
Side Chapter: Build-A-Bear? Build-a-Primarch Instead!

(I looked at the Polls from the Last Chapter, So Necron and Eldar Is the winner? Probably it would Increase the Technology Knowhow and Provide some insight how to Better Construct Necron Pylons and Weapons As Some of the Techpriests like to admit, while that their Technologies are powerful from the STC Libraries, it conflicts with their desire to Seek Knowledge as they often found in the Libraries of New Texas in Mathematics and Engineering, I guess the Next System Unlock would be Space Marines and Sister of battle, Perhaps before Star wars....)

Date Unknown

Deep Within Zero Base of Mars, a Massive Laboratory was Set up Ready for the Birth of a Legend, Forgotten by the Community as his legion is more popular than him, Alex Along with a few Magos Biologis Was Preparing his Return from the Dead...

"Is it ready?"

"++We Follow the Notes and Made Several Combinations to the Formula and Some of it were unreadable due to it being Worn down from a Millennia, we could only guess how it works...Only the Omnissiah would be the Judge of our Deeds...This time Around...++" the Head Magos Biologis Informed him about the creation of the Primarch...

Alex Looked at the Vat where the Primarch is Created...

<Experiment Starting>

Bones were Forming Slowly the Framework Structure of the Man in question....

Blood Veins integrate with Living Tissues as it is Grafted to bones to assure Perfection, Digestive Organs Carefully Grown in the Cavity of the Stomach

Sinews and Tendons Carefully threaded, Carefully like a Craftsman would held the Finest Silk with Tenderness...as it Almost Taking Shape of the Primarch...


<Immediate Organ Failure, Risk rate Rising!> as the Voice Echoed the room....

"No!" Alex Smashed the Control Panel in frustration as the Body of the Primarch Disintegrated into Molecules...

"++Commander, this is the 12th time That we done this... ++"

"No...I have to...Make him Come Back..."

"++Though I am not in charge of your health... I advise you to take Some time off... It would be a while that we reschedule the Rebirth Process, It seems we are Getting closer to making a Primarch as I hoped... The Omnissiah has Given us the Path...++" As the Head Biologis Let in Several Servitors to Clean the process once more...

"I will take your advice... I could use some fresh Air..." Alex Left the Room and Headed out a Busy Streets of the Underground Necron city as Necrons moved alongside with the Techpriests, Repair Scarabs was Loitering the Area, Some fixing the Damages was unable to be fixed by the Techpriests... Alex Passed by a Debate room, where a Crytek was Discussing the Technologies of the Necron in Simple terms with the Techpriests that were Eager to learn, Especially the Protocols of the Necrons for their Kastellan Robots...

And in another room a Eldar Scientist (I doubt there is a One in Canon? Except the Drukhari?) is making their Shuriken and Warp Spider Gear more Efficient, thanks to the Language pack from the Terminal, the Techpriests were unhindered by Language Barriers and able to learn new things to the Point they Managed to make a Imperial approved Gauss weapons and Shuriken Cannons if they were in the Imperium, much more than Educational than entering someone else home and Second Guess their meanings...

While these Two Races were In Antagonistic Relationship the Moment they Appeared before Alex... they were Told that this wasn't the Universe they were used too... No Slaanesh, No Empyrean ones... Just a another war with a Insectoid race, that they would have no obligation to help, Unless if they want to...

Alex Managed to Successfully Created a Artificial Soul Stone, By Using the Blueprints that was Left behind inside that Vaults from the Destroyed Universe, He created a Null Soulstone, Though not a same Null that brings misery but it makes them Positive being around them... it put the Eldar in a position as He was the only one that knew how to make them ..

He Headed up topside for Some Fresh Air, Still frustrated that Making a Primarch wasn't Easy....

"It seems like I need a Extra help....Huh?"

"What Are you Doing Trazyn 11?" He Saw the Necron that is Watching the Video logs from a Forgotten Universe... In a Video Room

(Orikan messed up in the Infinite and Divine by Spamming Trayzn to 11 copies, that he Got a De Ja vu)

"So this is where I met My End?" As the Receptors of the Necron looked at the Video With Great interest...

"Well, it could be... but our time is not here, the Enemies are yet to show themselves, can you Get a Crytek helping us with the Reborn Program...Where is that Farseer?"

"I believe she is outside on the Cliffs..."


On one of the Cliffs that oversee the Base a Tree was Set up, and a Crimson Colored Farseer Watched the Base as it Bustling with Life, and She Looked toward the Earth, a Globe of Green and Blue meshed together with some White plumes... as there was no Holy Terra or there was any God Emperor in here... Free from Slaneesh...

"So that's where you are hiding?" Alex Approached the Farseer...

