
Meeting Odin

The world was in a uproar for a short while.. Knowledge of Gods, Demons and even the assassination by the said gods have rattled the world.

But after the news that was released that Alexander managed to conquered the very same gods that attempt to kill him.

Many was in jubilee as they raised a modest bronze statue dedicated him as a Living Saint of Victory, as a way to bypass the ban of him being a god and Alexander frown that he was being worship as a Saint of Victory, but it beats to comparison of him being a god...

As the time passed in Fallout, the world grow from it's ancient wounds, the enemies of the Imperium and Alexander marches on.

In the Warp, Dozen of winged figures marched towards Fallout Terra, that the neverborn that was akin to a barrier against the outsiders, did not hinder their march. Their whimpers in the dark showcase the dangers of a threat the outworlders have in possession.

The cracks of the Warp that once towered over Siberia, now beginning to show the seal weakening, despite the Chaplains of the Word bearers, Thousand Sons and the Ecclesiarchy attempt to seal the wound in reality away. Having done limited success as they met scores of daemons and neverborn, not wanting to conquer the world... But to hide from something in the depths of the warp... Perhaps it was a fitting last echoes of a man that sold his soul to the devil, the Imperium have limited time left to control the world and to confront whatever dangers they may face....

After Alexander controlled the Japanese pantheon from the shadows.

He and Amaterasu held a tacit understanding between each other.

She knows that he is lenient, compared to her visions of her home being destroyed by the Imperium, because she gave up her trump card in the negotiations early. Her pantheon is barely kept alive by the people that lived in Japan that gave them a source of existence.

And Alexander gained a Cannon fodder against the supernatural for free. He suggested they will not be taxed, but he never mentioned about sending them to war...

Ironic, that it was several hundreds death gods and a Bewitcher of the East. That the pantheon buckled easily.

Due to lack of manpower that Japan that defended against the darkness, it allowed Alexander to place his men in position to defend the people in the shadows.

Grey knights were sent in exchange for keeping the peace. And in the shadows, keep a actual eye on the Japan pantheon.

The Japanese pantheon may complain that they are effectively a slave.... But could they complain for the free aid?

He knows that these gods that is recently born here, didn't see the full facets of what Amaterasu and he is aware of. The warp is endless and the denizens are never ending.

If they ousted her and killed her overseers, they would be butchered, he gave this island pantheon a final chance...

As part of the aid, he assist the nation of Japan to regain their homeland by terraforming from a wasteland to a actual piece of land as Amaterasu divine power to keep the radiation from the nuclear fallout would be spend keeping her pantheon in check...

He leave the pale faced goddess to handle her pantheon and a Thousand Son Squad, accompanied by several Sorcerors and Rubric marines to assess their "good faith".

Piper remained in Japan for more "Scoop", He left several guard to accompany her... Hopefully she is more than capable to handle herself.

Alexander noticed that despite the perks, the former traitor legions he led, they retained a inkling of the gifts left by the chaos gods...

World Eaters is emotionally charged, Death Guards are tankier than usual and they get regeneration, the Thousand Son, they are unique as the moment one perished, they would literally turn to soul dust, but still retained a Semblance of reason... And it is one of the things Magnus is dealing with the issues as of late that he even held a joint collaboration with Mortarion with the issues with his legion. Hopefully cure this glitch, before he fears that they will turn back to the heresy era variants.

But after seeing the Japanese pantheon... He wondered what is going on in the Greek pantheon.

After the defeat of Zeus, he didn't seen Hermes that would have stopped Zeus from going out of control.

When he met Zeus again, he was a literal cyborg that is made with warp metal constructs.

And he had a few guesses that one of the culprits might be Vashtorr as he did own a forge in the warp... But he needed more information.

After the battling with Zeus in Ireland.

He already send 5 companies worth of word bearer and the Thousand Sons to search Olympus. And they managed to find a entrance to the fallen pantheon.

