

After Alexander held the remnants of the Norse pantheon into his Subverse.

Freya had something to say to him before she is whisked away.

"Did you met Amaterasu?" She asked as she watched the last Asgardian entered the portal

"I did, and she seen something that she willingly gave me one of my limbs back... And she didn't want to divulge anymore information until I talk to Odin, well our meeting did not go as intended..." Alexander growled as his right hand began to burst into flames... He clenched it and it evaporated into nothingness.

Freya watch in contemplation until she realized something.

"I see... Since she refused to... I think I know something..."

Alexander looked at her with interest.

"During my stay in Asgard, Odin is desperate for power after the neverborn breached our old home, his divinity of his thrist of knowledge to protect his realm have allowed the events of today... He said to me, that if he is truly damned before meeting you, you should consult the Black orb when you are stronger... For that I don't know anything else."

"I see...may your journey be successful..." Alexander smiled as he bade the Goddess farewell.

"Farewell, Son of Gold... May your arduous journey be blessed..."

Alexander is pondering about the words Freya left behind.

"Black orb... That could be anything..." Alexander tried to recalled anything, he did even took note of inventory about Trazyn gallerias, but in a instance he shuddered as he knows one such object...

It was the black ball that held all the memories of the Reincarnated that sent to Warhammer... He delved there to get information when he was still human and fled because that entity within truly felt too powerful to be defeated and fled...

Its been a long time...

"Powerful huh..." Alexander looked out the plane window at the clouds as if they reminded his station, and reflected his status.

He was powerful... In normal terms, whether in politics or moneymaking, he is aware that he is capable, but he recognized that his style of combat is practically Commander Commando, glass Cannon build, a Commando setup with general on the ground, most of the perks he gathered is basically support to enhanced the armies of the Imperium and maintain order, and very few that would be able to benefit him.

Sure he had a perk from the ecclesiarchy to save him from death, once a day and it could not be stacked. But there are still things that would put him in a stalemate.

There are other franchises method of dealing with him.

He is aware that there are weapons and magic that could kill a perpetual that is hidden in the franchises that is unknown to him.

He is not arrogant to simply waltz in a realm that he had no knowledge and go guns blazing... He had to keep in the shadows and gather information...

He was not a idiot of fighting a Force Harvester or the Apex of the Forerunners civilization... But he hoped when he arrive in that universes, he could reverse engineering their technology, the pale imitation from RimWorld does not describe the original...

Looking back at the fight against Thor and Zeus, they nearly almost killed him, when they used a different form of magic to harm him, especially Thor Hammer that sent him careering to Odin palace, he was in a realm that is hidden by the warp and the denizen is unaware of the outside, theoretically he is powerful when he is inside the warp.

But outside, Soul killing weapons, Sonic Blasters or a Exterminatus Grade weaponry is the real danger to him. He is not unkillable, he can still die.

Heck, he is aware there are broken characters that can simply wished him to die or erase his existence and he rather not put himself into their sights. In hindsight, the fight with the gods was akin of a warmup of facing deities that is more powerful than a broken pantheons.

He sighed as he looked towards the end of capturing this realm. He looked at a Island Nation that is approaching in the distance.

Too much Imperial Blood have been shed in this alternate Terra. Too many brothers and father's, lost in the Siberia excursion than the rest of the world, for the sake of bringing their families away from the grim darkness of the 40k, to have a home in this realm... It would be difficult to explain the widows and the grieved lovers that the people that sent for them to be free from the hell known as 40k is unable to wait for them...

He had the technology to revive the dead, but if they take resurrection for granted... What is the meaning of living a life when you can simply kill yourself and get your health insurance, he only use it for people that commit outstanding merits of contribution to the Imperium... As reverse engineering the items take time for the mechanicus to make.

And he is aware, regardless in any franchise, the rich and the powerful will hunger the oasis of immortality...

And he made a social experiment of incentive of those rich people living in the space station above him...

