
Side Chapter: Siblings Reunion

A/n: This Takes place after the First Movie


Ollanius Hive

World: Tancros II

Segmentum Location: ???

'Where are you Brother? I can't Lose You...

I Lost my Younger Brother, Not you Too...'

As A Woman In a Shawl Headed for the Lower class district hoping to find news for her Brother... Only to find out His house was Occupied By another Person...

"Excuse me, Do you Know Who Lives here?"

"Miss I don't Exactly what you are talking about..."

"This is my Brother Home!!"

"This is my house now and You are Crazy! Perhaps your Brother is dead at the Maunufactorum... That's why this house is free estate for me"


She Was left Saddened, Until an Old Neighbor Approach her...

"Tulyah is that you? You Gotten Bigger"

"Auntie Orpah, Please tell me... Is my Brother dead?"

"Well Tulyah, I am Aware that 6 Years Ago, He was Fired at the Manufactorum, My Husband Told me about it..."

"Really? After I worked So hard In the Noble District to let my Brother Keep My Family Job?"

"Tell Me Tulyah, Why did You returned? I am sure that you could have a nice life being in a retinue of a Noble?"

"I was Fired, Auntie Orpah, Lady Malia that Hired me was Killed in a Powerplay for her Noble House Business, And the House was Finished... That all I could Say..."

"Sweetie that must be hard...If I could Comfort you, Your Brother Didn't took his life..."

"Really? Where is he then?"

"My Memory is a Fickle thing, but he went to the Public Square, But hasn't Returned since that day, A week Later that Vagabond took Over His house"

"Thank you Auntie Orpah..."

As Tulyah Went to the Square and Saw the Crier still Saying that the Same Slogans that her Brother Listen all those years ago... Until a Guardsman Approached her...

"Are You, Miss Tulyah Kotode?"

"That's me ?"

"Thank the Throne, I Found You, Your Brother, Sir Balphus Sent me..."

"My brother Sent you?"

"Yup, Sir Balphus sent me to Fetch you... Come with Me..."

As he Led to a Parking Lot, she is Scared that Her brother Joined the Guardsmen, since there is no way they will meet again... Or is this Guardsman is having Nefarious thoughts? Her mind is in overdrive as She Followed him Until She was Led to a Chimera....

"Please, Miss Get in" As the Guardsman Gesture for her to enter...

Nervous as she entered the Infantry Hatch and Saw Many People like her huddled in the Chimera... Almost full... Only enough to fit her...

The Chimera Came to Life, as it headed to a destination unknown...

After a Few Bumps and Acceleration, the Chimera stopped...

The Hatch opens and Bright Light soon Flooded the Infantry transport And temporary blinding them...

"Everyone, Please Get out and head to a Nearest Desk for Processing... " A Commanding voice rang out

Tulyah Along with the others went outside, and in Awe they saw the Green Grass the Trees and Fruits and the blue skies as they looked around, they found a Line which they Followed, Tulyah was Nervous as the Officer ask her Questions...


"Tulyah Kotode"


"Former Seamstress for House Of Kane" (A/N By the Power Of Kane, Peace through Power)

"Any Family Members?"

"Balphus Kotode is my Brother, my only relative"

After the Questioning

The office Typing down the Data Slate Spoke

"Your Family Member is in Barracks D and Look for Lieutenant Thael if you need Clarification and Unable to Find Him, Here's your ID, If you lose it... You be in trouble..."

Tulyah Gulped as she Was Handed the ID and Rushed out...

A....B...C...D this is the place...


"Who Is it?"

"Are you Sir Thael? I am Looking for Balphus Kotode? I am his Sister, Is he still Here?"

"That me and...Well He went Out a While ago...Let me called him...*Vox Calling*, Balphus Ya Prick!! Your Sister here and You didn't tell me she a Hottie? Sucks on You, When I Get your Sister, You Better hurry Before I changed "My" mind 😂!"

A Fury of Curses Rang out of the Vox Comm

And Lieutenant Thael Shut it off..

Awkwardness Ensues in the Barracks

and One Guardsmen spoke nervously...

"We are all Going to Die are we?"


"Don't Worry, He know that just a Joke... Hopefully"

"Hopefully? Balphus Talks alot about his Sister, and You Let a Raging Grox in the Base on your prank sir.."

"Well that's the only way to make him worked up, Since he is lazy and all..."

"Would you tell me what my Brother been doing?"

"Okay Miss, Would you like some Recaf or tea while we tell the tales of your brother?"

"Would love to hear about him... and I take a Tea Please"

A Chimera carrying a Cargo Hold Was Seen in the Distance which speed was to the point that even the Cloud of Dust was seen..

