alex
"Nope, You Will Wake up or No Breakfast for you!" as the Child Protested...
"Only if you give me a Hug?" as He Rose up from the bed and Arms wide open..
"Fine, Here Daddy" As She Hug Alex as she Dragged him off the Breakfast...
"Today's the Last day You Finish Highschool and you already pass several grades beyond your peers...where will you be Joining?" as Alex Drink a Cup of Recaff while reading Mina Daily newspaper...
"The Imperium Guard, I want to be like you Dad" as She Softly Smiled...
"That is a Bad Mistake Sarah, You know the Stories I told you..."
"I want to See the Galaxy and Fight The Monsters that you fought Dad..." as her Eyes Looked Defiant to him....
"Fine, Pack your Belongings and Get Ready..."
"Are you going to Toss me away? *False cry*"
"We Might meet the Emperor Soon in a Few Hours..."
"Really? Thanks dad you are the best!" as she gave him a Peck on the cheek as she hurried up to the Bedroom...
Alex turned to see a Statue of the Emperor that is Gloating toward him
"Must be tough to raise Several Children Eh? Alexander?" only to the Statue to Become Solemn once more...
Today the day... as he Looked at the System time telling him the end of His Kaurava Campaign....
<Time 6 21 Left: hours and minutes>
"Better take a Look around before I leave..."
He Headed to the Orphanage as he Resumes delivery of Supplies to the Orphanage, He look at the Now Refurbished Orphanage as he was greeted by a Old Friend of his...
"Hospitaller Ephritta Blaze, It great to see you again...How is it to be under the New Canonness?" Alex Joked with her as he Handed the Supplies to her...
"Aside from all the Shouting and the High Energy of the little ones, I can assure that my Sister work is fine, How about you Hero of Mina?" as She jest with Alex...
"Could you come with me Alex? Perhaps My peers would like your presence once more..."
"Yes Sister... I would Love to..." as he was led deeper in the Orphanage....
In the Center of the orphanage was a Mural that tell the name of the Sororitas that died in Battle...
"Thank you... for your service to the Emperor..." as He prayed to the Souls that were lost in the defense of the Orphanage...
As he was about to leave, he was Held back by Ephritta....
"You know Alex... You seem so special...there are times... I want you..."
"Would you want to Accompany me?"
"I can't I have my duties in Mina"
"Understandable, Though I miss you..."
"If it weren't for the Badge you gave me, I wouldn't be here with you talking like this... O would show you my Thanks..." He Clasp her Cheek... their Lips locked...
"Sister Ephritta, what are you doing?" a Horde of Little Children Rushed Forward accompanied by the New Canonness, Giving an awkward atmosphere between the Two... (Ah Children are involved yikes 😳)
"I Guess, I will see you around?" Alex Smiled as He Turned to leave...
She wanted to grab him... but she felt that he will be so far away from her...
"I will be back, that I promise..." Alex Smiled once more as He Hugged the Hospitaler in his Arms and Left, imprinting his image in her mind as he leaves the orphanage...
"You know you could join him..." as the Canonness Held up a Child....
"Canonness, But I..."
"I received that Cannoness Selena has sent me Extra Help arriving today...You could Follow where your heart goes..." as the Cannoness Chuckle... Leaving her to make a decision...
Behind the Orphanage The Canonness Met a Golden Figure....
"It is Done milord..." as the Golden Figure Smiled and Disappeared leaving Several Feathers....
He visited the Dust hounds Armory where He once done his Perks, now it's littered with Techpriest From Mars as they Examined Every inch of the Armory and Made a Shooting range outside it to test its Effects to the weapons they brought in... and Held Debates in binaries in the open, on how absurd it is...
"++Greetings Favored one, Did you come to deliver a STC Templates for today?++" as a Techpriest approached him from behind with a Cohort wanting to know more...
Seeing that he was in a Position to unable to say no for an answer...
He Gave a STC Template "Microsoft Excellus (Paid)" to them...
"I Believe this Is useful for Government Work" as he Handed it over to the Techpriest...
"++Seems like the Omnissiah has Bless you today Favored one...++" they Left him to Examine this new STC's he had given to them...
