
Chapter 16: Leaving Mars And Meeting Rico

It's Been 2 Years that Alexander Solair Done Enough to Prepare For the Mars, The Invasion that was To Come, Soon Now 17 Years old, He was Ready to enter the Federal Armed Service and While he Managed to Pass College Level In 16 Years old, He could have been Satisfied by Handling the Budding Industries in Mars, But Since He knew what's to Come, He Needed the Legality Of His Army, And what Better way than to Mess The Command Structure Up, By including a Fourth Branch of the Military.

It Goes as Follows as in Cannon

- High Command

- Fleet Command

- Mobile Infantry

And the Rewards From the System is too Mouthwatering... and it awaken quite some time...

<Current Mission Objectives:>

- 1. Pass the Mobile Infantry Test

- 2. Pass Fleet Command Test

- 3. Pass High Command Test


- Completing 1st

Will Grant you a ???.

- Completing 2nd

Will Give a STC of Ramilies-class Starfort , A Luna-Class Cruiser (Mod), Dictator-Class Cruiser (Mod), Sword-class Frigate (Mod), Tempest-class Strike Frigate (Mod) Blueprints. And a Ark Mechanicus Ship to Control (AN: Who want to Name a Mechanicus Ship?)

- Completing 3rd

Will Grant you a Additional Doctrine access.

- Completing all, will make the Federation more likely to listen to your request, Since Completing all, can Make you a Sky Marshal Candidate

"You're Kidding right? I can't handle Paperwork!!"

<But you know you want to right?>

"*Sigh* Anyway what's the Mods in the Ships Blueprints?" As He deflect the subject

<Since there are no Much Laws Restricted the Mechanicus this innovation is now the norms, and There is No Warp Gods in this Universe, Machine Spirit has Decreased the Upkeep of the People Manning the Ships by 80%, And they all Used Modular Construction making it Faster to Produce, And Now found use a Safer way to Refuel the Ship than Actual Biological Loader and the blueprints Corrected the Deficiency of the Originals...>

"That is Nice Considering, I Skim on the Lore, I am aware that It was a Literally a One Way trip to Fuel the Plasma Core...And the person that loaded it, will not survive it..."

As He is Done Preparing for the Admissions tests, The Door Opened and Two Children Now 7 years Old are Rushing towards Alex and Hugging him


"Big Brother Please don't go..." As Marcus trying not to cry

"I want to Hear Stories about The Strong Nuns and the Angels..." As Charlotte is crying and her tears not stopping...

Alexander Closed his eyes and Headpats his Siblings He spoke...

"I will Be Back, And don't cry, Soon I will bring More Stories when I Returned Okay? Look I got a Present for You two..." As he Went out a box and Giving them a Commissar Cain Plush toy, and a Saint Celestine Doll as they are about to cry again, He Stopped them and Show them the Joy of the Toys he gave, Upon Pushing the Commissar Hat and the Wings of the Saint, the Toys Came to Life and The Commissar Gave a Salute and Walked, While The Saint Doll Flew Gracefully towards the Twins, And the Twins were in Awe as the Toys Greeted them and Stood standing...

"Take Care of this Toys, They are My Gift to you and If you are in trouble they are my Good Luck Charms to you..."

<You Practically Made me to Make them!!, And you Made those Toys, gave them a Barrier perk, And Stamina Boost, Almost Indestructible save for a Volcano Cannon.. Might as well called it a Imperial Relic at this point..And you Can Kiss My Electronic Ass it that fails>

(At this Moment a Certain Chapter, In a Certain Universe Felt a Need to Collect something... Shrugged And Continue their Business of Borrowing a Certain Necron Treasure World and Pissing off that Said Necron)

Alexander Scoffed, as He Looked at His Siblings Hugging Their New Toys and Taking care of them Properly....

"A Small Price, Considering How many times we get Assassination ever since I Propped up the Business"

Alexander Remember How Many times Assassin's Hired by the Now Defunct Power Companies, Because of Eating the Pies of said corporations, They Entered the Manor and Sought Harm to the Solair Family... And he remembers How Many Assassin's went to the Mechanicum Were made into Servitors, To the Point that The Federation Allowed Solair to keep a Squad of Soldiers, which he gladly took...

He Was Accompanied By his Family at the SpacePort and He was Then Hugged By His Parents

"Son, You Grown so Much, I Hope you know what you are doing, and When you Returned, We will Always Welcome you"

"Alex, My dear sweet Boy, I will Pray for you that that you will be safe..."

"I will Dad, Mom thanks for everything..."

