

The world’s first VR survival game is finally going online. The officials took the chance to host the first limitless survival competition to promote it. As a survivalist, Su Han eagerly signed herself up. How to survive pernicious goods inflation? How to survive natural disasters? How to continue surviving when trapped on an abandoned island? Facing all sorts of difficulties, Su Han smoothly dealt with them all. Along the way, she pulled a like-minded partner with her, surviving till the end with him.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


At 9 the next morning, the system sounded right on time. "Day 3, the price of goods continue inflating by 50%."

Su Han froze. What did it mean for prices to increase by 50%? The price of noodles in the noodle shop is 23 a bowl, if it increased, then it would become 35 a bowl.

Which also meant, working a day in the shop, the salary she received wasn't even worth as much as the three meals that entered her stomach.

Of course, if she thought of it more optimistically, with three meals a day included, that was equivalent to her getting double the salary.

"I'm going to die! Ugh, they're not letting us have a way to live!" The proprietress was terribly anxious. She said she was going to think of a way, but she still had no idea even after thinking about it for a long time. Able to get a sack of flour was something extremely difficult.

Su Han stayed quiet and only silently did her work. It would be her turn to leave when the noodle shop can't hold on.

In the evening, though feeling that the small shop wouldn't have anything left, she still held the slightest bit of hope and took a trip there.

In the end, as expected, the shop keeper replied, "20 bay per bar of soap, it's long sold out."

"What else is there in the shop?" Su Han wanted to spend all of her money.

"Well, food, drinks, anything to use, I have none of it." The shop keeper's reply was very blunt.

Su Han: …

What else can she say? She can only resign to her fate.

"The products were long cleared out in the afternoon. You're here so late, of course there isn't going to be anything left." The shop keeper couldn't resist adding.

Su Han spread out her arms, feeling extremely helpless. "No choice, I've got to go to work. It's from morning to night, I just got some free time."

Seeing that Su Han is a young girl, the shop keeper didn't have the heart to just disappoint Su Han like that and finally pointed a way out for her. "Know the supermarket? They should be restocking every day at six in the morning. If you get there early enough, you should be able to buy some daily necessities."

Pausing, he finally couldn't resist grumbling "Speaking of it, why'd you buy all that soap for?"

"Stocking up on goods." Su Han blinked, then seriously said, "I'm afraid that goods will stop getting replenished afterwards so I want to stock up more at home." Even though in the eyes of NPCs, a bar of soap can last for half a month, however to players, they used the bars one at a time. I

t would be gone in an instant.

"It's exactly because people with such ideas are too many that there is a lack of daily necessities!" The shop keeper shook his head, feeling like hoarding of supplies is a terrible sort of behaviour.

Su Han didn't continue speaking. She smiled and left.

On the fourth day of the game, she woke up bright and early to hurry towards the supermarket and start purchasing.

Who knew that there were quite a few people with similar thoughts. The supermarket was filled with people early in the morning and was incredibly packed. The instant the shop assistant put the goods on the shelve, people would swarm towards it and sweep it off the shelf.

Su Han was quick enough to snatch five bars of soap. She used all her strength to squeeze out of the sea of people, heading towards the cashier to pay. And then… she saw a queue over a dozen metres long.

For an instant, in the depths of Su Han's heart, she was about to breakdown. However, there was no other way. If she wanted to buy the soap she could only get in line. After one hour and twenty minutes, Su Han walked out of the supermarket with 5 bars of soap in hand.

Back at the noodle shop, the proprieties was full of worries and wouldn't stop muttered something.

Su Han didn't bother her. She made some noodles for breakfast before starting work.

At 9am, the system's robotic voice rang out like the knell of death, "Day 4, the price of goods continue to inflate by 75%." The rate of inflating has not only not slowed down, instead, it was getting faster and faster.

Placing at her personal storage space, Su Han found that she once again received the milk+black bread set meal.

The proprietress took a deep breath, before slowly saying, "I need to talk with you."

"Please tell." Su Han looked cute and obedient. But in reality, she already knew what they were going to talk about. She already had a vague premonition in her heart… a bowl of noodles is 61 bay, with her daily salary, she's about to not be able to afford it.

However, reality proved that the proprietress was still very generous. Using a discussing tone, she said, "I'll stop paying your salary. Every day I'll provide two meals, lunch and dinner, what do you think?"

"No problem." Su Han immediately agreed, seeming very good to talk to. However in reality she was clear that finding a job was very difficult, the salary one worked hard to earn might not even be able to buy the appropriate supplies. If she thought about it that way, then, that the proprietress was willing to provide two meals was already great treatment.

"Can things please quickly return to normal, I'm about to die." The proprietress couldn't resist grumbling.


On the 5th day, prices inflate by 75%.

On the 6th day, prices inflate by 75%.

On the 7th day, prices inflate by 100%.

In just three days, the price of a bowl of noodles had increased to 375 bay.

While right at this moment, worse news arrived. "As there is a lack of ingredient, numerous production companies have announced bankruptcy. Their workers have lost their work."