Since then, he received reports of carcasses of gods that littered in the Greek pantheon and most of the items that held by the gods is scattered as if they were in a panic. As if they were fighting something worse, and their new purpose now is to sanctified and catalogue most of this god artifacts that is in Olympus.

The divine bronze that is made by Hephaestus workshop is a welcoming addition to the arsenal of the Imperium.

It was a unique metal that is neither a warp metal or materium... But it could injure the neverborn and keep the user mind from breaking down.

Alexander could felt sadden that a god that made this metal is missing in action... But any advantages must be put to use. He hoped that the joint research between the mechanicum and Thousand sons will hopefully reverse engineer the divine metal. At least the imperial guards have a chance against chaos than being shot to death after they fought against Daemons.

"This getting more absurd" Alexander mumured as he flew towards the Former Nordic Alliance.

After the resources wars began, the Nordic countries formed a coalition that is neutral from Russia and Former Nato bloc.

They saw how warmongers the Eu had become because of what little resources left, they became desperate and they waged proxy wars with both America by sabotaging the South America's Venezuela oil fields and The Nordic Countries Atlantic Oil Rigs. And finding it futile, they sent their best and elites to the middle east to gather what's left of the dwindling resource of oil that is not captured by the USA.

the Nordic nation had remaining resources that converted by both sides was being pressurized in both sides, they formed a loose coalition to defend themselves from both EU and Russia and secretly contacted Alexander to ship them arms and manpower, they unknowingly let in the Imperial agents and preachers infiltrated the nation and became the first imperial outpost of the European continent after the bombs fell.

Though the natives were resistant towards the conversion to the Imperial faith, Alexander at the time didn't forcefully converted them as it would breed resentment, he was thanking his lucky stars that he did so, as the gods were real... At least in this universe...

Alexander pondering about this, until his system arrive.

<What's happening?>

"Great, where have you been Theseus?"

<Horsing around with a unwelcome guest...>

"How do you... Nevermind... We are heading to the Nordic Alliance to meet with Odin, before heading to London."

<Good, at least you make use of your time well...>

"Theseus, a Question... What happened if I managed to get my last body part?"

<This realm would be considered subjugated by Imperial control and they unable to hunt you down.>

"So... A problem later huh? Is it possible for them to still be placed in a isolated planet away from human controlled territory ? I want to eliminate them to have less problem for me to handle in the far future..."

<Of 69 course, for a low, low price of million requisition points, you can divert their destination to location your choosing, buy now or regret later. *Discount are not applied after capturing this universe.*>

"Does it come in IOU vouchers?"

<Frak you! I'm not running a charity joint!>

"Fine, at least I tried to bargain."

<And you suck. Get a economics class while at it.>

"Touche... " Alexander smiled wryly as he purchased and located a target planet.

Just south of the Solar system, there is a desolate system between alpha centauri that the invaders in the warp is directed towards.

It was not colonized due to the constant eruption, and no minerals have made it unviable for placing a colony , Alexander would make his stand there after London... He does not need for the mortals to be aware of the literal Angels of the Abrahamic God that is descending upon them. If they know about it, those that were of christian faith would be fanatical and they would cause more problems of assimilation of their faith...

As he arrives at the Nordic alliance, due to the nuclear fallout, the land was vibrant with life as the nuclear fallout had plunged European nations into a permanent winter.

He saw several farmers waving at the plane he was on. And children rushing as if they wanted to catch the plane. He smiled at the people tenacious ability to survive.

As he arrived at a Imperial affiliated City of Scandinavia, he disguise himself as one of the Guardsman that is stationed there, it was filled with vibrance and flora, people is busy with their lives as they had a destination in mind.

Alexander took himself to a cafe and offer some recaff.

He watched at the crowd as if he was satisfied that the world is regaining the life it once had, and he hoped that the people would not suffer a more destructive war... As he observe the activities of the people he heard someone sat next to him , he ignored the person as they bear no ill will.

"How curious... Son of the Golden Emperor... What do you see in the people you defend?" A voice was heard across his table. He didn't even look at the person as he sipped his recaff.