As he Took the SpaceCraft and Look at his Parents and his Siblings waving at him and the Majority of the Martians Gave a Sendoff, Even the Orphanage he saw at the Distance gave Colorful Flag that thanking His Family for all the years of support... and the Greenery of Plants Seems to sway Goodbye

As he Ascended toward the stars he saw the Orbital Dockyards are Being Built, Waiting for the First Ship to be Born From Mars....

He Left Mars For Earth For reasons, Since the FAS Recruitment Centers on Mars are Mediocre since they were kinda Laid-back, and the Most Elites Institutions are located in Earth and it was the center of the Federation...

New Buenos Aires... Huh, How about I will take a visit?

I wonder if I meet Rico and The Gang?

I Went to a Motel and Stayed there

I Visited the Protagonist School, Quite Normal... I Watched Rico Playing the Football Match as a Youth and Won another Score and Saw him with Carmen Ibanez wiping his sweat and Carl Jenkins stood by as He Smirks as usual...

I approached them and they noticed me...

"*Clapping* That was a Good Teamwork"

"Sir, You are?"

"Oh Sorry, Excuse for my manners, I am Alexander Solair and I want to Know the name of the Captain that won the day?"

"Oh, You mean the Solair From Mars? My Dad Talked Much About you..."

"Ah Yes, he was a Good Man and How is he?"

"Doing Fine, Though He like to drink the Amasec that he Imported From Mars, I could never understand why he likes it?"

"I am Glad, That He likes the Drink, I will Tell My Brewers to Send him a Drink, free of Charge"

"Thanks, I Guess? I will Go With My friends"

"Wait Rico, I want to Ask Mr. Alexander, Tell me Sir, How Come I am Unable to Sense you?"

"In the Vast Galaxy, Humans get Different Perks, some become Physic, while others has abilities to Block Mind reading.. You seems to be the former and I am the latter, Carl Jenkins"

The Boy Shudder as he Looked at Alexander in Horror...

"How did you Know My Name?"

"I Know your Dad and I have a gut feeling that you will make a Fine Officer of the Federation...And Just Remember, your Friends will be your Support..."

"Really? Thanks Mister, I keep that in Mind...Where are you Going Mister?"

"Mister? I am only 3 years older than you?"

"Really? you Sound so Old?"

"Rico, Please, Carl is having a Conversation" As Ibanez Tugged Her Boyfriend Arm...

"Jeez even a person that is younger than me called me old, So when you reach My age Can I called you Sir?"


"Anyways, I am Looking at Some Places to visit, I will Take my leave, And Again Congratulations"

As the Red Haired Person left some may called it Fate or not, But Alexander Meeting them changed their Lives...

Later At Rico Estate

"Son, Did you Met someone? I have a Package from Mars that is in Our Estate" As Rico Father Pointed a Package that Bears a Aquila

"I met Alexander Solair why Dad?"

As Rico Dad Rushed toward him like a Gust of Wind...

"Really, where is he? Is he Still here?"

"I don't know Dad, said he was Looking at Tourist spots and He said left a Gift for you..."

Rico Dad Open the Package and Found A Dozen of Amasec Bottles that labeled 6th Distilled With a Aquila Stamped into the glass.

Amasec one of Mars Favorite Drink and Exporter of this Drink, and Said to be For everyone regardless of Status, and the More it was Distilled the More Flavor and more costly it is, However only few higher tier quality was in Production and the 5th Distilled was Found to be in the Sky Marshal Office and the Sixth was just mere Fantasy since the process was condensing Amasec into a Fewer Drops was a tedious process, and One of the 5th Bottle was gifted to the Sky Marshal upon Brewery opening... And There were a Dozen of 6th Distilled Bottles... and they couldn't be fabricated since no one knows the Materials used, even the distillers Only manage the End Process...

"Son, You met a Most Influential Person I come across, You are really Lucky..."

"Really Dad?" As Rico is Confused by his dad...


Hello Author here, I took a Break from Writing and Doing Fine, Well Later Chapters will be Side Chapters of Different Individuals, From the IG and The Cast of the Starship Troopers since I couldn't Stuff the Pov due to Limitations... Of My Brain Matter Cooking Up

I Curious what's the Name you the Reader Give to the Ship Alexander Will Get?

Please no, Name like Bussy Destroyer, Or Cock Smasher or something Foul person like Slaanesh followers like that... A Warhammer Name, Please be suitable For the Ship he soon Owns? Running out of names... And Paper as drafts...

Oh Rico and Cast is only 14 years old at this time so they are just Teenagers? Huh?

Spending time in the Warp does Dull your sense of time...

managed to return writing and my Power is Back again...

I think Next 4-5 Chapters is purely Side Chapters then he Joins the Military, I Did said he will Join when he's 17...

Lee_Kahcreators' thoughts