Decades passed by in the haven that he shielded the rich people, from the nuclear hell storm, the rich people began to feel without purpose as those that were unable to exchange their currency went to crap... And the rich folks that were religious found that their god didn't answer their prayers as their home is wiped off the map by nuclear ash.

The ecclesiarchy began to work as they preached to the hopeless and they were converted... Slowly to not aroused the faithless.

Now their great grandchildren have already become the faithful and upon they received the inheritance of their grandparents of assets, they would be useful...

Though Alexander kept a blind eye as they offer a percentage of their wealth to the donation...

It was their choice, despite the fact that he already had brainwashed a generation of rich patron to do his bidding, at least they could have a choice than a illusion of it.

As being Atheist in a Warp prone realm is not a good way to assure that you can die by denying the Emperor light... And not worry about hell ripping your soul and being eaten afterwards...

He noticed many look up at the craft that he was on and pointed out with nonchalantly looks, as if they seen plenty of such craft during the past few months.

Alexander arrive at London Airport that is now occupied by a Imperial Garrison.

The local garrison commander gave him a decent welcoming, with the soldiers, decently dressed as they saluted his arrival. And he welcome him in his office.

He noticed the locals looked and passed by without care. He asked the local garrison commander something...

"Commander... Is there something to report?" He asked.

"Yes, sir. There's been reports of insurgent hiding In the reclamation zones in the Rural areas, and we been waiting for the permission to gather more troops to handle the threat. Here is the detail reports of what's been going on a few months sir." The commander handed him a report.

Alexander gaze at the man as he read the report, and the commander shuddered that the High Lord is staring at him with looks that could kill.

"Alright, Have the regiment and the Military police to double their numbers as well as the shifts, remember, that the rebels is just fools that clung on to a past that betrayed the imperial edict. I will request a company of Night lords to eradicate the threat... Make sure you don't fail in your end." Alexander gave the death sentence of the rebels...

The night lords he requested is not the reform ones, but the original variant that he kept in stasis... Their hunger of flaying people didn't wane... But... In reality, he is aware that he is making a overkill..

As the commander saluted, and headed to the communication center, Alexander sighed as he took a whiskey flask and drank the contents.

"*Worried beeping*" the eyebot bob uneasily as it places its frame next to Alexander as if to snuggle him.

"I know... Thanks for your concern, Eddie" he patted the lovble eyebot as he watched at the commander office walls and saw the old battleplan for landing in Europe. It was like a touching scene that the commander kept one of the pivotal moments in history.

Britain was part of the two pronged beachhead of the Eastern US branch of the Imperium to march towards Europe, when they fought against the Neo-Soviets, with Greenway as the secondary staging point to ship troops towards the Nordic Alliance, the local did show signs of resistance, but the numbing numbers of soldiers being flooded into London as they awaited deployment and the ships from the heavens as they called the acclamators being landed at Docks of Liverpool and Southampton that is surprisingly intact from nuclear fire, being unloaded by the tonnage.

Had already stomped out their hearts of defiance. As they saw titans simply walked towards the English channel. And one such machine is simply parked outside of Brisbane, bringing its shadow towards the people. Fear had set into the hearts of the Englishman.

But Alexander knew better than to take it for granted, as fear is a tool and too much will breed resentment, he offered the locals the stick, he might as well give the people carrots.

Jobs, housing, faith and civilization have been growing the ruin isle.

Where the ruined education institutions of a faded empire is being refurbished and propped up to taught the children and those without education to learn simple gothic. And any mentioned books about Transgenderism and ideologies that is harmful to the occupation is being burned in guise as fuel for the winter.

Pubs, once filled with cobwebs and dust is filled with patrons that watched the galactic baseball or the blood bowl. Mead and ale began to pour plenty as the banter of the locals with the garrisons made it more... Homely.

Some people tried to recreate fish and chip from radioactive fishes and ended up being fined for it.

Sounds of construction constantly occuring as the imperium began to demolished the decayed homes and made it better to human standards of living. With the living resident, paid decently as they moved in motels to exchange their old building with a fully furnished homes.

