
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


Brad carried the cub by it's scruff as it held it in front of him to show the mama bear it is still unharmed. Brad then looked at the female Orc then gestured her to come over. The four already understood why they were being chased and looked at the airheaded expression of Rhean.

"Those crumbs... no my snacks!! Eh? A baby bear? Aww it's cute!" Rhean was angry but was immediately adored by the cub and wanted to hug it but the cold demeanor of the man that was in front of them stopped her. Ashea facepalmed at the antics of their teammate, when there are no mission her personality of a happy-go-lucky girl always comes out.

Brendel on the other hand walked forward carefully as she watched the man in front of her. She could not feel any magic on the person but her instincts tells her this man is more dangerous that the Bear. But since he showed no ill intention she complied.

Brad nodded to the Orc lady as he scrutinized the species of the fantasy world that was known to be strong and brave. He could see she had the same human features but with protruding fangs and green skin. He then pointed out to the remaining harpoon on his back then towards the large bear and made a pulling motion. He heard them talk and it was not a language he knows of also it sounded weird for him so he only did hand gestures.

"Huh? You want me to pull the spears out? No way, I'll die!" Brendel refused immediately but Brad looked at the Large Bear who stopped in front of them staring at the cub on Brad's hand. She knew this small creature is a large threat but she couldn't leave its cub here. But she understood the meaning of the glare from this small creature that radiates the scent of a dragon and a large eagle.

It means this small thing is a hunter and has killed beings as strong as it was. Now with these metal thorns on it's body she knew she would have no chance, at least she could feel that this small creature meant no harm towards her child. It saw the green colored creature go to her and snarled but stopped as she saw the creature raise her sleeping cub.

It looked gently at the small one but she roared when a sharp pain assaulted her senses. She looked towards her left leg and realized the small green one was taking out the metal thorns. It visibly relaxed and let the small one take away the thorns, it now knew that these small things meant no harm. Even if it was indignant at the wounds she received but might makes right here in this forest.

Brad stared at the Large Bear that showed hints of emotion, he knew it was smart enough to understand his intentions so he looked away for a while and called the small timid girl in the group of four.

"M-me? I'm not t-that strong mister." Rhean immediately went into timid mode but her eyes looked at the fluffy cub adoringly. Brad gestured something to her, she looked and saw him point at the wounds on the large Bear then showing a pushing gesture with his free arm. She knew what he meant and realized that this person might not speak the same language that she does.

"Oh you want me to heal the Large bear? What if it eats us? And I have no more mana left." Rhean looked reluctant but she still showed how her hands glimmered for a moment before dimming out. She then took out an empty bottle then gestured to Brad it was empty.

Brad understood so he took out a small flask he made from Elk antlers by hollowing out the center and putting a cork on top. This was a energy potion that Brad liked to call it as it was the combination of Elk dick wine and herds that were like coffee in effect. He doesn't know if it would work as magic fuel but it would invigorate the young woman.

"You want me to drink this? Is this a mana potion?" Rhean opened the flask and was assualted by a very aromatic and herbal scent that spread out through the area. Ashea and Kent who were alert but taking a rest felt invigorated for a reason. Everybody looked at the small vial in Rheans hands including the Bear and Brendel who was about to pull out the third harpoon.

"Holy shit what is that?" Kent seemed to regain energy again from the scent alone. Brad smiled at their reactions but he gestured that only a small bit is needed. Rhean was unresponsive as she stared at the small vial in her hand, she immediately chugged the whole bottle as she felt the temptation was so great.

"Shit!" Brad was surprised at the sudden action of Rhean, he had gesture to have a little only cause this thing was a very concentrated brew made with very strong alcohol.

"Shit!" Brendel and the others cursed as they too remembered the bad habit of this small priestess, she was a drunkard. A full time alcohol afficionado, she even had a nickname 'The fair dwarf' as she could even best dwarves in drinking that they thought she was part dwarf.

"Pwuaahh So good!! H*ick*" Rhean now had a sleazy face which surprised the others seeing she became tipsy already. They realized how strong the potion the man gave and that Rhean is now radiating with magic all over.

"*Hick* Mishteh, If I hewl da injwuld bwearw wuld ya giv dis wee lass anotha wun?" Rhean started to wobble and her face turned red as she smiled foolishly. The other three were amazed at how strong the drink was for this girl to get drunk already, Turli would be hurling in his sleep if he knew about this.

Brad was amused but he pointed to the Bear as there was little time already seeing that their ruckus has probably alert something else. And the orc lady already has taken the last harpoon on the collar bone which amde the mama bear flinch.

"Okey dokey mishtuh! Erwune's Kwisshh!!" Rhean wobbly raised her hand and casted a very strong AOE healing spell targetting every one of them. Soon the wounds on the Bear and the other three vanished. But before they could relax a roar sounded out from afar. They were all alerted and the Mama Bear even stood up and roared back.

Brad realized who this was, it was the steriods gorilla he had seen last time. The mama bear looked at the cub then at Brad, seeing the pleading expression he knew what the bear meant to imply.

"Whaaa, whut wuz dat?!" Rhean smilled foolishly as she walked drunkenly towards Bredel who brought the harpoons back to Brad. Brad placed the cub of Rheans hands as he crouched down and jump up towards the trees. The Mama Bear looked at the three that became tense immediately and the weird one holding her cub. She hoped what ever sickness this one has it would not rub off on her cub.