

The world’s first VR survival game is finally going online. The officials took the chance to host the first limitless survival competition to promote it. As a survivalist, Su Han eagerly signed herself up. How to survive pernicious goods inflation? How to survive natural disasters? How to continue surviving when trapped on an abandoned island? Facing all sorts of difficulties, Su Han smoothly dealt with them all. Along the way, she pulled a like-minded partner with her, surviving till the end with him.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


After the proprietress left, Su Han quickly rushed to the supermarket. However, when she arrived, all of the food and daily necessities had already been sold out.

There were still some baby food and condiments left behind because they couldn't be used to fill one's stomach.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Han decided to take a stroll on the street, she planned on taking a look to see if there were any places like convenience stores, small shops, or pharmacies around.

After walking for about ten minutes, she found a convenient store. When she entered to take a look, she saw over half of the racks emptied. It looked as if this shop had been robbed.

As she continued on her way, she found a big pharmacy. When she went in, she saw all the racks emptied. Su Han nearly thought that this shop was about to close up for good. It was only after asking about it that she knew that the public had been panic-buying too fiercely and everything had been sold.

Su Han sensed something. She mumbled, "Seems like compared to the depreciating currency, there seems to be an even bigger problem with not having enough stock."

If the currency depreciates, though worth little, at least people can still buy things. However, if there isn't enough stock, then one will not manage to buy anything even if they wave their money in the air.

Su Han leisurely walked around, taking it as just a night walk. After walking for forty whole minutes, she finally discovered a small shop that managed to escape the wave of shelve sweeping.

"What do you need?" The shop keeper greeted her.

Su Han paused. In reality, she'd already stocked up quite a lot of things. Only, who'd be mad about having too many things? Of course the more it was the better.

She already had 100 bars of soap, 100 bottles of mineral water, 10 buttered meat floss buns, 10 medical bandages, 5 boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, 70 packs of metal beads (100 beads per pack), 3 catapults. As well as 1 bottle of milk and 1 piece of black bread.

"I want ten bars of soap." Food and water could be obtained from her job's skill. Since medicines couldn't be found, Su Han decided to continue stocking up on daily necessities.

The shop keeper quickly brought the soap out. "8 bay a piece, 80 total."

As Su Han paid, she couldn't help sighing. When she went to the market in the morning, a piece of soap was merely 5 bay. Now, at night, the price immediately changed into 8 bay. While she actually felt lucky to be able to find a place to buy soap.

She's probably insane.

Even though that's what she was thinking, Su Han immediately bought some toothbrush, toothpaste and towels, spending all of her money at one go.

After an exhausting day, her cleanliness dropped to 53, looking as if it was about to turn to yellow. However, after using the toothpaste, toothbrush and towel, her cleanliness instantly recovered and turned into 98.

Lying on her bed, Su Han quickly entered into dreamland after finishing a bowl of noodles.

It's a brand new day tomorrow.


At 8:30 am the next morning, Su Han started work on time. As it was still early, there weren't too many customers in the shop and it wasn't busy. While greeting the customers, she paid attention to listen in on their conversation.

At the table in the corner sat a few women who were eating noodles while airing out their complaints.

"Yesterday afternoon, after getting off work I didn't even have time to eat before rushing to the supermarket. Good thing I arrived early or else I wouldn't be getting nothing."

"I went to the supermarket too. I had to queue for one whole however before it was my turn at the cashier."

"All the friends I know are anxiously their cash into solid products, all of them simply can't be more frantic. It made my heart lift to my throat too. This can't do, I'll immediately go and buy some supplies to stock them in my house."

"I heard that the shelves in the supermarket were filled back up today, I've got to quickly buy some food and drinks back. Yesterday, the nearly emptied shelves in the store gave me a good scare."

The supermarket's shelves are refilled, huh? Su Han thought, this is good news.

Alas before she could be relieved for long, at 9 on the clock, the system's robotic voice once again sounded. "Day 2, the price of goods continue inflating by 50%."

However, this time around, the amount of milk and black bread in her personal storage space didn't increase.

Suddenly, the woman eating noodles waved her over, "Young lady, these noodles taste pretty nice, help me get another one as a takeaway."

Before Su Han could say anything, the proprietress spoke, "Takeaway is okay, however, it's 23 bay for a bowl."

The woman was very dissatisfied. I just ordered a bowl. Isn't it 15 bay?"

The proprietress had an emotionless look on her face, "Just now is just now, now is now, the price is different."

The woman couldn't say anything else and just left it at that, embarrassed.

After the woman left, the proprietress said to Su Han, "I'll go and replenish stock, you'll stay and look after the shop," before leaving in a hurry.

Su Han estimated that the proprietress us probably afraid that the price of flour is going to continue growing, so she urgently needs to replenish. Well, who knows how much shell mange to buy.

The proprietress returned to the noodle shop at 3pm. Only, her expression wasn't too good. "I bought two sacks of flour. Let's just do with it first, I'll find other ways."

One sack of flour is enough to make two hundred bowls of noodles, two sacks… it can probably let the shop continue operating on for 5-6 days.

"Mm." Su Han acknowledged. Only, she was thinking, the system's rules say that there's going to be pernicious inflation, so what can they do?

After receiving her salary at night, Su Han found that the supermarket was emptied again. With no other choice, she could only go and look for the small shop. Unfortunately, this round, the small shop hidden away in a corner wasn't very well off either. When she arrived, much of the supplies were cleaned out somehow.

"13 bay per bar of soap, I only have 15 left. However, I've got to at least leave five for my own use and am selling ten bars at most." The shop keeper told her.

Su Han had a cold look on her face. Yeah right, saying that as if she can afford to buy ten bars of soap!

"I want seven bars of soap. As for the rest…" After looking around for a while, Su Han finally couldn't resist asking for help. "What do you have here that 9 bay can buy?"

The shop keeper pursed his lips. "Bottled milk. It's exactly 9 bay, no more no less."

"Then I'll have seven bars of soap and a bottle of milk!" Su Han decided.

After dinner, Su Han used two bars of soap to return her cleanliness to 100. Flipping over and over on the bed, Su Han couldn't manage to fall asleep. The difficulty of the game seemed to be more than she expected. She felt like with every day that passed, the difficulty seemed to multiply.