"I never hidden myself... I just..."

"Never had a Sense of Peace? For a Millennia of War, Sure that might Twist the Concept of Peace In anyone mind..." as Alex Gazed at the Flowing Grass now flooding Mars...

"Tell me, How Was I like in that Universe?"

"A Person that tries to Save Whatever she can..." as He Recalled as they first met...

"Idealistic? that sounds like me..."

"You Live in a Ideal Universe where there's no Warp Fuckery going on, especially the one that you have created... this world is where you can Raise children.. in peace..."

"Peace is a Lie? is it not?"

"True... Many Would have died to find this peace... Even this Peace May Be an Illusion we think to ourselves...that it would last forever...We must Get Ready.... For There are those that Sought to Take away this Illusive Peace...We need your Healers to help with the Rebirth of the Primarch...as we might stand a chance against the Tide of Madness that soon head in our way...*Klaxon* It is Time now...Get your Healers ready"


A Grand or Perhaps the Last Experiment was needed to complete a Primarch....

What Alex trying to achieve is what a Man Accomplished from a Millennia Past....

Now this is a Rare Occasion that Three races are trying to Make..

<Experiment Starting...>

"++Let Us Begin...++"

"I will Start the Process....Ugh" Alex Eyes Glowed And His Body was taken over...

"Then Allow Me To Remake My Son once more..." As what was Alex now Become the Vessel of the Emperor...

He Ordered the Techpriests with the Specifications that he needed...

As The Process Almost Reached the Bottle neck....

The Possessed Alex Immediately Spent Copious Amount of Emperor Essence to the Empty Vessel, Pumping the Flesh with the very thing that made up the Emperor, Almost Cracking his Body Apart in the process due to the Output Is More than a Mortal could handle, much less than a Demigod... With the Eldar Healers Combating the Damages he accumulated, Along with a group of Techpriests with Medi-guns (Team Fortress 2?) Healing him from a Distance...

While the Crytek is Watching the Instruments... He noticed it became Stabilized...

The Vat Emitted Golden Lights and Burnt out Several Receptors of the Techpriests that watched it...


"It is done..." As he Walked towards the Vat that Held the Finished Body... He Place Ferrus Manus Soul in it, merging together as one....

As Heartbeat Began to whir in Tandem Beats, His Final Orders of the Day, Was to Place the Primarch to a Location Topside... and he would be Placed next room besides the Primarch...

??? POV

A Lucid Dream...

On a battlefield that seems distant...

Where my Brothers turned traitor...

My sons...

Were slaughtered...



Was our Friendship means Little to you?

Was Our Bonds is Insignificant to you?

On that Day We Forged the Weapons to symbolize our brotherhood seems like a Distant Memory...

That day when your Blade lopped my head from my neck... Did you Felt Any Remorse?

I Traveled between the Realms of The dead... and among the living, walking blindly in the darkness, Having Questions more than Answers needed....

For the First time.... I felt a Heartbeat that I lost long ago...

Struggling to open my eyes... I Found Myself on a Bed in a Brightly lit Room, not on the Dust filled Battlefield that I fought and Died on, with Medical Apparatus now Linked to me....

A Recording was played... With My Voice

"They are not my hands. This fact is forgotten by my brothers -- inexplicably, it has always seemed to me. The hands are strong, to be sure, and have created great things for us all, but they are not mine. And that counts for something. They forget that the silver on my arms comes from a beast that I vanquished. It is the mark of a great evil that I ended, and yet it persists within me...I would struggle to remove it now...I will not remove the silver from my flesh because I have learned to depend on it. The fault is with my mind. I rely on the augmentation given to me by my metal gauntlets, so much so that the flesh beneath them is now little more than a distant memory...A day will come when I will strip it from me, lest I lose the power to master myself forever. Already my Legion's warriors replace their shield hands with metal in my honour, and so they too are learning to doubt the natural strength of their bodies. They must be weaned off this practice before it becomes a mania for them. Hatred of what is natural, of what is human, is the first and greatest of the corruptions. So I record it here: when the time comes, I will strip my hands of their unnatural silver. I will instruct my Legion to recant their distrust of the flesh. I will turn them away from the gifts of the machine and bid them relearn the mysteries of flesh, bone and blood. When my father's Crusade is over, this shall be my sacred task. When the fighting is done, I shall cure my Legion and myself. For if fighting is all there is, if we may never pause to reflect on what such devotion to strength is doing to us, then our compulsion will only grow." - From Wrath of Iron

I Stayed in my Bed thinking several moments, Noticing my Hands were not covered by the blood of Beast that I have slain on Medusa... a Officer in Uniform that I don't recognize stepped in the room...