Having the universal translator made by the mechanicus was tiring, but the soldiers wanted to make a decent conversation with the locals.

However the benevolent light of the Imperium spread across the desolate wasteland, resentment is bubbling beneath the surface of every occupied territories.

Raiders, Slavers, opportunist, revolutionary, Scum of the lower strata of society, they hated what the imperial order had brought. Their life of being kings in the ashes is slowly being worthless.

The freedom of causing chaos is slowly disappearing as order reigns, and they known that there is no way to defy the imperial, with their lofty ideals of freedom of liberty, democracy and anarchy is slowly being outdated, as the people they shoved their moral on decided that the High Lord over this world is enough for them.

As people that obsessed in the past now began to call the garrisons as invaders, despite the fact that they ate and drank from the same food that the very same invaders brought to the isles, that they claim to fought against is sickening.

Alexander adopted son that lives in Las Vegas quoted once, if they want to know the effects of democracy, look outside of the strip before Alexander arrived in freeside. They voted in politicians that ended the world, and paid the price for it. Anarchy reigns and those with the biggest fist is the truth. The human nature to be self-destructive is shown openly.

The people want security, order, peace from the ruin, Jobs, Warm food and shelter. Not ideology that don't fill the bellies with prattles of a glorious past, they cared about the present.

And many times the radicals of humanity demanding the Imperial to pay for hoax reparations... hoping to drain the finances through despicable means.

They were silently erased and their families were mindwiped from their existence of even having a inkling of relations of them.

The retcon guns were used to destroy them...

Even their writings have been erased.

Alexander knows that he did not have any scuples with any factions living in London. He ignored them completely.

He prefers a peaceful annexation than what his brothers did in the grand crusade, where they toppled civilization and replaced it with the Aquila, he made sure that the people slowly understand that the way of prosperity is by following the imperium, not some ideology in the past.

He chuckled as he recalled that Britain is a constitutional Monarchy, and before he died in the first world, they were weak, it was a full blown democracy and the king is a retarded puppet by the organization in the EU, Both Labour and Torries sold out their country piece by piece and have no balls to address the issues on the country.

The country is a beggar in tattered emperor clothes

And they becoming more communist by snitching their own people. And calling other thay seek the truth as Terrorist. Making the youths be brainwashed and those that were patriotic to the crown set off somewhere in Asia, never seen again.

Many forgotten that Labour sold jet technology to Soviet Russia in disguise for food aid because of their feeling. And Torries did nothing for Brexit to stop the tide of murderous, Raping illegals to step on the shores of Britain.

For Alexander, it was one way to pay respects of the culture to be... Preserved.

And most of the factions that currently lived in London that dared to bear their fangs to the imperium, he entrusted the Imperial Guard and the Arbites to handle them. And occasionally send the night lords to handle the rebellion.

He didn't need to personally handle the issue, he gave them plenty of opportunities to repent, and see the fruits of the imperial that gave them, and they reject it. He have no need of a element of rebellion being sparked.

Why he recalled why rebellion often successful at the start is that they cater to downtrodden the ideal that following the rebels is better than the government that didn't listen to the people and they were corrupt as hell.

But Alexander already erased the venue of recruiting civilian into the ranks of rebels, is that he did his best to actually listen and even got a petition boxes that is spread across the world to handle the concerns. And let the local governors handle the workload as they gave him the most pressing issues.

And if there is a drop of imperial civilian blood on the rebels hands, they would be labeled as terrorist.

As he set off in a convoy toward the Buckingham Palace to greet the rulers of the nation. Perhaps meeting Queen Victoria and Elizabeth to check up on them... He could sense the last limb is calling for him in the vaults in the Tower of London.

Several hooded figures stood on top of the buildings to observe Alexander convoy to the Buckingham...

"He is here..." One voiced sounded out like a middle aged men.

"Should we kill him?"

The figure shook his head.

"How about rally the plebs to cause a riot?"

