

A androgynous robed figure is walking into a ruined cityscape... Broken vehicle and armor strewn about like a conflict that occured here from a bygone era.

Wrecked vehicles that towered beyond the horizon, now laid empty of its occupants, shattered starships wrecked across the the once prosperous planet...

As if plunging their bow into the heart of the land with a act of defiance... Or a Memento of duty...

He looked upon what was once his father home...

What was once a golden palace, a beacon of hope of the future of humanity, where His brothers voices that echoed the halls with bouts of feasting, learning and duels... Now laid with ruin as if there was a disaster occured so long ago.

Surrounded by walls that defended the previous administration, he recalled a wonderous place.

The walls were shattered and breaches retained into the once perfection now

It stared blankly as it delved into the depth of a forgotten past.

He hear the whispers of the dead as they told vision of a once prosperous planet... Hope and joy now turned to screams...

He walked across a walkway towards a ruined palace that is made of gold, several holes was made in the path to the palace...

He walked past the corpses of civilians attempt to flee to the broken ruin that once provided safety and robots that defended the halls, now silent and filled with holes.. As their perpetual engines now laid silent as the materials that held the engine had been rusted away.

Bones shown their last moments before they perished still etched upon their carcass.

Whisps of hatred and remorse dyed upon their bones. Their blades dyed with bloodstained that now turned black as their own long forgotten war that trapped within...

"Why..." It muttered as the person delved into the hallways with memories...

It glanced at the ruins as if something brought memories that began to surface.

He found himself in a world of progress and hope for the future, war and peace is at a equilibrium.

He stopped at a staircase that lead to the inner palace.

Ruined and riddled with holes that symbolize a forgotten dream of a brighter tomorrow...

Where a thousand of his brothers smiled at the camera as a new dawn dawn upon humanity, where they would have shed their mind of violence and war... Now echoes of the past...

It wasn't always like this... Thing.

A brain stuffed into a machine because of betrayal, unable to scream and watched as his homeland turned to ashes...

Watching as candidates that he brought back to reclaim the throne failed and failed to claim the kingdom back, since perpetuity...

Watching them die, over and over again as if on a loop that held no end.

The smartest, the bravest, wisest all died by his fallen brother hand... Making the cycle of chess pieces in their great game, being sent to the grinders.

It was once a foundation of a golden era that laid the security of all, The Celestial Wayfarer what people used to call him, the one that guides and make alliances beyond the stars... But when one of his father sons rebelled, it call upon its allies... None heeded their call for aid.

It sighed...

It lingered across the hallways...as if reminiscing some point of its life, that he used to be a living creature, where he wanted to be more than what he was made... It began to walk towards it's destination ... As each step it took, desolation and destruction intensified as if there was a raging inferno of destruction...

Each step of the way, have more tattered fortification strewn across the passage.

It arrived at the entrance of the throne room. Where the gates leading to it have been charred beyond recognition, it pushed aside the burnt gate, still functional after all this time and faced with a gigantic hallway, that held a empty throne.

It was a simple wooden throne made of Oak wood that is burned out and still remained regal state despite the passage of time and damage that is done to it, surrounded by seats that would had held countless beings..

Many of it had been destroyed and wrecked apart in a fury.

It glance at the seat that was once it's position...

A seat that had its markings scratched and erased.

"So my existence meant nothing to him..." It muttered.

As it took a step further towards the throne.

Reality began to break and fall apart like flakes, revealing another realm.

He ended up in a tranquil ocean that stretched across the horizon.

He looked around and found his destination at hand.

And walked silently, leaving a trail of ripples in his wake.

He arrived at a almost sunken clocktower and beneath it sat a man that is silently writing on a desk, the ticks of the clock etched ever closer, he looked like a baseline version of the God Emperor, his looks and his figure almost seemed identical, saved for his hair silver.... But for what does he imitated his dead father, the figure never know. The man at the desk noticed his arrival.

"Brother.... You have returned." He asked as if whatever happened outside didn't meant anything.

"[Faith], don't call me that anymore... Not after what happened to our father...." The hooded figure muttered.

Faith sighed as he put away the pen.

"[Soul], any progress about the candidate [Possibility]?"

The robed figure snapped his fingers and a glob of water raised up and revealing a familiar redhead figure.

He smiled as he is doing maintenance to a floating bot in a plane.

"[Possiblity] is doing fine, at least he would be essential to our plans, out of many candidate, he is the one that survive the longest... He managed to get the limbs of the leg of [Progress], heart of [Belief], and he is about to aquire [Ideals]... I hope he would put our brothers limbs to good use... I never mentioned that about him through the system chat... Though he made me do paperwork like hell ..." Soul chuckled.

"[Duty] and [Destiny]... I wished they hadn't betrayed our father...Had [Duty] didn't sent on the campaign to apprehended the traitors... Perhaps it was for the best..."

"[Soul], we didn't know at the time...had the wench in the forest didn't poison him and delivered his soul to hell..."

"I been searching Candidate after candidate, [Faith],I am at the end of my ropes... I fear... If this candidate fails... We don't have a fighting chance no more, my soul is barely a thread of what it used to be ..."

"We are all, what's left of the thousand... [Duty] failed his purpose formed the Numbers to hellbent to get destruction in disguise as liberation from suffering, gathering any technology and magic to destroy galaxies, and [Destiny], that lunatic formed the round table, with delusions and grandeur, him making that organization thinking that he is in the olden days when we were just brothers, the pain of losing our father have drove him mad... Made me want to think he is chaos Fulgrim in a suit of armor... And I managed to find the facility where our dead brothers are held..."

"Where is it then..."

"In the deep warp... ID:136891... [Possibility] adopted galaxy... I seen how they corrupted our dead brothers... He had to destroy the facility..."