Pub "Farewell Winds"
Been Destroyed in the Chaos' incursion now renovated to handle more people
A Great Cheers was raised as He Entered the Pub, As His Soldiers now Raise their Beers to the Coming of the Hero...
(???): "Welcome back Sir, Here Have a Pint and Enjoy the View" as a Ale was Given to Alex as they Enjoyed his Company, They Say Tales of his Valor on the field, and Many agreed with their Hearsay...
(Hector): Are You Sure, you are leaving?
(Alex): What I heard from the Techpriests from Mars, that the Emperor Flagship is Gone Missing and I am sure they Coming to pick me up... And You know how absurd my life is...
(Hector): Considering that we both went through hell and managed to survive, Can't Say that you might be good at predicting it...
(Alex): You Want to come with me?
(Hector): "Nah, I had My Fill of Your Adventures, Someone has Got to keep an Eye on this Group" as he pointed out to the Group now Getting Rowdy due to Alcohol getting into their Veins...
(Alex): Well then See you around Commissar Hector... I hope that You learn a Few things from me...
(Hector): And I well versed in your Absurdities at this point... the Emperor Protects...
(Alex): Emperor Protects, It was a Pleasure Serving with you...
He Went to The Marshall Office he was greeted by Marshall Solomon...
What they discuss was a reminiscent of the time he was the Hero of the Mina, And He left Feeling refreshed as he waited for the Ship to arrive...
The Golden Ship Appeared in Mina Space of Identification, And the Officers identify it as "Bucephelus" the Emperor Flagship, A great Panic Erupted in the Command Room as they sought and prepare To receive the Emperor Messengers...
300 Aquilan Shield Landed on the Planet, and The Aquilan Shield Leader Leonidas Stared at the Crowd and Saw The Person that the Emperor is Looking for...
"Are you Alex Hyde?" Leonidas Spoke through the Crowd as they Swept aside and realized that the Hero of Mina is Being called for...
Yes I am Alex Hyde, Could I Bring Someone Along?
"Are they Important to the Mission?"
"Yes, Come Sarah, we are going now..."
"Are we going to meet the Emperor?"
"Yes Let's go..." As Alex Turned to look at the Orphanage as he left ...
"Wait!" as a woman in Hospitalers Cloth rushed towards Alex with a Light luggage, Making the Aquilan Guard Turned Defensive ready to pull the Trigger...
"Halt, She is with me to tag along...Would you come with me Ephritta Blaze?"
"I do...."
"Okay Sir Leonidas, Let's go before anyone might come up..."
"That I Agree... Let us Leave, as time is limited" Giving Leonidas a Pause on how did he Know about his name as he never clarify it... He Smiled under his helmet as he Realizes Why the Emperor Put Great importance to him...
they left as soon as they achieve their goals,
Many Saw Alex Leaving, As The Dust hound Bawled their Eyes off as they remembered their good days under his command now Under the Thumb of Commissar Hector which he is not lenient on handling them, while Hector who was Drinking at a Balcony Gave his Silent Farewell Drink to Alex, for the Mad Journey they spent together...
Leaving the City Behind, Both Sarah and Ephritta looked from the porthole of their Planet, As they were born on the planet, Never realizing how Small it looked from the Distance..
"Entering Warp, Destination: Holy Terra"
As the Warp Envelope the Ship, Alex Wandered the Giant Hallways, As he knew that the Ship is Slowly being Affected by his Nature as a Phariah, He Greeted the Sister of Silence as they Passed by, and Soon reached the Emperor Office...
It was as if not much have passed during the Crusade era as it was Sparkling Clean....
He went to the Book Case and Borrowed Couple a Books...
"How to be a Single Dad and Conquer the universe?"
"How to Earn your Child Respect?"
"How To speak through actions?"
"Understanding Your Sons Through tough love?"
"Teaching a Child through Harsh Punishment?"
"Make your Child Understand a Few Words?"
"31st Eldar Photo Galleria, Swimsuit Edition?"
"This is some self Help Books and a Eldar Gravure book!" as he Dropped the Books to the floor.... then he noticed a Strange Incantation...
"Fus Ro Dah?"