"Mate, that is impossible, the imps have got them by the balls and they will not dare to rebel. Even the local nobility didn't dare express their displeasure."

"What of the statue in Brisbane?"

"You meant the titan in Brisbane? That is mere propaganda by those imp civvies... Innit?" One swung his head as if it was confused.

The group didn't bother to clarify the situation as they lived in the underground of London so long and didn't even witness the titans that tremble the earth as they made their way to Siberia.

And the reason why they popped their head above ground is that they met the Imperial soldiers that found them accidentally while they surveying the underground and they killed them several using traps and explosives.

There were more of them, but each night as they attempted to raid the imperial outposts, their people is hunted down and flayed on the walls with markings bearing "Ave Dominus Nox" splattered with blood of the said victims. Many that did joined the cause of overthrowing the Imperial grasp slowly walked away.

They didn't want to be under of English nobles that funded their little rebellion and is in delusions that they could win against the imperium... And the benefits of joining is outweighing the cons of defying. They heard of the noble of Southampton

Death, where the deluded noble openly defied the imperium and he was found flayed and skinned alive in the next morning before he could rally his private army, causing the nobles to shut up.

All they needed was to learn Gothic, pay taxes and don't commit crimes.

As the group did nothing to the convoy, they began to discuss how to deal with Alexander, they felt a slight wind behind them and found a group of giants wearing human skin and skulls... Just standing menacingly like gargoyles.

Their instinctively knew who was the ones that been killing their people. And their minds are screaming to flee whatever direction than being in front of these monsters... The dread felt from the giant is enough to suffocate the mere presence alone.

"Who the fock are ye Wankers?! Buzz off !" One of the braver ones yelled at the intruders.

The giant spoke, their rasping voices whisper death...

"The Night Lords have come for you..."

The giants clawed gauntlets began to cackle to life as they pounce on the hooded figures.

Those that broke their will pleaded for mercy and forgiveness, while some loosen their bowels and their groin is wet with piss.

But the pleas of the wicked didn't reached the ears of the Giants as they slaughter them, those that survive the assault were suffered a bigger hell as they began to skin the individuals and let them hang from their own intestines.

With their blood painted above their corpses.

"Traitors of humanity."

The Arbites from Scotland yard, looked at the corpses and simply shrugged as they tagged the bodies from cremation.

Alexander was aware of their presence long ago, but he didn't bother of the grievance of the people that sought to assassinate him.

Assassin and fools are dime a dozen, and they never think about the bigger picture, had they able to kill him.... And filled their egos with false heroism. What happens next?

The world would be in chaos, as the order he built on collapse as opportunistic scums pretend to offer solutions and did nothing. Then those would be heroes that ended the so-called "despot" would be called devil's as younger generation lived under the consequences they had done.

The wars he fought hadade him more cautious as he is about to reach the supposed location of his limbs.

The Buckingham palace was seen in the distance.

The Royal guard of the British family was informed of his arrival and gave a welcoming salute as they waited for him.

He noticed that most of the royal guards were Ghouls and humans.

As the convoy passed by the entrance he was greeted by the head of the royal guard and the royal butler..

"Sir Alexander, welcome to the royal Buckingham palace and Queen Victoria would extend the courtesy of your arrival. The head butler gave a courtesy that is afforded to Alexander. He escorted to see the Queen of England.

(Cuz current king of England, frak your speech on diversity and censorship, since we are literally drowning in it that the people is begging for your sense of reason and you choose to be a puppet, ya daft arse! Queen Elizabeth is better than you!)

While on paper, the imperium had the holdings of the land, the royal family was placed as a figurehead to ease the occupation forces that everything will be alright while the assimilation began slowly..

However it did spark the controversy that Alexander is preparing to annex the isle. And rumors started to spread that the High lord behead all the surviving nobles the moment he arrive to Britain, it caused most of the fence sitters to panic while some opted to wait and see, if the rumors were true.

Nothing happened during his stay, only the occupational forces didn't even bother to gave a grand arrival and gave the high lord a chance to see the people without some bootlicker and yes men to tell him that everything is alright.