"Hope, Even after all the things they done to themselves, they always find a way to comeback"

"For a Imperium that stretch across the stars, why do you do the bidding of your father?"

"Because, he is the only way to salvation... Had there been another way, he and I would have been content to stay in the shadows..."

"Why do you seek the Allfather?"

"For I need to know the truth.... Freya." Alexander looked at the figure before him.

She was as beautiful as what the Norse pantheon describe her, but the only difference from what he heard about her was that she wore modest clothing and light make-up.

"The goddess of war and love, and are you here on the behalf of the All father?" Alexander asked.

She nodded as she pointed to a mountain.

"At the top of the mountain at sunrise tomorrow, a Rainbow road will be opened to those that sought his wisdom, only those that have courage and no doubts will able to utilize it, And the other reason for our meeting is that I wanted to see what the Allfather see in you... Seemed that you kept your heart and mind closely guarded, had I taken the way that Tamano no Mae had done... Are you going to kill me too?"

Alexander smiled vaguely as if giving her the answer.

"Do you know that wench that imitated my dead lover? What's your relationship with her?"

"I did not know why she done that, she... Was my colleague that we fought with in the rainbow road as we fled to this realm.., though, I pity her in a way... She followed what the people perception on how she was supposed to be... And ended up in the Empyrean."

"Had she came in good graces, I wouldn't even dare caused a ruckus. Her decision had consequences." Alexander nonchalantly answered.

"I see... I hoped the meeting with the allfather goes well. One last thing, Be wary of the all father... He is more different since two moons ago... I will stay in this city while you enter his realm..." She stood up and about to leave.

"Freya, May you have a comfortable stay in the Imperium." Alexander smiled warmly as he watched her delve and blended into the crowd.

Alexander drank his cup as he headed towards the local military base and sought to sleep in the barracks.

The base commander was aware of his identity and wanted to give him the officers quarters.

He refused and ended up in the local barracks and listen to the store of the soldiers beside him as he prepare to sleep.

He left a message for the Local Chaplain of the Thousand Sons that is stationed as the Communication officer to place a Psyker Marker on his being, as a precaution measure, he had a Company of them to follow him and breached into the All Father realm, if things went south.

At midnight he began to walk up to the mountain that Freya specified, the walk to the summit was long and tired, he seen plenty of things in life.

But it was his first time to walk at the mountain summit without being sent to war or dig trenches for the incoming bombardment.

As he made a cup of Tanna and waited, the sun indeed rose from the distance and a faint Rainbow Bridge began to appear, Alexander walked without fear and in a flash of light, he ended up in front of a city. He looked around saw a tranquil countryside, with a ocean that is below on where he stood on the rainbow road, he discovered found that he was in a subspace that hidden away in the warp. A huge tree encased the realm, Making it much more harder to invade than he normally think.

The thousand sons marker that is placed on him is still active and alerting the thousand sons company to arrive at the realm soon.

As he walked to the city, it was akin that they were in the Age of mythology, people were busy walking and doing their tasks, and magic circle made him interested of their methods of technology....

He haggled and barter with them for items and animals that is not in this realm, earning, money that depicted Odin and thor in their engravings,

They were not surprised when the purchased animals disappeared. As they could just interpreted that he had a Item box. That is common for them.

After gathering enough of the thing he needed, he walked towards the castle

He heard cheers from within the castle and he ventured inside it. The guards didn't mind his entrance. Servants were constantly busy as they rushed forth, and he followed the majority that ended up in the center of the Castle, Feasting halls that had no end, Mead, ale flowed endlessly as countless people dressed in viking armor chatter.

Musicians played their instrument as they bring a comfortable atmosphere.

He found a man sitting in the far end with a woman dressed in armor standing as a attendee, wearing a eye patch and a crow on his shoulder, giving a jovial laughter.

"Here's to the brave men and Valkyries to the defense of Vahalla, for us to live another day, we shall celebrate our dead with our gratefulness to survive another day!" He raised his cup and the people began to cheer onward.