"Tell me...Did we won?" as I asked whether we won...the Traitor Conflict... If My Brothers...was dead... ignoring to ask the Officer Name

"No, We didn't...Horus Luprecal Traitorous March to Terra was Stopped and He was Killed... the Imperium is in Shackles and Your Brothers that were loyal to the Imperium is Either Gone Missing and Recovering from their wounds, The Emperor now Lay on the Golden Throne trapped within life and Death, It's has been a Millennia since you walked in the living, If You want to Talk about Fulgrim? Come With Me...Ferrus" The Officer Opened the Enormous Door waiting for him to Walk out the Door...

I Stepped out the Door and was in a Hallways of a Complex... Following the Officer... As I sense a Familiarity with him that he knows what happened while I was Dead...

We arrived at a Office of the Person is Named..."Alexander Solair"...

"Come Sit Down, Do you Want Anything to eat or Drink?" The Officer Gesture toward a Marble Chair filled with Cushions... as he grabbed a Recaff...

"No... I wish to Know what Happened... Did Horus actually Stopped? Is Fulgrim Killed? What Happened to my Legion? What happened to the Imperium?" I sat down waiting for the Officer Answer...

"Like I told you Earlier, Yes Horus was Killed, And the Surviving Traitors headed into the Empyrean Space now Known as the Eye of terror... As For Your Brother Fulgrim...He has changed...As for your Legion? I afraid that they didn't get your Message.. As of the Imperium? Perhaps this would tell you" as The Officer Brought a Projector

the Projector came to life...

Showing what my brother Has Become... A Abomination...

My Legions.... More Machine than Man

Was this the Imperium that I still knew?

"The truth is... Your Brother was Possessed...On that Day...That Sword that Killed you? It Whispered him to kill you first... Now for the Price of hubris... He became something more... terrifying... as His Body is Twisted by a Demon, His Soul...The One that is Good, The One that still see you as a Brother, is trapped within a Painting that the Hedonistic Version of him is defending..." as the Officer Put in more images of the Place that made Ferrus Disgusted...

"The Emperor Has Already decreed that I will Bring your Traitorous Brothers back...But not Fulgrim"

I looked at him with bubbling hatred...

Sensing that He would be choked to death, he Explained properly...

"Fulgrim is Far Too Gone...His Body is Beyond Redemption... But there is another Path...his soul" as Another Picture was shown....

A Necron is Guarding a Body of Fulgrim...

"Someone Managed to Make a Exact Copy of Fulgrim but it is not him... and I am planning to Save his Soul and Revive the Phoenix once more...And I need your Help..." Officer just spoke his piece just barely before Ferrus Hands reached Officer Neck...

"What can I do?"

"I am Assembling a Strike Force to retrieve your Brother Fulgrim First... and I need your help... You will be given a Workshop and You will have all the Resources needed to break in the warp... And You will have the Weapons at your Disposal..." A Data slate was Handed to Ferrus... There were some weapons he recognized while others was incomprehensible to him...

"Let's head out of to get Some Fresh Air..." Ferrus Followed behind him through the hallways once more as he Browsed the Weapons and Materials in the Data slate..

At they reached the Entrance Ferrus Smell a Fragrance of Flowers and Wondered where is he now?

"Welcome to Mars, Ferrus..." as if the Officer Understood his question...

The Primarch Looked up and Saw Terra... Not the Metropolis he used to seeing but a Globe of Green and Blue mixed with a bit of White...

"This is another universe, Ferrus... Do You Want to Go to depths of Hell with me, to save your brothers, your sons and the Imperium? or Do you Wish to Stay in this Universe and Help the People here? Your Choice is on you..." As the Officer Held out his Hand...

Later In a Workshop

Ferrus was Hammering a Piece of Metal with a pair of Necrodermis Hammer aided by the Help of a Necron Crytek... as made up his mind.

As he Accomplish his Task, he put away the Hammer and Touched the Metal for the first time... A Creation that was forged by his Very own hands, Not by the Silver hands he held a Millennia Ago...

Though He has the Metals... he has doubts about Alex Crazy Plan... But it's the best chance he got of bringing Fulgrim Back to the Fold...

He Fashioned a Sword that Glows Green from the Flames of the Forge that held a Miniature Sun...

and he Made More weapons than he ever needed...

He has a Duty... and Obligation to Make things right....

And To See his Sons again...

Alex Looked at the Primarch Forging New Weapons... and He met with the Avatar of the Emperor Watching his Son at work from the Distance... as He Wished to Speak to his Son... he has doubts whether he would be able to speak his own son... face to face?

"Alexander...I hope you know what you were doing... Asking me to bring your son back..." Alex look at the System...

<Primarch Slots>

> Ferrus Manus