They escorted to the living quarter of the queen of England where theri a tea table waiting for him, Queen Victoria seem that she didn't aged a day and it would seemed that she was cured of ghoulism years ago, she recognized Alexander.

And beckon him to sit at the table.

"Honored Friend, it's been a while since we have last seen your arrival... Was it before the bombs fell? Come, sit down and help yourself a cuppa tea..." She asked as she smiled warmly.

"And you hadn't aged a day, Queen Victoria, I glad that your youth is still glistening and sparkling with radiance." Alexander smiled at her.

"Always a Charmer, I heard from my cabinet that you are helping to fix our country. And the people called you the High lord of The Imperium? Despite the fact you already ruled the world?" She grab a cucumber sandwich and tasted it.

Food that were scarce in the pre-fallout have abundantly flooded into Britain. But

"I will never call myself as the Emperor as there is one that is above me."

"Oh really? Who is it?" She asked curiously.

Alexander delve in his fondest memories with him.

"He was my Teacher, My father, The Sage, and the beacon of hope and My God... Or he referred himself as the Emperor of Mankind, for I am merely a herald of his light." Alexander spoke with such warmness that Queen Victoria was interested in his words.

"So you are working for the divine yes?"

"In a way, for it is his mission that is granted to me to unite humanity against the coming darkness. "

"I never thought you were such a religious man, Sir Alexander."

"And it is my mission to ensure that this world among countless worlds to be protected by his radiant light..."

"I see, what will become of us?"

Alexander pause a bit, until he gave his honest opinion.

"Honestly, the parliament failed to protect the citizens and the issue of the mornarchy is just a figurehead during the bombs that dropped. The parliament is dissolved as there is not a single one that have the capacity to even be the will of the people, but You and the nobles that is not hostile to the imperium's will still retain the royal lands that been issued, you just be a symbol of the British people. I am not here to be a despot, but to unite humanity from the ashes of our mistakes..."

"So you have us as hostages?"

"Nope, you can still be granted a pension as well as the royal guards gave access to the imperial arsenal. I not here as a tyrant that some rumors claimed, but as a savior."

"I see... But what will happen to us when you perished away? When your heir, might retract your promises?"

"That will be a bridge that I am willing to cross, the people of Britain is slumbering in the ruins, and I am the one that wished that they ascend beyond the ashes of the past and become the sailors of the stars.

"You have a plan for us?" Queen Victoria was astonished.

Alexander smiled.

"Your nation once ruled the seven seas, but there is one sea that you never achieve in your lifetimes..." Alexander pointed above.

"Your people would be the best sailors and captains of the stars, fully endorse by the Imperium, isn't that romantic? To be the queen of a risen kingdom than being faded from history?" Alexander smiled with such charm that she blushed, just a little.

"I will see to it, that I take your words into consideration Sir Alexander. Now would you excuse me... I will consult with my cabinet about my findings." Queen Victoria smile professionally and as Alexander turned to leave and exit the door.

"I will hear the good news, Queen Victoria, those that is allied with the imperium, be blessed and those that opposed it... Well, we know what happened in Siberia." Alexander gave a vague answer as the door closed behind him.

As the door closed behind Alexander, he met a young Elizabeth watching him with curiosity.

"Hello, Sir Alex, you are back from mother?"

"Hello, Princess Elizabeth, it's nice to see you again."

"Were you a ghoul at some point? You haven't aged at all since the bombs fell."

"Just wonders of technology and faith, Princess Elizabeth."

"Ah, always the one with a vague intentions... You are mysterious as well."

The sweet side of Elizabeth openly smiled at Alexander.

"Well that's make it more interesting innit?" Alexander smiled at her, he knew her since she was a little girl and was her royal doctor in cyberpunk.

She grabbed his hand as she led him to a royal garden.

"Come Sir Alexander, I heard the royal Kitchen have a fresh batch of cucumber sandwiches being made, care for a cup of tea?"