He noticed Alexander at the entrance, and smiled.

"We welcome the son of the Golden King and raise a cheer for the hero against the unending hordes of the neverborn that sought our destruction!"

The rest of the crowd gave a cheer as they welcome him.

Alexander became cautious as that much joy, despite their losses had made him wary.

He arrived at the end of the hall and Odin laughed as he raised his mug, beckoning to approach him.

"Welcome, Midas or you call yourself Alexander Solair..and this is my head Valkyrie Brunhilde." Odin gave a courteous gesture to the woman beside him. She nodded in response.

"I have received your calls, what do you need of me?"

The man before Alexander laughed as he drank away.

"Always on the point, just like your father... While the mortals are waging war below, we, the Aesirs also waged war in the shadows, and sadly we are running out of time."

"What do you mean by that?"

"When we fled from your father realm, we destroyed the rainbow bridge behind us to prevent the Neverborn from chasing after us... Seemed that they managed to fixed it from their end and now infesting throughout the nine realms...

Helheim have been corrupted by the taint,

Jotunheim and muspelheim have fallen, Svartalfheim and Vaneheim have given themselves to the empyreans, Asgard,Nidavellir, Alfheim, and Midgard is all what's left and the world tree is dying... We are in the twilight regardless of Ragnarok..."

"What of Loki?"

"He died with his actual father as they defended our retreat.... That poor fool of a son of mine... Thor is all that's left of bloodline..." The god Infront of Alexander was uncaring as if the foster son of a frost giant was not in his eyes...

"Before I forget, I heard you have those sorcerers... Thousand sons you called them? Would you lend a legion of them to me?" Odin asked.

Alexander is alarmed of the shameless request. As he about to question the god...

"Let me tell you this clearly, Son of the Golden Emperor... I am not asking you..." The cheery god became cold and what cheery atmosphere became stone cold...

"I demand it."

Countless of sound of people standing up and readied their weapons, Alexander found himself in a hostile environment.

"And here I thought that the gods were benevolent?" Alexander spoke as he was alerted of their hostility...

"We lost so many men... And the pantheon is in shambles, the thousand sons of yours would make a fine dam, until we find a solution to close it completely."

"No, I will not let my brothers sons die for your war!"

"Do you think we are asking nicely?" Odin's words grew cold.

Alexander felt something approaching him behind and found a hammer heading towards his skull in a flash.

He dodged it as the hammer missed by a inch and made a crater its wake.

A figure flew down from the skies and grabbed the hammer. And stood beside Odin.

"Hah... You do know that the last god that coerced me, never ended with a happy ending right?" Alexander gaze upon the crowd.

He noticed that there is a blue tint appearing upon everyone.

"We...need....to...free..." Odin became slurred as if his words becoming more.... Incomprehensible. He ripped off the eye patch and a familiar symbol of tzeentch from chaos appears in his all seeing eye.

As if mocking Alexander that he would not find any answers from the aged god.

The warriors started to mutate as they sprout wings, talons and screams were heard. As flesh render aparts turning them into warp entities...

The Valkyrie that was alerted of the change went to attended the All father.

<Oh, crap, Tzeentch infected the mead with his blood and ale managed to reached almost all of Asgard... Seemed like you better escape now!>

"For that bird brain to manage to infect this place... I don't know whether to thank that bastard or I am more on the line of wanting to kick his Arse... " Alexander sprinted away from the situation... The castle went to a frenzy as the screams began to echoes throughout the hallways.

Alexander is forced to escape... Not able to gather what is going on. He escape the castle and ended up in a city in flames.

Fires and arcane magic swung across the city, clashes of sword and roars echoes the streets.

The deranged have descended upon the people of Asgard. And they began to slaughter in the name of the entities that they swore to defy. One of them gleefully sacrifice their brethren to let in the unaffiliated daemons into the already chaotic situation.

