
Extra: Terran Federation Report: Promethium

File Name: Mars-0102-2451

Classification: Level 1 [Safe]

By Dr. Andrei Jackson

Message Log #1

I am Dr. Andrei Jackson Scientist from the Terran Federation and I make this Message logs to keep my work steady and on point.

The Federation asked me if I Could Synthesized the Martians "Promethium" And use it For Military Application and Mass Production...

Whenever I See this Liquid, it is Like the Martians Discovered a Liquid from the Gods, Name Promethium Is like Derived from the Greek Titan Prometheus trickster, and a god of fire. Like the Said God, This liquid is filled with absurdities, It can Burn Underwater and in Space, And Despite having no Oxygen to burn in space, what Does make it tick? And How Can A Fire Able to Burn In Underwater where Most Normal Flames will definitely Fizzled out, but it can last So Long as if it was in Defiance? How Does It Work, it baffled my Colleagues and Sparked a Debate from Historians that the Fable Greek Fire came from Mars? Or those Gods Existed?

Message Log #2

Dr. Andrei Jackson Now Commencing Weapons Testing

I Observed the Martian Flamethrower testing and Found that it is more Potent than our SW-219-F Inferno Support Flamer... And It Can Cook a Building Much Faster... Test Subjects from our Prisons Have provided "Volunteers" to this Experiment found that it is More Potent at Infantry and Much Faster to Kill a Person In Burning them and Cremation is Much faster than our Standard Procedures... And if not of the Burning the victim will Die of, The Toxins that is Burnt from Promethium Will, However It is More Volatile Than Napalm, So Extra Caution is Needed

Addendum: Request Martian Flamethrowers in a Laboratory Use and Promethium as Standard Burning Cleansing Protocols... [Accepted]

Message Log #3

Dr. Andrei Jackson Now Commencing Vehicle Testing Procedure

We Managed to get Couple of Sports Cars from the Federation and Used the Promethium in Different Volumes and in Theory, How Little as a Single Liter it can last 15x Longer than the regular, However the First Experimental Car when Opening the Hood the Engine was Burnt out and the Metals and Components is Melted, and the said Car was Burning and Engulf in Flame 5 Minutes later. And Driver Subject was managed to Survive in 3rd Degree Burns. we Managed to Requested a Military Grade Vehicle it Lasted for 5 Hours and the Engine was Overclocked and the results was still the same... We Managed to requisition a Chimera [Hull] and It Worked just Fine and how does it work? Upon Disassembled it, they bear the Same Metal and the Promethium didn't Even Burn the Engine Core? What is Missing? More Mystery from the Martians...

Addendum: While Most Vehicles is Unable to Use this Stuff, Perhaps Starships will Use this Fuel? Provided it can handle this heat... Damm, Those Martians is Crazy Using this Stuff and Whoever Created this Chimera Is even Crazier

Message Log #4

Dr. Andrei Jackson Commencing Power Plant Fuel Experiment

A Controlled Experiment of using a Oil Powered Power Plant in a Asteroid Belt, we hoped that we could lessened the Oil Cost ...

[Data Expunged]

Addendum: Crazy Joe, that Plant Nearly TOOK MY FACE OFF!! And now the Asteroid Belt is Even Burning Brightly for Weeks, Even People Saw it By Telescopes Thought Aliens are here!! This Martians are Crazy!! How the Hell they Can Fuel their Vehicle with this Thing!!

Message Log #5

Due To Dr. Andrei Jackson was Unable to Continue the Experiment due to "health" Concerns...

I Dr. Callisto Antoni Will take Over his work and See to it for the benefit of the Federation...

I will Started the Dissection and commence Synthesis Of it...

Attempt #1

Attempted to Remove the Bonding Chemicals to see how it ticks... Failure, The Liquid Exploded and My Mustached Was in Flames, had to Lop it off... and Suffered 2nd degree Burn

Attempt #2

Attempted the second try and Sadly it was a Failure... My lab Coat caught Fire and Nearly Set the Lab On Fire... Thank God we were in space, and I manage to eject it into the Airlock and Ejected the Research Block until it Run Out... Hopefully...

Attempted #3

[Data Expunged]

Addendum: Unable to Reverse Engineering the Promethium and it act as if a natural pandora Box and Federation Council agree that the Martian should have a Monopoly of this Liquid, Since it is Unable to Synthesized, and Any Attempt to Force the Supplier is not Within the Interest of the Council, and the Council Allow the Solair Family to keep the Business, regardless of, if they are no longer in Office... And so far it has Observed that the Refinery is Only Focused on the Plasma Generators and Chimeras Refueling and Not Touched the Interest in Civilians and Starship Sectors...