He nodded as he entertain the young princess of stories of his family and their shenanigans.

As the night fell, he was escorted to the guest quarters as to spend the night.

He just slept for 20 minutes and waited as the rotation of the guards began.

Alexander vanished through the shadows that covered the parts of Buckingham palace as they were undergoing electrical rewiring.

He jumped on the cobbled roofs of the silent nation, as he made way to the tower of London.

He made a Alibi that he was in the care of the royalty and ensure that his tracks are clean.

The Royal guards that station in the Tower of London was unaware of his visit as he jumped to the rooftop and leaped to one of the cone towers and teleported inside the tower.

He felt amused that it's been a while he was on a stealth mission, since most of the times he was always the heat of every battle and the symbol.

As he avoided the patrols, and avoiding traps, he ended up facing the vault that contains the treasure of the royalty.

The vault was not looted by raiders as the wealth in the vault had no value and they could not dare face a horde of Royal Guard that is staffed with workable rifles.

But as Alexander held out a box and pressed the button, a silent wave of wind rushed out of the box and enclosing the surroundings, making it a makeshift soundproofed environment.

Alexander began to work on the locks.

"Hmm... I hope the vault code is still valid." He muttered as he recalled the royal family vault code in cyberpunk and he was found that it opened to his surprise..

The vault for centuries now began to expel dust and old air as the force of the pressure began to leak out the aged air. And Alexander ventured inside.

He met with a mountain of Gold that glimmering in the light, he felt some desire to possess it but he shook his head as he came for his last limbs not some gold that belongs to his friend.

He walked past most of the casings that held the relics from past kings and he ended up at a peculiar location.

He was well aware that the vault had the almost same similarities but in a corner, he sense a distortion and found a gauntlet that is floating inside it.

It was intrinsically carved by a artisan as lions and kings is carved directly to the gauntlet, but somehow it felt alive as he sense the warp is pulsating in its core.

As he about to grab it, he was sent with a torrent of emotions that flooding into his mind.

Regret, Remorse, Helplessness... And a tinge of resentment...

And a vision of a Golden Castle embedded his mind, he felt like he stood on the ramparts of the castle and faced a unending horde and the skies itself was blackened by the sheer amount of ships and debris as they rain down upon the castle.

It was like seeing the Horus Heresy played out but between baseline humans vs the corrupted version.

Artillery fire echoes in the distance as Fighters zoomed by as to give what meager support they could afford. Soldiers numbered in the millions fought in the trenches and every city block. Blood drenched the street with ash and gunpowder.

"Brothers!" A voice that was not his own spoke from his lips. As he was forced to watch the end, he felt his hand reached on the waist and release a sword from a scabbard, he recognize the very same sword that he used, the Faithblazer as it's flame were like a beacon of light in the darkness.

"Our Brothers betrayed us, Our allies abandoned us, our forges is slowly dying out and our numbers dwindling by the very second... " The voice felt pained as the hand clenched into the handle of the sword.

"Never lose hope! I received news that our loyal brethren is making their way towards the Sol System! We must hold out for Nine Solar Hours! Nine hours, sons and daughters of the Federation! We must hold on until help comes and only then our Father will banish the traitors back! "

Scattered cheers were sounded as the tired and wounded soldiers gave a defiant roar as what remains of wepons the defenders gathered is placed on the trashed walls of golden castle.

Technology and Magic was utilized, and he saw weapons beyond the age of technology and mages began their chanting, Alexander felt the warp stirred as magic began to be used and elements of nature and technology began to rain down upon the invaders. Some of the mages turned to ashes of overusing their powers. The last facial features of the mages was that of a pained face as they used up what life they had to defend the palace for a second.

He felt his face looked up towards the castle, away from the hordes of possessed that hunger the blood of the people within...

And a emotion swelled within him...


Another vision slammed into his mind as he found himself into a living quarters of a high ranking official...