Faith, felt silent.. he closed his eyes as to remember something.

"How is that version of our father aware about him?"

"He is more like a adopted son to that version... He is aware of our intervention... But he choose to keep quiet, I heard that he is on a Eterna Crusade to liberate his versions... And he met the Imperium Ascendant variant...."

"Ah, with both of them, I am sure the fight against the void have been more successful..."

Faith talk abruptly ended as something arrived in this realm...

The once tranquil ocean, now boiled with intensity as it preparing for a unwelcome arrival.

The once crystal clear ocean now swelled with blood and corpses.

Soul became alert and Faith frowned as the unwelcomed invader arrived into their conversation.

A teenager like body approached the two with skull and bones attachment etched across his body, his breath smelled of perfume that would have gagged any man. And his movement felt more sultry. Every step he took towards them there were corpses of countless xenos that awaited his step. And they moaned in ecstasy as they drifted into the ocean depths as he passed by...

[Soul], [Faith], Oh nice to see you two brothers here, and I came with a decree from the "one that indulges", she would loved to have you two join me brothers.

"Begone... You ain't a brother of mine, [Desire], you are a traitor and a coward. Leave now or I will use lethal force, that is what's left of my shred of brotherhood between us!" Duty roared as he slammed his fist on the table, creating ripples as several figures rose from the waters.

Their armor tattered from time moved slowly as their Spear Bolters aimed at his fallen Brother.

His taunt didn't even reached the fallen ego...

"You have a bad taste of imitating our father looks.. And now you using his dead royal guards as your ploy against me? The bitter irony eh? For the son that failed to arrive to aid the defenses and I took the reasonable way out, and "That God" helped me escaped damnation!"

Desire produced a Bone sword from one of many that etch across his body and with a sprint, he delved into the corpses that defended Faith.

"Is this what you got Brother!?" Desire yelled out in glee as he slaughtered the way to where his brother is..

The guardians that once defended the realm is just powered by will and purpose... Their aged flesh that is resurrected from death is unable to keep up with the chaos induced creation.

"You using the same methods over and over again! Just as father had done."

"You could never see the full picture! Chaos is Eternal! The Void encroaches throughout what he defended, Destroying, Absorbing what we strived for! We are nothing at the face of oblivion!" He arrive to where his brother are and about to impale Faith with his bone sword. He even summoned daemons to ensure his target was fully dead...

<System 1 unlock... Releasing restrictions level>

Several runes began to glow of the hooded figure and released his restraint, sending shockwave towards the intruder, The shockwaves that is unleashed have sent Desire several meters back and eradicated the daemons by just the pressure alone, just enough time for Faith to ready himself.

"I don't listen to a slave to chaos! You abandoned us and all that we stood for!" Faith raged as he unleashed a broadsword and clashed with his brother.

"I am free! Faith, you name might as well be blind zealotry! Keep repeating the same methods of summoning souls to use our dead brothers as skins for them to wear to move your agenda, your sicken me! Who's the monster now?!"

Sparks of their weapons clash, making tidal waves of blood and corpses spread outwards...

"How many did you use our loyalist brothers!? One? Tens? Hundreds? You used the souls from another realm and make them your puppet!?"

"How about you... You who fled and indulge in debauchery away in the shadows, from our purpose as defender of humanity... At least before they died, they gave me consent that I would put their bodies to better use!" Faith yelled as his blade smashed into the shoulder of Desire and near his heart, the fallen jump a few meters away from him... His shoulder is bleeding purple ichor, slowly recovering as he gritted his teeth.

"You meant those pieces of shite that easily sway by chaos, insufferable, narcissist bastards?! I grew tired of guarding a bunch of brainless sheep that only obeys what is in their interest and their self-destructive tendencies is why I gave up on them, they never thanked us.. they took our gifts for granted, when my Patron sent their souls to her realm, I saw the darker side of humanity, of why should we even fight for them?" Desire yelled at the duo that is silent...

It took a few moments that Faith spoke.

"Because it is our purpose... We were created for defending humanity and understand their flaws. To uplift humanity from their flaws...Even now, I still believe in the possibility that they would be more than just beast."

"Hah!? Is that your worth? Be a warden of a self-destructive race for eternity!?"

"At least he got a purpose, than being a pimp for a god that doesn't even know it's own gender." Soul chided.

Desire felt his blood wanting to spurt out....

He left the realm and left a message for the two of them..

"[Duty] is cleansing our father mistake... Of him being in existence, mark your days... Brothers... He would come for the both of you...and end what's our father legacy...."

The once bloodied ocean is now reverting to the tranquillity it once had.... As if the battle never existed...

Faith suddenly spurting out blood from his mouth as he knelt down from exhaustion...

"Brother?!" Soul rushed to Faith aid...

"Just help me on the desk, brother...The fight had taken a toll on me... Get the pills on my left drawer..." Faith smiled.

Soul have escorted his brother to his chair and opened the drawer that reveal unmarked pills and a bottle of water, gave him the pills.

"...Brother... How long do you have to live?"

"As long as I can hold on...As long as I can hold on brother...Until the End comes...You, head back and ensure that he is prepared for the final defense... It was nice to hear the word brother from you again... For you to call me brother by your own volition..." Faith smiled at his brother.

"I guess being indifferent, despite I am literally just a brain in a mechanical body... I still... Think I am a human..." Soul took a final look at his exhausted brother and left the realm..

"That's the spirit... At least you are still human in spirit..." Faith chuckled as he began to resumed his writing.

He stopped a brief moment as he unlocked a hidden drawer that reveal its contents within

He held out a item of what kept him going till now...

A almost faded family picture of several hundred men smiling for the camera, with a man that he would have called father sat in the middle of the crowd...

"....Soon father... This madness will end soon..." He whispered softly as he placed it back and resumed his duties....