
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


As they were about to charge towards the bear, a loud booming sound followed by a pained roar sounded out as the Bear in front of then toppled over on it's side. The four was staring blankly at the scene as they noticed the spear-like object embedded on the collarbone area of the bear.

*Boom!* *Swoosh*

*Boom!* *Swoosh*

*Boom!* *Swoosh*

The four adventurers watched as three more harpoons zoomed over from three different directions, they thought they were surrounded by and army with ballistas that were dwarven made. Only such constructs could fire of a shot that would hit first before the sounds arrive. The Bears pained roars filled the forest as it's left knee, right paw and it's buttocks were hit by the harpoons.

The four used this chance to retreat farther from the bear who was getting madder but it still turned it's head towards the four and chased after them.

"Why?! We mean you no harm!!" Rhean ran along with the others asking this question that was on their minds. Why them?

[Two hundreds meters away]

Brad was confused why the bear was focused on the four people, it seems they have something that would make the bear so mad that it will ignore those injuries he made and chase after the people. He didn't fire another shot as he is left with two so he went and chased after the four too. He needs to see what they have that made the bear mad and raging.

He ran alone under the shade of the trees in this white expanse of winter solitude, but alone he is no more once he gets acquainted with the inhabitants of this planet. He ran so fast he appeared like a white blur flashing about. When he was about fifty meters away from the four people he noticed one of the bags were carrying, the one on the small girl in blue and white robes, was strangely moving

As the wind blew on his face he picked out a scent very familiar with the bear behind him. He too was noticed by the bear but it didn't pay attention to him and continued to glare at the four running away. He realized whatever it was on the bag it was important for the Bear. He sped up so fast that even the four was able to hear him coming.

Kent looked back and noticed the human figure that was decked head to toe with white armor that would blend well with the environment. He was surprised at the speed of the man that was only about ten meters away from them. He felt no ill will but he instinctively raised an anti-evil barrier to see if the man might be an evil slaver with ill thoughts about them. Seeing the man passed through the film of light he sighed in relief but the man stopped and looked at the light before staring back at him. When he saw the eyes inside the slits he felt everything aobut him was revealed to the man in a split second.

"I'm sorry!" Kent apologized unknowingly which prompted his colleagues to look at who he was speaking to, when they saw the white figure standing there about forty meters away. The Bear was lagging behind due to it's left leg injury but it was still persistent.

"Mister come here!! The big bear is mean!" Rhean tried to warn the person but he just stared at them and the bear. They didn't know that Brad saw why the Bear was chasing them. Now he was not sure if he should really help them, but when he saw the look of concern of the little girl on piggyback, he knew they were not bad people and that they might not even know why they were being chased.

He pulled out his atlatl and shot a harpoon towards a tree in front of the four to stop them. But he miscalculated cause the tree was hollow inside thus it fell down.


"What the hell? Is he helping us or killing us?!" Ashea was scared shitless seeing the large tree that'll take five people to hug got shot down immediately.

"Holy shit, It wasn't a ballista but that guy! He was the one who threw the javelin like things!!" Kent looked dumbfounded at the damage. Even if he was on full strength he wasn't sure if he could block that shot at all.

"But why did he stop us?" Rhean felt nervous as she hugged Brendel tighter looking for safety. They were all tired and wasn't sure if they could maybe get more time to escape now their path is blocked. If they were on their top form they too weren't sure of fighting this mysterious person.

Brad walked towards the four calmly as he listened at how far the Bear is from them. When he was about five meters away he pointed at the bag on Rhean's shoulder. He made a gesture of 'give it to me'. The four adventurers were alert but they understood nonetheless, Rhean was confused but she threw away the heavy bag.

"Why would he need my heavy bag for? Is he asking for my snacks?" Rhean asked which earned the confused glare of Brendel and the others.

"Heavy? That's just our tents and rations in there. Storage bags reduce the weight of all non-organic things inside it to a tenth of it's original weight." Ashea was confused too but when Brad caught the bag and rummaged in it he suddenly paused. Others thought he was disappointed but Brad was surprised at the space inside the bags, it was larger than the ruck sack he was using. Seeing the tents inside and stuff with it would amount to one ton but Brad calmed down as he reached out to the furry ball in the middle.

He'll ask these people about this bag later on but right now he has an angry Mama bear to calm down. Which was already twenty meters away limping towards them, but the Mama bear stopped when it saw her cub on the dangerous looking man in front of her.


Brad carried the cub by it's scruff as it held it in front of him to show the mama bear it is still unharmed. Brad then looked at the female Orc then gestured her to come over. The four already understood why they were being chased and looked at the airheaded expression of Rhean.

"Those crumbs...no my snacks!!..."