Alexander, aware that he could not get away unscathed, gather those that is untainted by the mead along his path and headed toward Bifrost, where he could escape through the rainbow road and hopefully destroy it completely to prevent more warp infestation.

He was not willing to send his nieces to die in a pagan god war... He would prefer that way. But Odin just had to take Magnus sons personally and wanted to kill him?

As they arrived, they were met by the gatekeeper, now slained by a unknown entity, it prevented Alexander from leaving as the Gatekeeper have the only key that would have unlock it with his blood and he died several hours before Alexander was aware of it.

A closed door infront of them and most of the Asgardians that been corrupted that is heading their way.

Alexander sighed as he began to make a stand.

Several portals opened beside him and Drones began to march out and awaiting his orders.

He simply gestures towards the fallen city and place his thumb down.

Making them understood that that place needed eradication.

They march in tandem, without remorse as they opened fire upon the corrupted Asgardians that flooding towards the survivors, Alexander know they could only buy time... As they are facing literally, Gods and Demigods, and time is running out.

The skies became cracked as the realm is being breached, as the Thousand Sons aware that their Liege is in danger, have broken the seal that protected Asgard and their Battle Barges arrive and landed near his location.

The survivors were forced to be boarded to the ships as the Astartes joined the Drones to assist the evacuation.

"High Lord, you need to escape from here!" The captain yelled at him

"I can't... Keep the survivors under close watch and see to it they don't have the taint, I must destroy this place as it would be another gateway to the materium!"

"Our father might be not pleased with your actions..."

"Go... Son of Magnus... Time to do what you are made to do...I will find a way back to the Materium."

"MidaAasss" a roar occured behind the tide of flesh and it flashing by the Drones hail of bullets with streak of thunder, sending them off into the ocean below.

Alexander watched as the Punisher of the gods, Thor, now corrupted by Chaos sigils that is slowly growing across his face, glared at Alexander. Mjlonir is shaking away from thor... As if wanting to be away from the corruption.

"Had our situation been different... Maybe we could be of best of friends..." Alexander watched as the god of Thunder is slowly becoming more berserk as the time goes on.

The Captain understand as he boarded the shuttle and left the field. The ships sped towards the cracks that they entered through.

Thor rushed out and swung his hammer and about to lay his hands on one of the nearest ships that is evacuating, Alexander stopped him with a Volkite Rifle, making him attempt to smash Alexander head to a pulp, his hammer was met by a blade of flames that clashed his deathly blow, creating shockwaves that rippled on the rainbow road.

"Why.... aren't they your people?" Alexander watched at the god before him growl at him like some animal.

Thor didn't bother to even listen as he clashed with frenzy in his veins.

The cry of the saved Asgardians watched in horror as their guardian is now fighting against the savior.

The fight was brought to the city that turned into a battleground, buildings were wrecked apart, Screams and explosions were heard.

The fight between Alexander and Thor is destructive. Several districts in the city were destroyed by them...

Thor in his blindness, smacked Alexander in a moment and send him off crashing into the depth of the palace, and making him end up in the Asgardian treasury vault.

"Throne... His hammer broke a few ribs... Possibly some of my organs is been through a blender...." Alexander groaned as he spat put blood, his outfit now tattered as he managed to survived the blow.

He produced a potion from one of the pockets and doused it over his wounds, it was a low grade one, but it kept it's purpose.

Steam began to emit from the wounds and left scars in its wake.

Alexander looked around and realize that the location he stood on is the vault where Odin kept his treasures, he began to gather all the artifacts that lingered there... Trazyn would loved the Asgardian aesthetics...

He managed to get the skull of Sutur of the fire giant, perhaps a prize trophy of a victory, perhaps Odin in his infinite wisdom did not forsee the fact that he placed the tinder that would burn down his kingdom.

Then he saw the eternal flame... After a few moments of silence, of balancing the pro and cons... Asgard is already doomed, Chaos now bleed into this realm and anymore, Earth would be at risk of rebound infestation of Daemons. Especially Bifrost the gateways, who knew if the rest of the realm is not infested?