A Secret Compartment Opened in the Bookshelf perhaps untouched by a Millennia... Alex turned to look at it....
"A Stress Ball, A Rubber Chicken, Scrabble... What this?" as Alex Held out another Note written in English...
"You Shall not Pass?"
Another Compartment was popped up...
"How to Make Thunder Warriors (Incomplete)..." Hmm it was incomplete?
"Refined Raptor Strain Production methods..." Seem like Corvus did sent the data to him before he chased his Brothers In the Warp...
"How to make Geneseed Even a Monkey could understand" I am not sure if I feel offended or Amuse...
"Authenticity of Lordship of The *Distorted*" huh? its owner name been wiped out?
"Notes about Creating a Primarch?" that is interesting...
I will just grab all of them and Send the problems to the Tomorrow me...
as he finished stuffing the notes in his Inventory he was Met by a Golden Avatar of the Emperor Sitting by the Fireside...
"You know it is rude of Taking things of a Dying Man?" as The Emperor Chuckle at Alex Antics...
"At least I make use of it and make the Imperium Better again...Besides Why on earth did you write those passcodes in English?"
"Well, Not Everyone know how to read English as it became a Dead Language... and Gothic is common... Easy to pronounce doesn't it? Besides I come to ask you... did you got it?"
"The Newest modern Edition of Eldar Gravure no, But the Blueprints of the Golden throne Yes...How the Plant I Gave to you?"
"Doing well, Now that those four is Distracted by my recovery... I might able to Speak properly..."
"Like that Text to Speech version of you?"
"Please don't say his name, His Custodes are a Hell to look at... And his Intentions to make the Imperial Webway...."
"You ain't so innocent Alexander, I Am Currently Holding Evidence of your Crimes..." as Alex Waved the Ancient Gravure in his Face....
"Fine You win... Wished I should learn Eldar Language...."
"Don't forget, I also know how to read and Speak Eldar so that Security measure make no sense"
"Well it's nice to see you again... though you are just a Golden Glimpse of yourself..."
"Well nice to see you too, though I want to Punch you in face for Finding my books..."
"Nah, that is if the Golden Throne get repaired."
"Enough Fun and Games...Now it's serious Talk..." the mood dampen around the two...
"Even if you did repair the Golden Throne, My Mind is still in shambles..."
"Wouldn't it be a End Game? when I arrive there?"
"Yes the Plant you sent me, Helped my Mind from further Fracturing, it only slowly regenerate my mental state and the Golden Throne making my Flesh returning... but We need the Tree of life to fix me as a Whole..."
"Is it Isha? As I recalled she could heal.."
"Very Good Alex Have a Cookie, Isha would Provide me Total recovery as she will merged my mind together... But there are two standing in the way..."
"Slaanesh and Nurgle..."
"Kill Slaanesh and Incapacitate Nurgle free Isha from the clutches..."
"What about your Son's in the Warp?" Giving the Emperor A Pause for a Few Seconds before giving him an Answer
"Save them..."
"As your Command Milord...and it's nice to see you back..." Alex Left the Emperor Quarters.... the Emperor Grinned and disappeared, making the Compartments returned to their Place and Taking the Eldar Gravure with him...
He reached his Lodging as The Two Rushed in to hugged him...
"Let's go to sleep, as we better look good when we are well rested when we meet the Emperor?"
As the Alex slept on the Bed, he was Clung on both arms, they all went to Dreamland....
Alex Woke Up in a Familiar ceiling...
*Terran Federation Theme Song*
"Son it's Time for Dinner?"
Welp I am Back? Alexander Solair Wore a Wry Smile on his face as he head to the Dining room...
A/N: Well, I know that there an Hot Eldar on the loose I like to capture, But there are Important things to matter...
We will Enter Cyberpunk soon, (Hint: I sense a Kitty...) but now in debating whether it is the Second movie or the third movie... Rewards are next chapter as I will do it tomorrow... Perhaps a System Unlock? and a Incentive why he have to go there not just for the Cybernetics....(Not the Hot chicks)
I am not Good at writing romance... or Smut...that is probably a Great weakness in my works, Familial bonding probably?