"Faster Driver"

"Sir, the Engine Limiter is removed and it's already on Overdrive, We are going to break the cargo Hitch"

"I Said Do Faster Driver, No Bloody Way He Gets to Be with My Sister!!!"

As Balphus Imagining his Lieutenant the Playboy to be with his Sister his Rage Flared up

As the Balphus No longer the Lanky Man who Worked at the Manufactorum, and he is now a Decent Man Who has Muscles and a Itch to Pick a Brawl Causing him to earn a Nickname "Raging Grox" due to his temperament when his only Family Member issue is touched..

"I See the Base Sir..."

"Good Now Hurry!!"

Two Guardsmen Standing On Guard Duty...

"Another Boring day?"

"Did you try Counting the Tree leaves? It's therapeutic for Boredom"

"I did, I stopped counting at 100..."

"You really do suck at counting...Wait.. what's That?" As a Bored Guardsmen Notice the Cloud of Dust and grabbed a Binoculars at it...

"Damm that is one Eager Driver to get this Cargo fast, Ardes Better Hail them"

"This is Base Zero to Inbound Chimera Come in... Repeat this is Base Zero to Inbound Chimera what's your status? Over?"

"This is Impulse 59 Coming in Hot with the Cargo"

"We have to Hurry, The Commissar Birthday is Here... I don't wanna Die...."

"Open the gates Ardes, we wouldn't want to be the ones to ruin "their" Day..."

"Okay... I hoped they will not Put Us in the wringer .."

As the Gate was Opened, The Chimera Roared in Anger as they managed to reached the Cargo Hold in record time, Balphus Rushed out Leaving Poor driver to face the consequences and a Angry Machine Spirit to Calm down...

He rushed to the Barracks in a rush that no one bother to stopped him, As if it was a Normal thing to do...

"Thael If you dare..."

"Dare what Brother? Thael Is telling me the deeds you have done...It been So long Brother, You Looked more older than Big Sis" As the Lady is sipping Tea, while the Squad is Snickering in the background

"It's Been So Long...Sister it's been 12 Years"

"Wow, does that make you My Older Brother?"


"I am Glad, that I took the Right Choice, Come Let go to the new home..."

Tulyah Exited the Barracks

Balphus Glared at His squad, and in his eyes they were going to get what they deserve after he Done with his family business...

Some Broke down Crying as they knew they are going to be a Punc- Sparring bag for at least a week

Later In Mar Capital

"Wow you Made it Big, and is that Holy Terra?" As Tulyah Amazed to see the Earth so Blue and Beautiful...

"Yes, Sis I worked hard enough to earn a Place in Mars to Buy a Home and Quite safe too..."

As they Found a Apartment Fully Furbish with Daily necessities and not a Choking Hazard of Smog and Death in the Hive...

"Now we are Living it big, I wished our Brother was still alive...He would Enjoy this scenery..."

"I am Sure he would, He was always optimistic..."

"Tell me Balphus is there a Job opening in This city, I feel like I am leaching off you..."

"You worked as a Seamstress right? There a Job in the Wondertainment Toy company, There is a Job openings right now..."

"What the job do?"

"Making Doll Clothes, It pays Well And here is a Example"

As Balphus Held out a Doll of a Guardsmen, the Clothes is So Intricate and It's almost lifelike...

"Would You Like to Join?"

Days later

Balphus waited outside the Wondertainment Building and Waited For his sister to Come out...

"Did you Got it?"

"Yup, "Big Brother" I Got it, I be working tomorrow..."

"It's Time to celebrate, I think I Bring A Cake and Barbeque Grox Meat to Celebrate"

As the Siblings head Home, A Picture of Alexander was Shown in the Holo Screen, On a Nearby Ad screen, Which Some of the people nearby Paid Respect, And Balphus was No different...

'Thank You Sir, If you weren't Hiring at that time, Would my Life be the same?' Those were his thoughts as he accompanied his sister to their Home

Meanwhile the Poor Driver that Driven Balphus, Was Promoted, Because quite literally there was a Cake for the Commissars and had he Taken the normal way, he would be in Latrine duty for life...


Hello Some people are curious why a Chimera is able to Go to Time and Literally Universal transport them to Starship troopers?

I took a Page from Dr.Who Police box concept and The Dining Restaurant in a another world Vibes, Nobody Noticed a Chimera, Since Arbites Use it? and if you Actually put a British Police Box in Warhammer 40k, Wouldn't that be out of place? Chimera the way... That Concept was Slapped Me while I was Sleep deprived, And I seen too much Chimeras... Baneblade is more Preferable to sleep with...

And You can Find Certain References in this chapter, SCP foundation, Command and Conquer... Congratulations 👏🎉...