"Might as well start Ragnarok myself..." Alexander groaned as he tossed Sutur head into the Eternal flame. He couldn't risk fighting thor in a doomed realm. Might as well, make a makeshift distraction.

The flames turned into a myriad of colors and great chuckle was borned from the flames... And the skull that was tossed into the flames rose up and peered at Alexander.

"Tell me mortal, for you have freed me before Ragnarok... What do you wish?" It asked him.

"Your wish, Sutur... Destroy Asgard and the Allfather realm, leave nothing standing..." Alexander spoke.

The skull gave a brutal laughter and it began to grow in size, forming a flaming body.

"Then you shall have it!"


Thor began to looked around for the elusive Mortal, he didn't care if he was a guest... He was a threat to the allfather and his realm.

Whispers echoes in his mind, vision of grandeur and victory flooded his soul, should he kill the Son of the Carrion God.

The noises that is made by the maddening crowds. Have managed to blurred out the location.

But he arrived at the castle. And as he entered the hallways he suddenly felt the floor was burning, the floors began to glow red and he immediately rushed outside and found that Alexander unleashed their end times.

Odin that travel in the air in his chariot that housed the now mutated multi legged horse screamed as the Fire giant, is now revived by Alexander. Stared at the corrupted god with a smile.

"MiDAss" his words sprang out that is not his own, he was like a puppet in strings.

There the castle collapse and sunken revealing a fire giant that rose from the ruins of the castle and held a flaming sword.

"I have awaiting for this day for so long!" The giant bellows.

"Doom have come for you, Aesirs! Ragnarok have begun!" The fire giant bellowed. His sword swept across city blocks, turning the people that is unable to escape to cinder and ashes. On the shoulder of the Fire Giant, Alexander stood there as he watched the situation that is happening.

Alexander closed his eyes as he felt pain and hatred, but the realm is too far gone, a clean slate was necessary.

The world burned before him.

Personally did he cared about the gods that will bore hatred towards him?

He didn't bother, he seen two of the three have been corrupted and the last one is on a unsteady relationship,

As he left the fire giant as a distraction, he took the opportunity to gather more artifacts from the corpses and none could stop him.

Any institutions that is not destroyed, have been raided by him during the chaos that he inflicted.

He glanced at the Fire Giant fighting both Thor and Odin at the same time. He proceeded to prepare himself of destroying the World Tree.

He could sense the sickness that is spreading the tree, the chaos taint is spreading across the tree, what was once a vibrant tree that towered the skies and defended the inhabitants within is now dying slowly in real time, the leaves withering and pus began to ooze out of the crevasses.

Alexander began to set black hole charges around the base of the tree, ensuring that it was destroyed.

As he was doing his task, the tree sensed his intentions and dropped several branches on top of his head to get his attention. As he looked up he saw a spirit that inhabited the tree, it was a fair weathered woman wearing a floral dress and a headband made of oak leaves and she is slowly breaking down. Her face show cracks as if a mask is about to reach its breaking point.

He saw the purple taint at her waist that slowly edging upawards... Showing the progress how chaos is even affected the Norse Pantheon greatest defense in real time.

"Hey, this is the only way... Would you rather be a gateway to the daemons and dammed all or sacrifice yourself of being a guardian..."

The spirit nodded sadly as even the person before her, know that the world tree is doomed and the time it survive is coming to an end...

'If so... please save my heritage....' a voice echos in his mind and he saw the spirit holding a tiny sapling. He understood that it contains a part of her soul that is untainted. He could sense a baby that is budding within it.

He nodded in silence as he held out his hand.

The sapling gently fell down towards his hands and he placed it in his Subverse for safekeeping.

"I will assure you... That your will lives on... " He smiled sadly...

'When it about to end... I will send you back...to Midgard...' she smiled as if she know where to go

He wondered, had there been a time... When a tree like this been so majestic now crumbling so slowly.

As the timer started, the deranged that survive the fury of the Fire Giant rampage, as if they know something, is now beginning to converge to the World Tree.