A man looked similar to the emperor of mankind, but he is at baseline sized, he stood outside the balcony as he watched the battle that is raging below. The aura of death is even tangible as the laws of reality is being twisted by the chaos of the warp

"How goes the battlefield?" He asked.

Alexander felt his body knelt down as the same voice spoke out

"I am afraid the battle been lost... The loyalist outside this cage of death is unable to breach in mere nine Solar Hours... Especially the chaos gods making the warp unable to ascess. Our brother, no.... The traitor will breach the wall before they could arrive..."

"I see... You told a white lie .." He felt his shoulder patted. As he saw the figure before him felt pain, helpless of the fact against reality, that his favorite son betrayed him...

The figure before him sighed as he spoke.

"How long can the gates can be held?"

"With the factor of chaos... Around 2-3 hours... 30 minutes extra, if we activate the Golden throne... With you as the core...[Tenacity] is defending the outer walls."

"I see... Prepare the Golden throne..."

"Father... Uncle Macaldor, spoke to me that he is already prepared to make a contingency to send the highness and the last innocent soul away from this place..."

The vision faded as another appears in his mind.

He found himself at the throne room, where several figures he recognized and some are faded from memories of the fellow he inhabit and a portal is being set up... The portal that is being set up and several mages and engineer and was giving their all to access the breach

The Necromancer.. Malcaldor... He wanted to reach out and wanted to grasp a familiar old friend face as he couldn't as it was already been happening...

He recognized a familiar figure as the bells jingle on the person that is surrounded by armed jesters and clowns, as his neverending smile faced at a female and a child.

"Old friend... Can you send the last of our children away from this place?" The woman smiled sadly.

The clown tilted his head as he spoke.

"I will, but the journey is harsh and the price is steep, and I cannot guarantee the journey that your son will survive the trip."

"I am willing to make any sacrifice to ensure that he lives on... Please, Cegorach, help us send the last of our heritage, before Chaos claim his soul..." She wept as she handed the bundle of clothing to the Laughing God.

"Alright, as a friend to my sister, I could at least do much, I will keep him safe as long as I can."

As his entourage about to enter the portal, the gate that lead to the palace, was barged inside, as the flames charred and the enchantment on the gates began to shattered.

In the blaze stood a group of people with their facial features clouded by darkness.

"Where is [Tenacity]?!" The voice bellowed.

"Let me assure you, brother... He died facing me."

"You no brother of mine traitor!"

"You never see the bigger picture, did you brother... Shame really, the gods had a liking to you."

"I rejected their gifts, for they are poison!"

For the first time in Alexander life, he saw the eldar god frowned... As if he was serious.

The laughing god flicked his fingers and the Harlequins and the Solitaires halted their journey to the portal and turned around to aid the defenses. The laughing god left the realm, leaving the battlefield with the last of the survivor making a final stand.

He felt his body move forward with his sword ready to send a heavy slash to the head of the figure in the flames. He could sense the fatigue, and exhaustion beginning to envelope him. Every clash, his strength weakened. As he about to land a killing blow. One of the traitor brothers, chopped off his hand and sent the severed hand into a warp rift.

The figure that Alexander inhabit, is dying, the ichor is flowing out of the freshly made wounds like crazy. And the figures before him looked bored as they watch a third rate actor fumbling his script as the battle raged on, the leader of the group manages to chopped his head and it landed face forward in front of the throne gate hat is surrounded by charred corpses and in the last consciousness of the figure, he heard a woman screamed in the distance...

Alexander found himself in the tower of London vault and checked the time, what was a lifetime is just 20 minutes that passed by real life.

He hurriedly exited the vault and closed it and fled before dawn beginning to rise from the east.

Alexander arrived in his quarter with information that made him questions his existence...

He stare blankly at the gauntlet that he came for.

What was the golden castle and why Cegorach had a part in this, was the limbs he retrieve was his own or from the corpses of people before him.

The last limb from the vatican is being shipped to London by the inquisition and hopefully this realm would be shielded by the incoming storm...

And he have plenty to discuss with the laughing god. If he comes back.