Alexander placed automatic defenses around the periphery and waited until they come to die.

The corrupted Aesirs now flooding to his location.

Automatic Mortars and Sentry guns began to glow red at the horde...

The aesirs, now as a whole given themselves to chaos, their magic and strength as a demigods have been amplified by several folds as the power of the warp embued them.

They didn't care if their loved ones are dying Infront of them, they didn't cared of the blood that is shed as they sprint across the no man land, some literally waltzing on water.

Their minds is corrupted by whispers of victory and promises of power beyond their own comprehension, the surrounding of the world tree is bathed in the blood of the corrupted.

As the timer have reached its final minutes, Alexander was bathe in a light. And he was tossed into a portal that been erected by the spirit, he looked at the spirit of the world tree.

She was almost consumed by the warp.

Her body almost rotted and decayed, leaving only a right hand and her face intact ..

She wept as she used her remaining power to send him back to where he belongs ...

Her tears touched Alexander face and before he could asked ... The Black hole charges activated and began to devoured Asgard, swallowing Thor and Odin with their Fight with Sutur... And eradicating everything that remains of the pantheon, he could only see a brief glance of the spirit that smiled, before she was eradicated by black hole before the portal closes

Alexander was fling out into the void, what the World tree had done was to slingshot him towards Terra through the power that she had remaining.

He sense the world tree and the realm behind him have already crumble and destroyed.

There was no air turbulence or g force that would ripped him to shreds, he was flung into the darkness, but knowing that he would reach his destination soon. He found a light began to shine on him as he close his eyes, he found himself ended up In Norway.

Freya awaited him... With someone by her side.

"I take it that the meeting didn't gone well?" Freya asked.

"All father Odin have been corrupted by the Empyrean. And most of Asgard have followed him to damnation..."

"Are there any survivors?"

"Fifty thousand... Of the Aesirs that manage to escape the horrors... The rest of the gods? I don't know..."

Freya gave a sad smile...

"I see... So we are a wandering pantheon... Can I request the Imperium of Man asylum, and allowed us to be part of your organization?"

"What can you provide me with? I am all about give and take."

Freya smiled as if she know him too well.

"You need allies in the Empyrean yes? By allowing us to join your pantheon, it would allow your father to be relieved of his burden... And we would be your loyal followers .."

Alexander weight in the pro and cons.

Having a foreign god seeking asylum is pretty unheard of, but the benefits of her being the leader of the Norse mythology...

He made his mind.

"Alrighty, I will accept your offer, but I will make some changes on my own."

"State your will..."

"As I am aware that you are the only remaining Norse god that is the representative, your offer is lacking, and your people is too little to be sent to fight against the forces of the empyrean."

She nodded as if to listen more.

"I will take your people to a realm that is away from the Empyrean and replenish your ranks... And I want someone to be a caretaker of the new world tree..." Alexander hand held out a sapling that emanating divine aura. That freya recognizes as the World tree.


"Do this things and aid our time of need when I need it the most. Only then you gain a part of the God Emperor Pantheon..." Alexander smiled as if he already got them...

After he sent the survivors of Asgard to one of his Subverse that is suitable for human life.

He boarded the plane to Scandinavia to pick up Eddie and headed towards London.


(A/N): London, let's go!

Why did I make if as if Odin and Zeus was corrupted and not Amaterasu?

Well... He was a seeker of knowledge and having a Chaos god tzeentch wanting to corrupt him is a problem, Zeus... He would be tempted by Slaanesh, since he is the Greek debaucherous god that would bang any hole. And that is the origin of the deity's pf what the pagan worship not some Disney bs of being a good dad and handsome Thor that is humiliated in Marvels....

Amaterasu was more like, she was aware and cared about her people (though I research her history a bit) and she is not a prick.

Few more chapters to go till I leave fallout. And drum roll please...

Next stop.... Gear of War.

...Provided my severe depression and my work in the farm doesn't kill me....